Chapter 159

Chapter 176

He ended the call. I looked at the phone and growled, "fucking hell!"

Felicia put a calming hand on my shoulder, "are they alive?"

I nodded, "yeah...he wants my dad's drive. And...and he knows I'm Spider-man."


I shrugged, "he saw me using spider powers, he figured out I live in New York and have connections with the Baxter building who have also been seen around with Spider-man, I don't think it would have been too hard for him," or he could have just read SHIELD's files on me.

"What are we going to do now?" Felicia asked.

"I'm going to get the drive back," I told her as I walked out of the house.

"You mean we are going to get that drive back," she told me.

"This isn't a joke Felicia!" I turned around to her, "people I care about are in danger!"

"Which is why you shouldn't do this alone!"

"I'm not putting you in danger-"

"-I'm not letting you go fight nazis! Not alone!" she yelled back.

We stared at each other for the longest time. She wasn't budging, I couldn't imagine life without Ben and May, but without her….oh God help me.

I nodded, "fine, but please, don't die."

Felicia smiled, "wasn't counting on it Tiger." We walked to my car and I quickly drove away to a secluded spot for us to take off and change. "So what's the plan? Fury's not just going to give you the drive back once he knows what it is."

I nodded, "yeah, don't worry though, I go back up," I took up my phone and dialed in a number, "hey, it's me, I need a favour, it's extremely dangerous, possibly a national crime and you might have to fight SHIELD...sigh, yes, you can borrow the car on Sunday for your date."

Half-an hour later:

"Unidentified flying car please state your identification, this is a restricted-"

"It's me you jackass! Who else do you think has a flying time machine?!" I yelled onto the mic in my helmet.

"Shesh, ease up Tiger, he's just trying to do his job," Felicia smiled as she checked her weapons and gadgets, we were in full costume and ready for a fight, just in case.

"Oh he can handle it," I waved her worry aay.

"Spider-man, you have permission to land, please use the upper strip near the entrance," came the reply.

I landed and we both got out. We walked in, but instead of going to the bridge, we took a turn into the labs placed near the backs. We ran in and Felicia spotted the drive being plugged into a


I walked in, the lab geek there stood up, "hey, you can't be in here!"

"Yeah, I can," I pushed him aside and grabbed the drive, unplugging it, damn, not even a day and already Fury's trying to crack into it. I looked at the tools the techie used and whistled, "damn, impressive. With these things you could have broken into this thing in like, what? A week?"

"A day if I bypass the system lock and donate all available serves to it," the techie shrugged.

"Cool," I extended my hand, "Spider-man."

"Oh, ah, Leopold Fitz," he shook my hand.

"Cool, we should catch up sometime, talk science," I waved to him as we walked out of the lab.

"Oh, right….ah, I don't think you're supposed to take that!" Fitz called out.

"Tell Fury I said thanks for holding onto it for me!" I called out behind me.

Felicia and I ran through the helicarrier. She looked around, "it's empty, should it always be this empty?"

I sighed, "no," we ran out into the open air and there standing before us were three of my teammates. Felicia and I stopped, "hey guys, nice to see you all."

"Spider-man, what do you think you're doing son?" Cap asked. Nat and Clint stood by his side. Cap had his shield at the ready, his costume had changed, he wore the black and white costume from Winter soldier now.

"Nice costume Cap, much cooler," I nodded, "and as for what I'm doing, I'm just taking back something I gave Fury to take care off for me."

"That became SHIELD's property the moment you gave it to us," Clint spoke up, leveling his arrow at me, a red dot hovering over my chest piece.

"That may be, but I did it under the condition that you wouldn't try and find out what was inside, which you kind of did, so..."

"This isn't a joke Peter," Nat cut in, "this can be considered an international crime."

"Oh, right, because you of all people have never done anything like that," it was a low blow, but I was running out of time, there was only half an hour left before Wyndham called me again.

"Peter, whatever's going on, we can deal with it, together," Cap held up a gentle hand, "we don't need to do this."

"Cap, you should be helping me," I spoke up.

"And why's that?" Cap asked.

"Because HYDRA has my uncle and aunt."

Nat's eyes went wide, Clint looked sympathetic. But Steve, Steve looked downright horrified. "W-what? But HYDRA's dead!"




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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