Chapter 143

We pulled up to Liz's house and she practically ran out the door, "come on daddy! You have got to see this!"

"Oh what now Liz," an older man came walking out and stopped in his tracks seeing the DeLorean. I walked out and leaned on the hood of the car waving at Liz.

"Hey Liz, how's the summer?" I asked.

"You totally tricked this thing out!" Liz's father cried out before she even had a chance to answer, "what did you do to it?!"

It took me all afternoon to satisfy the man's curiosity. He was so excited, he insisted I let him drive it. I was reluctant, but after Liz begged me to let him, I agreed. He was like a kid of Disney World.

Later that night I showed the car to MJ and she was pissed she was the last one I showed. So in return I took her and the others out for dinner in a street shop in town.

As we ate our chilly dogs MJ gushed, "it's so spicy."

"I keep telling you not to eat it all at once," I rolled my eyes.

"The trick is limitations MJ," Felicia replied, "don't just swallow."

I snorted, "yeah, don't swallow. I don't usually say that though."

Felicia turned red as she smacked me up the head, "watch it!" I laughed as MJ and Liz tried to ignore the obvious perverse meaning.

"So," Liz called out, "you know who would have loved this thing?" she tapped the car's hood, "Jean."

MJ sighed, "yeah. How is she anyway?"

"From what I hear she's doing fine," Felicia shrugged, "kind of lonely though. It's only here, those adults we met and this Scott guy. She says they'll get more students soon, but she doesn't really know when."

I nodded munching on my chilly dog, "maybe we should visit her."

MJ blinked, "what?"

"What? Why not? It's what? A two hour drive from here? We can be there and back within a day if we want."

"Peter that's brilliant!" Liz cried out, "we should totally surprise her! This Saturday, what do you guys think?!"

MJ and Felicia didn't really seem to mind and I was the one who suggested, so we were all in agral. Getting permission from Ben and May was a little difficult, mostly because May didn't like the idea I could be so independent at such a young age, but Ben did convince her otherwise.

I did want to visit Jean, I didn't lie. But I also wanted to keep an eye on Xavier and see what he's doing. I don't trust the man, never did, and no, Patrick Stewart's amazing acting isn't going to convince me otherwise.

On Saturday we all meet up at my place at around 6 in the morning. I had packed up some clothes, in case of a Spider-man emergency, and lots food. MJ was the first to arrives, she came with her own bag of stuff and walked up to the car currently parked out on the driveway.

"Morning Red," I called out as I stretched the kinks out of my body.

"Morning Tiger," MJ put her stuff in the front, which we now used as a boot.

I got into the driver's seat and MJ sat besides me. We drove to pick up Liz and then Felicia. When Kitten arrived she insisted on sitting shotgun, but MJ just flipped her off saying she called shotgun. Felicia didn't like it, but she didn't really mind.

I drove out of the city, the morning traffic barely there to slow us down. Once we hit the highway the DeLorean sailed smoothly down the clear highway with music playing in the back.

"You know, you really should name this thing," Felicia said from behind.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, don't all the best cars have names?" Felicia asked.

"Well, I mean it's the DeLorean, what other name do you need?" Liz asked.

"How about….Dorothy?" MJ suggested.

"Something from this century please," Felicia rolled her eyes.

"Well it already has a name," I told them, "isn't that right Doc?"

"That is correct Peter," came my car's electronic voice.

"Woah!" MJ looked at the HUD, "you're car can talk!"

"Can you trick out my car Pete?" Liz asked.

I chuckled, "not sure, I used SHIELD assets to build this and wrote it off as a business expense." Liz pouted, but understood.

It was a nice two hour drive, we chatted, listened to the music, just relaxed to the smooth running engine of Doc. Finally we arrived at the gates of the Xavier mansion. I drove up to the gate and pressed the intercom.

"Hello," I called out, "anyone there?"

"Who is-Peter?"

I waved at the camera, "hello Logan. What's up?"

"What are you doing here bub?"

"We," I moved aside showing the other girls, "came to see our friend. Open up claws, please."

I heard him sigh and press a button, opening the gates, "I'll send her down."

"Thanks," I called out as we drove in. The mansion was huge, I could see it even from here. The driveway was long too, you could fit my entire house in here with much more room to spare.

"This is where Jean's studying?" Liz whistled as she looked around at the fancy marble statues and the rose gardens, "no wonder she's getting used to it."

I chuckled as we drove up to the main entrance and I parked the car to the side. We got out of the car just as the doors to the mansion were thrown open and Jean came running out.

Chapter 160 in PDF




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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