Whispers of the heart

Benjamin's pov 


As Benjamin carefully lowered her onto the soft, lavender-scented sheets, a whirlwind of emotions cascaded through him like a stormy sea. The air was thick with anticipation, mingled with the sweet fragrance of jasmine candles flickering softly on the nightstand.


"Are you comfortable?" he asked softly within him, his voice laced with a mixture of concern and tenderness barely above the whisper.

the weight of his gaze upon her searching and questioning. His touch was gentle and tentative, as if he feared breaking some fragile spell that hung between us.


"It's just... I can't shake this feeling," Benjamin murmured, his brow furrowed in thought. "Being here with you in this moment, it's like standing at the edge of something vast and unknown."

A tumult of emotions surged within him, leaving him puzzled and introspective.