Chapter 165

Chapter 182

Walter looked at Felicia before sighing, "fine, show me the map," the hologram came up, Walter quickly studied it and put a finger on a ventilation shaft a few miles away, "there. That's our entrance. We get in there, there should be a panel we can use to override the security door and open the front doors for us. Get me in there and I can crack it open."

"Good, then we take it by storm," Cap pointed out, "James and I will take the lead, Cyclops and Marvel girl can take bring up the rear with Spider and Johnny. Storm, your powers won't be at a 100% in the narrow corridors. Stay out here and make sure anyone who tries to leave doesn't get far. Nat, you and Black Cat go with Walter and find a way inside, sneak around and find Spider's family. Any questions?"

No one objected.

"I talked to the professor, he'll connect us all telepathically," Fury stated, "so from now one we don't communicate verbally, it'll getting some used to, but we'll adapt."

"Yes, well, all except Spiderman and Blackcat," Xavier spoke up.

"Why?" Fury raised an eyebrow.

"We have mental dampers in our masks, but..." I sighed, tapping my temple, deactivating the sensor, "I guess we can do without it."

Xavier nodded, "thank you for trusting me Spider-man." I nodded, saying nothing. I helped Felicia turn off her mental damper as well.

We moved, Felicia with her father and Nat, we with Johnny, Scott and Jean. Before we went our separate ways I scorched Nat and pulled her aside, "Nat...if something goes wrong, take her out of there. Please."

Natasha nodded, "don't worry Peter, she'll be fine."

I nodded and quickly walked with the rest of my squad as we walked to where the entrance of the facility was supposed to be, a tunnel sized entrance with 10 inch steel reinforced gates. We waited outside for the Cat to open the doors.

"Peter? Can you hear me?" I felt Jean's thoughts enter my head.

I focused my mind and tried to answer nonverbally, "yeah Jean, what's up?"

"You're worried about her aren't you?"

I chuckled, "you don't need to read my mind to know that."

"I didn't, relax, she can handle herself."

"Kitten has a way of biting off more than she can chew," I told her, "she's...she's passionate about protecting those she cares about."

"Sounds like someone else I know."

I smiled, my nerves calmed down a bit. And then the doors started to open.

"They got in! Move!" Cap ordered as he and Logan lead the charge. They rushed in and suddenly the entrance was covered with a hail of bullets. We hide behind some crates using it as cover.

Cap then jumped out with his shield before him, deflecting all the bullets. Logan growled out and took out his claws, charging into the enemy lines, hacking and slashing his way through.

I didn't like blood, I hated it, I hated the idea of death, but if had to be done. This was HYDRA. I ran behind him with Johnny, Scott and Jean following closely behind.

We fought off the armed soldiers. I sent out repulsor blasts at the ceiling bringing down chunks of rocks over them. Jean threw crates at them while Johnny and Scott blasted them with fire and force.

Suddenly we came across a fork in the hallway. Cap made us stop and looked to either side. "We have to split up. James, you're with me, Spider you take the rest."

I nodded, "you got it Cap!" We quickly split up as I lead my small squad down the narrow hallway.

A door showed up at the end of the corridor. I made them stop, I turned to Jean, "Marvel girl, check to see who's on the other side."

She nodded as she placed her fingers to her temple, focusing on the other side of the door. She blinked, "30 men, all armed, leveing their guns at the door. The moment we step in they will fire at us."

I nodded, I looked at the door, steel, probably can't break through it...unless. "Cyclops, step up," he stood next to me, "on my signal, fire at the door and don't stop, okay?"

He nodded as he put a finger on his visor. I turned to the door and puffed my chest out, "unibeam, max power, fire!"

Twin blasts of concussive force came flying out of his eyes and my chest as the door was ripped off it's hinges and sent flying into the room, knocking out a handful of men.

"Light them up Johnny!" I called out. The flaming man flew over me and into the room, sending out a stream of fire out of his hands into the remaining men. Scott, Jean and I charged in, while the shooters were too busy firing at Johnny we made our move.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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