Chapter 158

So I did what anyone would do, I cheated.

She threw a punch, I moved to the side, grabbed her by the hip and threw her across the parking lot. She got back on her feet, when she looked up just in time to see a bolt of blue energy coming for her head.

"Fuc-" it hit her with enough force to sending her flying back into a car.

I panted, "damn."

"You okay?" Felicia asked.

"Just a little banged up," I hissed, I turned to Jessica and found her slowly getting up from the wrecked car door. The car alarm was blaring, she growled and slammed her fist into the bony, crushing the speaker system inside.

"Why are you here," I hissed.

"You stole something from me," she growled back, she was far away, the sexual attraction I usually felt wasn't there.

"I don't know what you mean," I lied.

"No point playing dumb, I know it was you," she narrowed her eyes, "you even smell the same."

'So she can detect pheromones as well,' I noted before speaking, "yeah? So what? I only took what belonged to me."

Jessica blinked, "what?"

"Wyndham isn't who you think he is Jessica, he isn't a good guy, he's a monster and he works for monsters," I hissed, "he killed my parents, he left me an orphan and he did it for power. To get the power to raise an army of humans like us, to make them his he's obviously done to you."

"W-what are you talking about?!" Jessica hissed, "Wyndham is a good man! A friend of my father's! He took care of me when no one else would! When I-I-"

"Do you know what he used your blood for?" I asked her. Jessica meet my gaze, "he took your blood samples didn't he? Did he ever tell you what it's for?"

"I-I….it was to get me a cure," Jessica said quietly.

"No Jessica, it was to replicate your powers," I stood up straight, "he had his men experiment on children Jessica, children. They died, all in the effort of creating more people like you, like us. Do you know how many children they killed? Do you? 31, and it would have been 32 if I didn't stop them!"

"Y-you're lying!" Jessica roared, "he wouldn't do that!"

"Ask him!" I spat back, "ask him what the lab at Hunts point was doing! Ask him what he did with your blood! Ask him the names of the 31 children he murdered!"

Jessica looked like she was going to murder me. She charged roaring in rage. Her hands began to glow green with energy as she began to wing wildly at me. I jumped back at her sloppy attacks when suddenly the green energy exploded, sending me flying back.

"Peter!" Felicia cried out as she turned to Jessica, "you bitch!"

I groaned, rubbing my head as I pulled myself up, note to self, learn how to do that. I looked up and saw Felicia taking on Jessica one on one. Fighting the spider powered brunette off, sending a kick to her sternum that made Jessica hold her gut in pain.

Just then Jessica held up her hand and shot out a blast of green energy, hitting Felicia right in the gut.

"Felicia!" I yelled, jumping into the air to catch her from flying back. I held her like a bride, laying her down gently, "are you okay?"

"Stings like a mother fucker," she cursed as she looked at me, "where is she?"

I looked up and around, we were alone, "she's gone."

"Fuck," she got on her feet, "that was like fighting you, expect she didn't hold back."

I nodded, "yeah, but….how did she even find me? She's supposed to be in Italy with….no..."

"What?" Felicia asked.

"Last night, when we booted the drive and connected them...Wyndham must have put in a tracking program that lets him track the files location through the net."

"Is that even possible? You destroyed your computer and modem the moment it happened didn't you?"

"Yes, but that was only after the HYDRA logo was displayed, it could have sent the signal out way before announcing itself," I cursed, "they know where I am, meaning….aunt May, uncle Ben!"

Felicia and I ran to my car without another word. We jumped in and I took off into the streets. I must have jumped three red lights, but there was no one to stop us and I quite frankly didn't care.

We reached my home in record time, I ran into my house and threw the door open, "May! Ben!"

Felicia and I ran inside, looking everywhere. The kitchen was empty, dishes were left out to dry, the tv in the living room was still running, Ben's favorite news show was running.

"This can't be happening," I repeated to myself as I paced around.

"Have you tried calling them? They might have left because of some emergency," Felicia said in a hopeful tone.

"Maybe," I nodded as I quickly dialed Ben's number. It rang for a few moments before someone picked up, "hello?! Uncle Ben?!"

The line was silent, I was about to repeat the statement again when a voice appeared on the other line. "Hello Mr. Parker...or should I say, Spider-man?"

I knew that voice, "Wyndham," I growled, "where are they?"

"Safe, for now," he admitted, "but not for long. We have them, if you ever want to see them alive again bring me all your father's research and I'll give them too you. You have one hour's time, I'll text you the location and the time."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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