A Demi-God's rest

"Hey guys, what i miss?" Zylon asked behind them, carrying Dialoco bridal style. All of them turned towards the Demi-God. Zylon stood there, his bright red blood dripping onto the floor, cuts and scrapes all over his body. His suit jacket gone, shirt ripped in half. Purple and red bruises marking his skin like cheetah print.

Swano stared at Zylon and Dialoco in disbelief, them being here can only mean one thing. Her eyes began to water. But she refuse to give this former acholic the pleasure of seeing her teardrops fall from her eyes. She would sooner snap her own neck.

She punched the ground so hard that cracks formed beneath her and with reckless abandon of her senses in the pursuit of vengeance, she charged the Demi-God before the other two Gods could do anything about it.

"Hold on yall, give me a second." Zylon told them as he placed Dialoco down on the ground and grabbed Swano's hand and take her back to the colosseum where Lafarious laid. Swano was disorientated by the speed of which she was carried but that quickly dissipated when she lay her eyes on her beloved. She saw the dark blood pool around her husband, he was impaled in three places. His right arm, his leg and his chest.

"Oh no...my sweet beautiful Lafari!" Swano cried out as she ran over to him and got down on her knees.

"I'm alright my dear golden rose." He told her, weakly smiling. He hated that he worried her, He opened a portal beneath him and he felled into the springs of Xanan.

Swano took one last glare at the Demi-God.

"I swear upon everything I stand for, you will pay for this." Swano told him, there was pure malice in her voice.

"I'm a little short on cash at the moment." Zylon told her, his face tried to remain expressionless but he couldn't help but crack a smile. Swano didn't even give him a response as she jumped into the portal as well.

"Whatever, it was funny." Zylon said to himself as the crowd cheered harder for the Demi-God. He raised his fist in the air as Mr.Z appeared to him in a poof of green smoke.

He held out a microphone which was weird to the Demi-God considering it wasn't plugged in.

"So Zylon after that amazing match! How are you feeling? Can you tell me your thoughts after beating Lafarius, you must be feeling proud." Mr.Z said, his voice ampiflied through the microphone and could be heard all the way from outside the stadium.

Zylon only said one sentence.

"Who next?" Zylon said confidently before speeding off back to the club. Leaving behind the adoring crowd, the fact he could still hear cheering of his name halfway back to the club made him smile.

Zylon laid against the couch, the cool leather being a pleasant surprise for his aching....everything. Dialoco shakily pours himself a drink, spilling a little on the table. He gulped the whiskey down in one go.

"Don't worry it going to be a while before you hear from him again." Zylon said in an attempt to soothe the owner's ragged nerves.

"Easy for you to say, we don't know what he thinking? What if he was just letting me go for now only to have me killed at a later date?! Oh god what if I were secretly poisoned and that why he let me go?!" Dialoco realized that he just gulped down whiskey that could have easily been poisoned so he tried to stick his fingers down his throat. Zylon grabbed his hand.

"Trust me, Lafarius didn't seem like the type to go back on his word." He told him.

"What makes you so sure?" Dialoco asked urgently.

"Well to steal a line from my best friend in the whole realm Garwik. Through battle, more can be said than words ever could." Zylon told him, Dialoco calmed down a little bit.

"Yeah okay, that sounds like something of those books that you read in the opposite way." Dialoco noted somberly.

"Manga?" Zylon asked.

"That the one!" Dialoco confirmed as he took out a handkerchief and wiped his forehead and took a deep breath.

"Alright...I trust you. So now what?" Dialoco asked of Zylon. Before the Demi-God could answer, someone burst through the door. They both turn to see Uniqula standing there.

"Oh thank all the Gods that I don't worship you still alive!!!" She said happily, tears streaming down her face as she ran to hug her boss.

"Hey now, I didn't think you be this happy to see me." Dialoco said, very surprised at this turn of events.

"Who else is going to pay me?" Uniqula joked causing the two to laugh.

Zylon thought of what Dialoco asked, he was sure this wasn't the last he seen of Lafarius and Swano.

"And there still the issue of them now having a pint of my blood. Don't even want to know what they're going to use that for. But it can't be good." Zylon thought, he heard another voice in his head, it was a ruff and warm voice.

"Hey kiddo. I saw what happen. You doing ok?" His father asked, clearly concerned.

"I had worse days. At least I was able to save Dialoco and others from the Bos-Lafarius's wrath." Zylon said in his head, a small smile on his face. Dialoco look back to the man who saved his life only to find him gone.

Zylon look around, his fists up ready for another fight but he found himself standing before his parents, he was in their living room which was a blend of classic and modern aesthetics. A fireplace warmed the room, the walls was a sleek black, There was a large flat screen mounted on the wall that was playing a reality tv show about thirteen convicts trapped in a city, Myraniss found his reaction understandable and Ruthskarr had to stifle his laughter. His parents stood before him. Myraniss with her long indigo colored hair that was usually tied into a pony tail was loose and curly. Her rich black skin shone by the fire as she just got back from a simple matter. she made sure that the Titan Of Darkness learned it lesson about trying to destroy the realm as any respectable God would do. She was wearing a simple long sleeve white shirt and a long pastel purple skirt. Her eyes that Zylon semi-inherited that was usually covered for everybody else sanity was in full view. Her pastel purple eyes may have looked ordinary on first glance but upon closer inspection they were simply magnificent. Her pupils seemed to be infinite like a MC Escher Painting. And if you look into her eyes you will see your entire life flash before you and how you would eventually leave this plane of existence.

Ruthskarr was wearing his dress shirt, another long day at the museum of Extraordinary History and Heroics in Glory, Illinois. But even his black dress shirt couldn't contain the fact this Demi-God was ripped. How could he not be? When he the Hero of Legend that stopped an Goddess and her entire army from invading his realm single handily? When his mother was Satrina, Goddess of the Hunt and His other mother Caxen was a barbarian beauty who could lift an entire elephant? His blonde hair was also something Zylon inherited, it rested neatly on his shoulders. His tan skin and smile that could disarm a entire military operation was something to behold.

"I know, I just wanted to say that I'm very proud of you. You come such a long way." Ruthskarr told his son, Myraniss smiled as she placed a hand on Zylon's shoulder.

Zylon felt a tearful smile come to his face, being surrounded by his parents who loved him. Call him sappy but this was one of the best feelings in the world.

"I want you to come with me to modern realm." He told his son.

Zylon was confused for a moment.

"I haven't been back there in ages, it would be nice to run around and see what had changed since we were gone." Zylon said, remembering his adventures in that world. How he was a messenger in a war for Androcien, Goddess of Knowledge so that she could give him the third book of a series that Garwik loved.

"No my son, he talking about the other Earth." Myraniss broke the news to him gently as she healed his various wounds, in no time his body was back to full health and his suit was repaired. She saw the color slowly drained from his face.

"I-I can't. I-" Zylon couldn't get the right words out as to why this would be a bad idea.

"I understand why you feel this way, but look there this special event coming up at the Del Villa tower in Glory and they want me to talk about the history of this building that was named after your friend. I know that you may have some reservations about this but you need to stop punishing yourself. " Ruthskar told him firmly.

Zylon nodded, still not entirely convinced this was a good idea. But he stopped for a moment, have he truly changed? If he was to deny this request now that would be a blatant refusal to confront his past actions.

"Ok I will go. There someone i need to see." Zylon told his parents who understood.

He turned to his mother who was simply smiling.

"Thank you for what you said to me back there." Zylon said gratefully.

"Oh don't mention it, i knew you just needed some words of encouragement, we all do from time to time." She told him.

"Was that a pun?" Zylon asked unsure.

"Just because I'm Goddess of time doesn't mean every time-no it wasn't." Myraniss confirms, she couldn't help herself from giggling a little bit. Which made her husband and son burst out in laughter.

Zylon knew that there was one more step if he wanted to truly change. And he is ready to face the past and finally move forward.