Chapter 144

"Guys!" she cried out.

"Jean!" Liz cried out as she swooped the redhead into a hug, "oh my god I missed you!"

"And I missed you," Jean cried out, she quickly hugged the rest of the girls before turning to me, blushing just a little bit, "hey Peter."

I nodded, "Jean, you're looking well." She really was. She had grown to around 5 feet 9 inches, her frame became thinner and she had finally started letting her hair grow as it now reached the middle of her back, "Are they treating you right?"

"Oh stop it, it's not so bad once you get to know them," she hugged me, whispering into my ear, "I really did miss you and Felicia a lot."

I blushed as we broke the hug, "y-yeah." I turned to Felicia, she was blushing a little too, damn Jean works fast.

"So Jean, show us around!" Liz said as she grabbed Jean's arm.

"Okay Liz, just give me a moment," Jean chuckled as we all walked into the mansion She opened the door revealing the amazing interior.

"Woah," MJ said looking around, "it's amazing."

"How many rooms are there?" Felicia asked.

Jean shrugged, "I don't know. About a hundred I think."

I looked around, the place was pretty cool, I'll admit. But what I really was interested in was the Danger Room, but I guess I can't just ask her to show me that...wait…could I?...Neah.

"So Jean, what has Baldy been teaching you?" I asked as the girl showed us around.

"I really wish you would stop calling him that. He really is sad about what he did."

"You do remember what I told you right?" I asked raising an eyebrow, "he's a man with the power to brainwash people, around him anything you feel should be taken with a grain of salt."

"Come on Peter, you're being paranoid," Jean rolled her eyes.

"Which is exactly what someone who was brainwashed would think," Felicia said with a chuckle.

I narrowed my eyes, "whatever, either way I've made sure he won't be able to read our minds this time."

Jean blinked, "what? How?"

I pointed at my ear showing a black circle looped around the lobe, "it's a more advanced version of the helmet I made for you to keep your powers at bay. I made one for the girls as well."

Felicia tapped a similar pair of earrings she had while Jean and Liz pointed at the hair bands they wore.

"So that's why I couldn't feel you guys," Jean said in wonder.

"Feel us? Do you mean you tried to read our minds?" Felicia asked cautiously.

"No, not like that. It's like a psychic's version of sight, I couldn't feel your presence, it was like you just weren't there."

I hummed, "sound's interesting, learning a lot from the old man?"

"Oh yes, he' shown me a lot Pete and-"

"-Jean? Who's this?" a new voice called out.

We all looked up to see a young man in a blue sweater vest and khaki slacks walked down the stairs towards us. He had brown hair and wore red coolers that covered his eyes completely. I recognized him immediately, Scott Summers.

"Scott, these are my friends, the ones from Midtown high?" Jean smiled, "guys, this is Scott, he's another student."

"Cool, so you're a mutant too?" Liz asked excitedly.

MJ groaned, "for god's sake Liz you can't just ask someone if they're a mutant!"

Scott blinked, "they know?"

"Of course they do silly," Jean giggled, "you're a student at a mutant school, they aren't stupid."

I smiled and walked forward extending my hand, "Peter Parker, pleasure to meet you."

Scott blinked before shaking my hand, "Scott Summer."

"So Scott, what can you do?" I asked.

"Ah, that's kind of personal?" he looked nervous.

I nodded, "I understand. Anyway, think you can give me and the girls a tour of this place?"

Scott shrugged, he and Jean walked in front of us as they took us all over the hundred plus room sized mansion. I'll admit, Xavier has style. The place was classy yet not in the snobbish sort of sense.

Each room was decorated like it was meant for a VIP, there were several classrooms in the ground floor, though they weren't currently in use. And the library looked like it could rival that of any fancy prep school.

"And this is the garden," Jean took us outside to the back, showing the large garden. There was a pool near the side and a basketball court. There were rose bushes and what looked to be a maze near the back.

"Ah, I see you all have arrived to see Jean," I heard a familiar voice. We turned to see Xavier coming out of the bushes, being pushed by Ororo. He smiled at us and nodded, "it is good to know Jean's friend's haven't forgotten about her."

"We haven't forgotten about you either Xavier," I tapped my mental protection, "don't even think about it."

Xavier sighed, "Peter, I am truly sorry for what I did, but you must understand, I did it to prevent you from being a killer."

"He came to my friend's house and threatened to kill her. As far as I'm concerned he was a corpse the moment he thought he could get away with something so horrible."

"Peter," Jean put a gentle arm on my shoulder, "please."

I sighed, "sorry," I turned to Xavier and took a deep breath and let it out, "you have an amazing place, Makes me want to join."

Chapter 161




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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