Chapter 161

Chapter 178

"You bastard!" I roared as I jumped out the van and ran at Wyndham.

"Jessica dear, if you please," Wyndham waved her down.

Jessica jumped down and faced me. We fought once again, this time she was a lot more focused. I pushed down the lust I felt for her, replacing it with rage and fear for the safety of my loved ones.

"If you ever want to see your loved ones again Peter, you'll do exactly what we say, or they will die," Wyndham said as he watched me and Jessica go at it.

She sent a fist at my gut, I jumped over it, and landed behind her, I shot out two web lines, covering her with webbing.

"What the hell?!" Drew cried out, "how come you can do this but I can't?!"

"Simple, I'm smarter than you," I turned to Wyndham, "you're next," I ran at him.

"Sigh, did you even hear my threat?"

"I did, don't care!" I jumped into the air and came down at him fist first. Inches away from striking his face when suddenly something collided at my side, sending my flying away.

I rolled on my feet and landed just in time to see all the sand in the construction site slowly gather around Wyndham like a protective guardian angel.

"Peter, I would like you too meet an old friend of mine, my very first experiment with human genetics lead to a very fascinating discovery, may I introduce Marko, or as I call him, Sandman," he smirked.

I watched in growing fear as the sand started to form the shape of a man with dark hair and green and black striped shirt. His hands were sand in the form of a hammer and a morning star. He snarled at me, looking more animal than man.

"He isn't much of a thinker sadly, the...procedure sadly left his brain in a sandy mess too. But he listens very well," Wyndham pointed at me and smirked, "get him."

"Drewness! Drewness! Total Drewness" I yelled as I shot out a web line and swung away from a tsunami of sand heading my way.

Johnny came flying out of the car in his flaming glory. "Someone call for a hero-what the fuck is that?!"

"Giant sand monster! Light him up, heat turns sand into glass!" I yelled out as I jumped away from his giant sand hammer fist.

"Get back here!" Jessica yelled out, flexing her arms and breaking my webbing. She jumped onto a beam and chased after me, but just then a black boot covered leg came flying at her face, Drew jumped away, landing on a steel beam with Felicia right behind to her.

Jessica looked Felicia up and down and raised an eyebrow, "who are you supposed to be?"

"The girlfriend of the guy you tried to make out with," Felicia hissed, Drew blushed, but before she should say anything Felicia launched her attack.

Johnny bathed Sandman in flames, melting the left side of his body into glass. The monster roared and swung at Johnny who easily ducked away.

"You're going to have to better than that freak!" Johnny cried out.

"NOT! FREAK!" Sandman yelled as he sent a wave of sand at Johnny, the Torch barely avoided it.

I knew my teammates could handle them, so I set my sights on Wyndham, who looked surprised at the sight of Johnny.

I swung and landed right in front of the man, "didn't think I would come here without back up did you?"

"This is an unexpected surprise, yes, but no matter," he smiled.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"And if I don't tell you?"

I raised my hand at Sandman's body and fired my repulsor beam at full blast, destroying the lower half of his body in a bust of sand. Sandman let out a loud growl of pain.

"Thanks Spider!" Johnny cried out, blasting the sand monster's right arm with flames.

I leveled my arm at the Italian scientist, "that will happen."

"Never start with the threat of death Peter," Wyndham sighed, "you need me to find your uncle and aunt, I'm the only one who knows where they are. You can't afford to kill me. Meaning you'll step down your threat, which also means I have nothing to fear from you."

I nodded, "sound logic, except," I grabbed his arm and twisted it with a snap.

"ARGH!" he cried out, dropping to his knees holding his hand in pain.

"I can still make you beg for death," I growled, putting weight on the arm, "where are they?!"

"Go to hell!"

"You first," I brought him up by the collar and was about to break his face when suddenly,

"Spider! A little help over here!" Johnny cried out.

I turned around to see my friend being cornered by Sandman, sand covering how boyd, he couldn't use his flames. I cursed, I turned to Wyndham and headbutted him, breaking his nose throwing him aside, slipping a tiny little tracker into the helm of his coat.

I ran towards Sandman, "hey ugly!" It looked at me, I leaped into the air and threw several nitrogen capsules at the thing.

"ARGH!" it swung at them causing his entire arm to get frozen. I landed on his arm and raised both arms at it's head firing off twin beams of energy right through it's face.

"Marko! To me!" Wyndham called out.

Suddenly all the sand in the construction yard seeped away, rushing to Wyndham's side as it gathered him up before turning into a large ball of sand that rolled away with such speeds I grew worried that the man inside might not live.

I hissed and turned to Johnny, "you okay?"

Johnny patted the sand away, "yeah, aside from my pride getting hurt for losing to a giant sand castle, I'm just fine."

I nodded, then I turned to Jessica and Felicia fighting on the steel beams. I whistled as Felicia kicked Jessica across the face, a teeth came flying out. She then punched Drew in the gut before throwing a balo to tie her up against a steel beam.

Jessica tried to break free, Felicia walked up to her cracking her knuckles, "next time you even think about sticking your tongue down my boyfriend's throat, I'll rearrange your fucking face," she threw a punch at Jessica's head, throwing her head back and hitting the steel beam, knocking her unconscious.

"Damn, remind me never to piss her off," Johnny whistled.

"What the hell is going on?!" a familiar voice cried out. We three turned to see a SHIELD hover jet landing before us with it's hangar bay doors open and Fury walking out with Cap and about a dozen agents at his back.

"So, how much trouble are we in?" Johnny asked with a grin, almost looking eager.

Fury narrowed his eyes at me, "a lot. Start talking kid, and you best not leave any details."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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