Big Mom Pirates

"No!! I don't want to be a pirate anymore; please let me go!"


The frightened pirates knelt on the ground on the spot; their limp bodies were unable to stand up again.

The few pirate ships at the end saw the tragic situation ahead and quickly turned around and fled... back to their hometown.

Have they never considered the danger of becoming a pirate on a whim?

Whitebeard watched them leave, not even bothering to move his hands.

This kind of thing probably destroyed both their body and soul, leaving behind heavy sequelae.

From now on, every time they hear Whitebeard's name, they will be scared to death.

The killings continued for hours.

The broken pirate ship floated in the blood-red current.

Of the hundreds of ships, half escaped, and the other half were sunk.

Whitebeard even saw the Donquixote Family's ship coming from East Blue.

However, Doflamingo was very sensible and did not come up to watch the battle. They turned around and left without stopping at all as soon as they saw Moby Dick.

Time has passed, and a few more minor events happen!

The Great Pirate Age has been completely pushed to its peak, and Roger's words echo everywhere in the sea.

Countless people bid farewell to their relatives and friends before embarking on the path of pirates.

The news that Whitebeard went on a killing spree at the entrance to the Grand Line spread all over the world, but nothing could stop their enthusiasm.

The whole world is going crazy!!

After the Marines returned to Marineford, they quickly held a meeting to eliminate the remaining crew members of the Roger Pirates.

Everyone who has come into contact with Roger will be exterminated.

In anger, the World Government directly sent a ship to Water 7 to arrest Tom, the most skilled shipwright in the world who built the Oro Jackson.

Because he built Roger's pirate ship, he was charged with assisting vicious criminals in committing crimes.

However, Tom, who was sentenced to death, directly proposed the idea of building a sea train to atone for his sin.

After Enies Lobby obtained the consent of the World Government, Tom's sentence was changed to ten years of probation as a bargaining chip for immunity.

Except for Tom, the World Government noticed that none of Roger's crew showed up.

Not even one of them appeared in Roger's execution square.

At this moment, someone in the World Government actually suspected that Roger had left a bloodline in the year and a half since he disappeared.

With great fanfare, the World Government began to gather troops to go to South Blue to investigate all pregnant women, hoping to nip the sinful bloodline in the cradle.

Wano, Onigashima.

Kaishu drank leisurely on the recliner while reading the latest newspaper with great interest.

On the headline position is the sentence "Searching for the Worst Bloodline— Roger's Son."

The newspaper analyzed that Roger had done something in the year and a half since he disappeared, and he must have left his bloodline somewhere in the sea.

He was last seen in South Blue before his arrest.

If Roger's son, who has inherited such a heinous blood, really exists, he will definitely bring great harm to the sea in the future.

Adhering to the belief that it is better to believe that there is something than to believe that there is nothing, Marines quickly sent troops to search the entire South Blue.

Vice-Admiral Garp, the Naval Hero who is both Roger's enemy and friend, volunteered to be the search commander.

"Garp is one of Roger's few true friends." Kaishu smiled coldly.

He knew everything about what Garp had done, and he simply believed that although Roger was guilty, his son was innocent.

In addition to Roger's instructions before his death, he wanted to keep it.

But how big is South Blue?

The range is many times larger than the entire Grand Line.

In such a huge range, it is too difficult to find a pregnant woman who appeared this year.

However, how many innocent people will be harmed by the World Government that prefers to kill by mistake?

No one knows!!

Once any negative news appears, it will be suppressed!

They hold great righteousness, and no matter how crazy things they do, they do it all for the sake of justice.

Under this banner, everything seems to be going smoothly.

On the other hand, if a pirate does it, their notoriety will spread the next day, and even adults will use it to scare children.

This is a matter of stance. There is absolutely no such thing as justice among pirates.

Doflamingo said something: Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous?

These terms have always changed throughout the course of history!

Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values!

Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right!

This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!

However, Kaishu has a different point of view from him. He believes that justice is what he thinks is justice, rather than speaking from the vantage point of the winner.

Confusing right and wrong and calling a deer a horse?

Kaishu has always been dismissive of what others say, even if they are doing good things. But I insist that you are doing evil things. What can you do?

"Under such a difficult siege, even if Portgas D. Rouge has Garp's help intentionally or unintentionally, it will be difficult for her to escape... But she can still escape; this woman is really extraordinary!"

Kaishu thought about it carefully and suddenly felt that Portgas D. Rouge was unusual.

Roger came to South Blue and found Rouge after he became the conqueror of the sea.

So, there's no way Rouge doesn't know Roger.

Under such circumstances, she still dares to combine with Roger to create a descendant.

This is one of the unusual things.

Either she knows Roger, or.... she understands her mission.

The other point is a bit scary.

She was hiding from the Marine while carrying Ace.

Moreover, in order to hide Ace, she suppresses his birth, taking her twenty months of pregnancy to give birth.

This kind of thing has never been heard of in the sea. Kaishu often reads newspapers and records, but he has never seen such a situation in any news or historical records.

After much deliberation, he could only attribute this to the extraordinary nature of the D family, the natural enemies of God.

Anyone with a D in their name can excel at anything.

It's nothing to have some unusual abilities.

After reading the first news, he pondered for a moment before reading the next one.

Although this piece of news is not the headline, it is still exciting enough. It is written by Big News Morgan!

"Shocked: The legend is gradually passing away; Big Mom Pirates are expanding rapidly and are expected to become the new emperors of the sea!"


Kaishu snorted disdainfully: "She's not afraid of overeating!"

The territory left by the two emperors is too big and cannot be completely eaten up in a short time.

Even the Beasts Pirates cannot swallow this huge piece of cake completely. If the defensive strength is insufficient, the territory will be attacked.

So, Big Mom Pirates took this opportunity to seize Golden Lion and Roger's territory while very wisely avoiding Beasts Pirates.

They try to annex islands and sea areas far away from the control of Beasts Pirates.

Under the Beasts Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates…

Big Mom Pirates is indeed the most qualified to ascend to the position of emperor of the sea!!