Chapter 142

It looked like it could be a real time machine. I smirked, "this is so cool!"

"Damn right," Ben nodded, "want to go for a drive?"

"Hell yeah!" Johnny cried out.

Ben helped us get it into the industrial lift and take it down to the parking lot. I smiled as I took out the keys and put it into the ignition, pressing my thumbprint on the middle of the wheel, allowing the scanner to scan my thumb print.

"Welcome Peter," a robotic voice from the HUD called out.

Johnny grinned, "so it recognizes you."

I nodded, "yup. Alright you two, get in."

Johnny had to sit in the back while Ben sat forward, pushing his seat back all the way. The car began to topple towards his side, when suddenly the online system activated and the suspension began to work overtime to compensate for the weight.

"Warning, weight anomaly detected. Compensating now. Speed limited to 50 miles per hour," the robot voice called out.

"Thanks Doc," I smiled.

"Serious? You named the car's AI Doc?" Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Hey, it fits," Ben shrugged, "now come on! I want to see what this thing can do!"

I nodded as I put it into drive and pulled out of the basement into the open New York road. The traffic was not bad today, though we did end up stopping a few times. People looked at us, I didn't really mind, it was a well known fact Peter Parker worked with the FF, let them gawk.

"Hey Doc, put some rock and roll would you?" Johnny called out as he put on his shades. The music coming roaring out as he stretched and sighed, "yeah, this is the life."

I rolled my eyes as I pulled onto the bridge heading into Queens, the drive was now a lot faster. I could feel the wind going through my hair as I drove carefully across the giant metal bridge. And then on the other side I took a 'U' turn and headed straight back to the Baxter building.

As we drove back Johnny turned to me and grinned, "hey, want to use it?" he tapped the hand brake button gently, flipping it up to reveal a red button inside.

I grinned. Ben looked over in surprise, "what's that?"

"Oh nothing, just a little surprise we made," I grinned pressing the red button and suddenly the car started to hum.

"Flight mode engaged," the AI system stated, suddenly the car started to move upwards into the air.

"What the hell is going on?!" Ben cried out as the repulsors under the car kicked in, sending us flying up.

"Come on Ben! Like a little!" I laughed as I pressed on the accelerator, kicking the giant repulsor behind the car into overdrive, shooting us off the bridge and into the sky. I steer the steering wheel to pilot the car, grinning like a madman.

"Hey Pete, want to race?!" Johnny asked as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

"You're on!" I yelled. He opened the door and jumped out, flailing on in mid air as he took off, me following closely behind. We stayed out of the city, mostly flying above the East River. I grinned, this was amazing!

It was a great first drive.

Sue was pissed though. By the end of the day everyone in the city was claiming the FF had a flying car and Sue was getting calls all over the city from investors. She yelled at Johnny and me for like a hour before making me give her the blueprint for the engine I designed, she hoped this would make people less...jumpy.

Reed on the other hand loved my car design, he even got a new idea to make something similar. He dubbed it his summer side project and I got a feeling I knew what it was.

Johnny and Ben insisted on making a few more adjustments and more importantly getting the car registered with the state, it was after all heavily customized. We did avoid mentioning it being able to fly, leave a little something for ourselves.

By the end of the July I drove my new, improved and road legal DeLorean back home. When May saw it she nearly fainted. Kidding...kind off.

"Peter, how did you pay for all of this?!" Ben asked in horror.

"The FF had a lot of funds left over and a lot of toys that they didn't use. I just got Johnny and Ben to help me throw in some old scrap they had lying around, it's really not that big a deal, it looks way more expensive that it is," I lied easily. I should be worried I'm getting so good at this but...well, I am supposed to be a superhero. Lying comes with the job.

In the end they clamped down, Ben insisted I drive him around for a while. I should him all the new features and needless to say he was impressed. When I finished showing my aunt and uncle the car I figured the next best person would be my girlfriend.

I pulled up to her apartment and called her, telling her to come down. She did, wearing a pair of jeans and a leather jacket. She looked at me and the car and raised an amused eyebrow, "so, you finally went full nerd huh?"

"Hey, I'll have you know I've always been full nerd," I chuckled. I opened the car door and motioned for it, "want to go for a spin?"

Felicia smiled, "sure, why not. It's not going to like, stop half way right?"

I rolled my eyes, "Felicia, you insult me."

I took her around town for a bit, showing off all the cool new features. After a while Liz called her wanting to hang out, it was the perfect opportunity for me to show off the car, so Felicia told her we would be coming right away.

Chapter 159 in PDF




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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