
I couldn't help but smile at Benjamin's audacious remark, "It's not like you can blow it from here."

The suggestive undertone of his words lingered in my mind, tempting me to entertain the idea of googling it for a moment of amusement.

"Erica?" Muya's calm voice broke through my reverie, reminding me of my surroundings.

"Shoot, I spaced out again," I thought, quickly composing myself.

"It's nothing, really. I'm just starving, Muya," I replied with a dismissive wave of hand, eager to divert attention away from my momentary lapse.

As we joined the table, I focused on the meal, my hunger driving me to devour the food before us.

The surprised glances from the others didn't escape my notice, but I remained undeterred, relishing the flavors that filled my senses.

Shelly's throat clearing drew my attention, and her words brought a hint of tension to the air.