Sky bound encounter


"Yes, sir. I took her to the other jet, the blue one," Tatiana explained. 


Muya rubbed his temples, feeling a surge of anxiety as he realized the mistake. 


"That's my brother's personal jet. No one else can board with him. Call them and get her down, quickly!" he instructed urgently, his voice tinged with worry. 

"I'm afraid we can't, sir," Tatiana replied, her voice trembling with unease, conveying the tension in the air.

"I'm afraid. Your brother's jet left ten minutes ago."


Tatiana confessed, her words landing heavily on Muya like a sudden blow and sending a shockwave through him. The reality of the situation hit him like a tidal wave, flooding him with a mix of panic and disbelief.


Muya's eyes widened with disbelief. "Stridha?" he repeated, his heart sinking as he grasped the gravity of the situation.