The Age Of Great Pirates!!

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After Kaido and Garp collided and hit each other, they stopped fighting.

For a while, the two sides were in a stalemate.

Garp seemed to have vented all his anger in that punch, and he ate the donuts he hadn't eaten in a long time with a sullen expression.

After a long time, Sengoku still asked with an angry face:

"Kaido, what are you doing here? If you want to fight... I don't mind sending you to the prison again!"

"Wo ro ro ro ro..." Kaido sneered and temporarily stopped in his tracks.

"Stop talking nonsense that makes people laugh, Sengoku! Do I still need to tell you what I want to do?"

"It seems that you came here on purpose to cause trouble?" Sengoku ripped off his Fleet Admiral's coat, revealing his extremely strong muscles.

Akainu and others behind him also entered combat mode instantly.

"Don't be so nervous; I'm just here to see Roger for the last time and see him off!"

Kaido looked at the Marines who were preparing for the battle with a sneer on his face.

"See him off? That's fine! We will let you see your fate in advance..."

Sengoku looked coldly and stopped talking to Kaido.

The most important thing now is to execute Roger.

As long as Roger is successfully executed in front of the whole world, Marine's reputation will greatly increase, and the era of Marine will come!!

He yelled at the live Den Den Mushi.


The discussion in the square stopped, and the world's attention returned to Roger.

Everyone waited with bated breath for the final judgment.

In front of everyone's eyes, the two marines who escorted Roger to the execution platform forced Roger to kneel on the ground before pulling out their sword.

Their expression was extremely indifferent, as if they were used to seeing life and death!

Even when facing Roger, they still maintain a very serious professionalism.

In the square, Roger's smile became brighter under the gaze of countless people.

The moment that determines history has finally arrived!

In mid-air, Kaido, who was hovering in the wind, suddenly shouted something downwards that everyone wanted to ask.

"Hey! Roger… where is your treasure? Where did you hide the one piece, which is known as the world's greatest treasure?"

Kaido suddenly broke the extreme silence. 

In the square below, the hearts of people from all over the world suddenly accelerated.

The scene suddenly became chaotic!!!

"Roger the conqueror of the sea, where is your treasure!"

"Roger… Say it!"

"Does one piece really exist?"

"Are you planning to take all your treasures to your grave?"

"That legendary one piece!!"

The people below, both civilians and pirates, roared with all their strength; their expressions became fiery, and their desire for one piece surpassed everything else.

That is the treasure that Roger accumulated in his life, including the treasure he got on the final island!

The scene began to riot, and the roars of the crowd could no longer stop.

When the Marines on the platform heard Kaido's question, their expression changed drastically.

They instantly thought of the terrible consequences if this one piece was spoken out!

"Kill him, execute Roger quickly!" Sengoku's eyes were about to burst, and he roared loudly in anger!

Roger grinned and glanced at the executioners' two swords.

After using up the last strength of his life, Roger shouted out a sentence that changed the era after putting the two executioners into a moment of confusion with his Conqueror Haki.

"Want my treasure?"

"If you want it, just go to the sea and look for it!!! Everything I have is placed there!!!"

Roger's last words in his life, a voice that shocked the times, spread to every corner of the sea through the video Den Den Mushi that connected the world.

The ears of hundreds of thousands of people throughout Loguetown echoed with these words that could arouse endless desires in their hearts.

There was silence, and there was not a single audible sound.

Everyone in the world was shocked and speechless by Roger's last words.

After a few seconds, the two executioners finally came to their senses and stabbed Roger with fierce looks in their eyes!


At this moment, Roger ended his glorious life in Loguetown!

But it's already too late!!


"One piece...!!"

"It really exists!!!"

"Don't stop me!"

"Go to sea! I want to go to sea!!"

"I must find one piece!!"

"Get out of my way!!"

"The one-piece is mine...."

"One piece, I'm coming!!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

"I want to become the next conqueror of the sea; no, I want to become the Pirate King!!"


Everyone started making a noise like crazy, and many people rushed to the port, almost crazily.

Every corner of the sea is a spectacle of people rushing to go out to sea. Some people even abandon their wives and children and all their property.

Roger's last words started the craziest era!

"Wo ro ro ro ro!"

Kaido looked down at the crowds of people rushing towards the port like a tide, and suddenly, he shook his head and laughed.

This is the era of violence that Roger sacrificed his life for, and the air is filled with a fascinating smell.

Freedom, dreams, ambitions?

Wealth, power, fame—those who want all these are following the trends of the times!

The happy Kaido did not intend to continue the fun and looked deeply at Roger's grinning corpse.

The hovering dragon's body turned around and left.


Sengoku was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger.

The blood vessels on his forehead were thickened from being suppressed as if they were about to burst at any time. He clenched his fists tightly and had the idea of pulling Roger out and whipping his corpse.

Looking at Kaido leaving, his eyes were both angry and helpless.

Even if there are many strong Marines here, there is nothing they can do against Kaido!!

All the Marine executives behind Sengoku looked unhappy.

With Roger's words, the era of big marines that they were looking forward to has become a dream, and the more terrifying era of pirates has completely arrived!

"Go back to Marine Headquarters!" Sengoku gritted his teeth and suppressed his anger.

"Mobilize troops to intercept at the Sabaody Archipelago, and let these damn pirates go to Impel Down for the rest of their lives!"

Errors in decision-making caused events to move in the opposite direction as originally planned.

They were all holding back their anger!!

The Marines in Loguetown all returned to their warships and prepared to return to Marine Headquarters across the Calm Belt.


No update tomorrow, once-a-week rest day.