Entangled: Playing with fire

As Victoria left the room, a heavy silence descended, punctuated only by the soft sound of the clock on the wall. Benjamin's hand enveloped mine, his touch grounding me in the midst of my exhaustion and uncertainty.


"Come with me," he whispered, his voice a quiet murmur as he led me towards the balcony. Despite my weariness, I followed without protest, understanding the importance of the conversation that lay ahead.


The cool night air washed over us as we stepped onto the balcony, the dark sky overhead. Benjamin turned to face me, his expression serious but tinged with a hint of vulnerability.


"I know you're tired, Erica," he began, his voice soft but resolute. "But there's something we need to talk about."

I nodded, my exhaustion momentarily forgotten as I focused on his words. "I understand," I replied, my voice equally solemn. "What is it?"