Chapter 162

Chapter 179: HYDRA's mistake

"So not only did you find out your father rediscovered the super soldier serum, you yourself found out the formula by combining the files of an Italy geneticist, who is supposedly working for HYDRA, and your dad's old folder, and then proceed to give that sensitive information to said HYDRA agent?"

I looked at him and nodded, "pretty much, yeah." We were in Fury's jet flying through the air.

Fury rubbed his eye, "You're going to give me a heart attack kid."

I shrugged, "maybe, but all's not lost," I opened my SA and displayed a map with a red blip on it, "I'm tracking Wyndham now, we just have to follow him back to wherever he's hiding, I can find my aunt and uncle, you can get that drive back."

Fury looked at the man, "he's going upstate. Somewhere...oh fuck."

"What? What's wrong?"

"That's an ex-CIA blacksite named Treadstone," Fury cursed, "how does he have access to that?"

"A CIA blacksite?" Cap asked, "that's illegal Fury, the CIA-"

"-Isn't our problem, not right now," Fury looked at me, "you are."

I nodded, "yeah, and if you want you can spank me later. But right now, we have a blacksite to break into."

"You can't, at least not this one," Fury glared at it with hate, "it's designed to be unbreakable. Only one man has even gotten in and he's…."

"Dead?" Cap asked.

"No, not by any stretch," Fury's eye landed on me and then on Felicia, lingering on her for a while before he sighed, "damn it, no choice," he pressed his communicator, "Hill, we need him….yes, the personal we discussed….I know, I just hope you're wrong. Pilot, turn this ship around, we have unfinished work to do."

"Who are you bringing in?" I asked, the plane did a sharp turn, we were now going North.

Fury looked at me, "the greatest thief in the world. The only one who has ever successfully sneaked into Treadstone underground base and come out with a list of CIA special agents. We put him in prison for life for that, too dangerous but….I guess this is a special circumstances."

I shrugged, "cool...mind if I call in some help as well?"

Fury raised an eyebrow, "who did you have in mind?"

"Oh you'll like him, he's bald too!" I chuckled as I dialed Jean's personal number, she picked up quickly, "hey Marvel Girl, I need a favour from the X-Men."

An hour later:

We watched as the X-men's plane landed next to the SHIELD jet, we were a few good miles away from the entrance to Treadstone, this way Wyndham wouldn't detect us even if he knew we were following him.

The blackbird's cargo hold opened up and the X-men walked out. Logan and Storm were in the same uniform I saw from before, with Jean and Storm walking right next to them.

Jean's costume had gotten an upgrade. She wore a black armoured one piece with a red 'X' in the middle of her chest and a green jacket. The jacket's sides were yellow with the name Marvel written over her right chest. He face wasn't hidden, displayed proudly for all to see.

Cyclops now wore his signature yellow visor and skin tight blue armour suit. His uniform covered his arms and legs, he had yellow boots and gauntlets with a large yellow 'X' on his chest like a vest.

"Spider!" Jean cried out as she jumped into my arms, hugging me tightly, "I so missed you!"

Scott growled, "you know this guy?"

"What? Oh, right," she looked nervous, "he ah-he-"

"He saved her from Magneto," Storm supplied giggling at Jean's attempt to lie, "they are old friends."

I chuckled, "yeah, by the way, cool costumes you guys, totally digging the skin tight spandex."

"It's not spandex, it's a polymer blend ten times stronger than kevlar, able to stop bullets among...other things," Xavier rolled down the ramp stopping before me and smiling, "it's good to see you again Spider-man."

"You too professor," I shook his hand before stepping aside, "Professor, this is Nick fury, director of SHIELD. Fury, this is-"

"-I know who he is," the man cut in as he glared at Xavier, "when you said you were bringing in backup I didn't think you meant him."

"Is it because I'm a mutant, director Fury?" Xavier asked with a tilt of his head.

"No, it's because you're a man with the ability to brainwash people," Fury shot back.

Xavier smiled, "I see Spider-man's paranoia has rubbed off." Fury gave me a look, I said nothing but shrugged.

"Jimmy?" Cap called out suddenly as all eyes turned to him and Logan.

Logan sniffed Steve, "you know me bub?"

Steve chuckled, "ah, yes, you could say that. Are you...are you related to James Howlett? Is he your grandfather or-"

"-No," Wolverine cut in, "I'm James Howlett...I think."

"You think?"

"I ah, I lost my memories, didn't even know my own name until the kid here helped me out," he pointed a thumb at me.

"B-but how? How are you even alive?"

I shrugged, "he's a mutant."

Steve nodded to me and then turned to Logan, "it's been so long James really don't remember me? Any of it?"

"Sorry, can't say I do," Logan growled out, "but...if you have time..."

Cap nodded, "just say when, I don't really have anyone to talk to about this, guess people like us aren't very common."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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