Three Automations vs Three Stooges OR what happen during The HoneyBrawl

Nazolo collapses on the ground as Zylon got down the stairs or more accurately felled down the stairs.

"Nazolo! You alright?" Klon asked of the masked man who was sitting up on a knee, trembling. Radam placed a hand on Nazolo's shoulder.

"You wanna sit this one out?" Radam asked concerned of Nazolo's wellbeing. His ability to create illusions was a useful one but it was dangerous for the masked man if the illusions became complex and lasted too long. He start to have seizures.

Nazolo stood up slowly. He will finish this and they will get back in good graces with the Boss again. They already escape Thermes's grasp and like hell they were going back.

"Come on guys, I'll be fine." Nazolo said, struggling to get back on his two feet without tipping over.

"Just...don't push yourself harder than you need to, alright?" Radam advised, clearly concerned.

The Boss watched intrigued, he admired these three for their utter commitment to each other, despite their incessant arguing and occasional failures. And although he wouldn't admit it outright, they reminded him of his younger self and his two friends that had long since went to Thermes.

Radam turn to the boss.

"Well go after him, but do try not to disrupt my wife performance." The Boss noted. Radam nodded and they headed out, Klon carefully helping Nazolo by putting his arm around his shoulder and helping him walk.

The Boss sighed, he walked out the door, he wasn't worried about Myraniss or Ruthskarr, the hero of legend giving him trouble. He had already made a deal with someone that can blink in his direction and make him live a thousand deaths, each one more painful than the last. He wasn't scared of no two-bit goddess or her glorified demi god husband.

Nazolo started to feel better as he and his comrades bounded the stairs, Radam noticing the rich red blood on the marble white floor at the end of the stairs. It was safe to say that Zylon face-planted.

"Man, i would've love to see that!" Radam exclaimed happily to himself.

They went out the door and saw the dancefloor, and the bar where the current demi-god was at. He was talking to a golden warrior, a fat mint-green automation and a rather cute looking pink assistant.

"Crap, Radam I think we need to be ready for a three on three." Klon warned him as Radam smacked his lips.

"We can handle three heaps of scrap metal, hopefully." He said the last part quietly.

"We can handle them together, remember our motto! If we don't win, we will get our heads crushed in like grapes!" Nazolo said confidently, feeling a little woozy but managing to stand upright through sheer willpower.

Radam saw the cute pink assistant walking up to them, they paused. No reason to turn this into a fight, especially when she was cleary an metal automation.

"Shit, she and those other two was definitely created by that cuckold god Malakai." Radam said quietly to his friends.

"Excuse me you fine gentlemen, but are you planning to dance?" The pink assistant said happily as she eyed the three as if sizing them up.

Nazolo stepped forward.

"Why yes, you know when I was a kid I always wanted to be a dancer, now my new goal is to become an musical artist, I guess I always had a thing for the-"

"ACTIVATING SMOKE BOMB!" The pink assistant yelled out as she put out her hand in the face of Nazolo. A hole opened in her pink palm and a thick dark smoke came out.

Radam and Klon covered their eyes and mouth. Their friend Nazolo was not so lucky.

"KACK DAMNIT I WAS GOING TO DO THAT AH YOU BEAT UGHHAW TO THE-" Nazolo couldn't finish the sentence as he felled the floor, coughing.

"Oh shit." Klon said.

"You're going to pay-" Radam stopped as he saw around ten mecha automations surround them. The Pink mecha assistant looked around happily.

"Hello my...I guess you would be my cousins, wouldn't you?" She greeted as she looked them over.

"Oh shit, whelp we're screwed twenty ways through Sunday." Radam said sadly as he put his hands up.

"WE'RE SCREWED!" Klon cried out, just like a barreling dragon coming to collect his food. Big Ray, the Gollum rammed through the metal automations, sending them flying as he went to check on Kelias.

"Oh no, are you guys alright?!" The pink assistant asked to her cousins as the big fat green one and the golden physical specimen came over to her aid.

"WE'RE SLIGHTLY LESS SCREWED THAN WE INITALLY THOUGHT" Nazolo yelled out as he coughed up some flehm from his chest.

"Listen, just let us go." Klon said calmly as he placed his hands up.

"Why should we do that?" Jag asked.

"Besides it not too often we get into a fight!" Rickter said happily.

Just then a loud crash broke their attention, The six of them turned to see the boss had been punched into the kitchen by that cuckold God.

"BOSS!" Radam yelled out.

"YEAH MALAKAI! Never seen him punch someone that hard since Apollo." Rickter said, eyeing the crazy ass spectacle.

"You three should surrender peacefully, there is no reason to fight." Jag said calmly as he stepped forward.

"Oh you ain't got one? Well I do." Klon said, pointing at the golden automation.

"What is it?" Almonda asked cursioly.

"Well-" Klon pulled out a smoke bomb from his jacket and throw it on the ground.

"BUSTA MOVE." Klon yelled out to the two, running away only to run face first into one of the security automation from earlier, Knocking himself out cold.

Radam look at the situation unfolding and laid down on the ground, right next to Nazolo. The smoke bomb that Klon threw puffed out a pathetic cloud of smoke.

"Damnit Klon you cheap bastard." Radam said as he laid on the ground with his hands behind his back.

"I honestly feel bad for them." Almonda said sympathetically.

"Well how about we just babysit the three until the guards come." Rickter suggested as he finishes his beer.

Jag nodded, some of the metal automations came right over and formed around the group again. One of them stepped forward and address Jag.

"Mr.Jag, Ms.Almonda, Mr.Rickter, our creator Malakai has put us under your leadership, two of us are checking in on Zylon as we speak." The security automation stated to their new bosses.

"You two, watch over this group." Jag commanded the two automations who nodded.

"You there, help Mr.Malaka-" Almonda was about to command the one who was comforting the succubus earlier.

A bright orange spark distracted her as saw what she presumed to be the Boss on fire and her creator Malakai holding his hand out.

"Never mind!" Almonda said sweetly.

They saw the Boss disappeared into another portal.

"Ripped that off from Cheelege." Rickter said unimpressed.

Jag watched the orc woman with the admittedly gorgeous hair as she sauntered off stage and did some vocal exercises. He had a bad feeling that the rest of the automations noticed as well.

The three automations heard the sweet singing voice of Swano and suddenly found themselves in complete darkness. 

Radam look around, There were those two punk ass Gods just standing there as Swano sung her heart out. He breathed out a sigh of relief as he knows what Swano was doing. He only ever heard stories about this ability of hers. But to see it in person was honestly a little underwhelming.

Not that he would say that out loud of course, give him some credit.

He look to the left to see Nazolo slowly lifting his head up, still coughing from earlier. He put himself up in a sitting position and lifted up his mask to breathe a little better.

Radam took a look to the right to see Klon, still knocked the hell out.

"Let get the hell out of this joint. Help me carry this cheap bastard." Radam asked of Nazolo who nodded and grabbed Klon by the shoulders. They slowly began to move out of the club area and into the hallway.

" get the damn bombs with your money then...." Klon said seemingly passed out.

"if there is a next time...if there is a next time." Radam said sadly, more to himself realizing that the group may not live to see the end of the week.

Such was life he supposed.