Torn hearts

As Penny's cries echoed through the room, I hurried to soothe her, feeling her small body warm and fragile in my arms. Her wails pierced the quiet, a reminder of the life and responsibilities that now defined my world. Rocking her gently, I hummed a lullaby, hoping to calm her distress.


Just then, my phone buzzed on the nightstand, the screen lighting up with a new email notification. Balancing Penny in one arm, I reached over and opened the email, my heart sinking as I read its contents.


"Dear Erica,

We hope you are doing well. This is a reminder to inform us of your decision regarding your employment status. Please clearly state whether you intend to quit or continue with your duties.

Best regards, HR Department"



The words stared back at me, demanding a decision I wasn't ready to make. I felt the weight of my career hanging in the balance, juxtaposed against the new, profound responsibility of motherhood.