Chapter 166

Chapter 183

Scott started firing into their ranks, knocking them down in waves. I took out my spider shaped shuriken and threw them at the small army, piercing their gun arms before they even had a chance to pull the trigger.

Suddenly the steel door from before flew into the air, I saw Jean focusing on it as she used it to sweep the men off their feet, knocking them all back. The room was clear in two minutes.

I panted looking around, "nice work gang."

"Okay, now this is more my speed," Johnny grinned, "an ancient Nazi organization, kidnappings, bad guys with guns! Hot redheads! It's like someone's been reading my diary!"

"You have a diary?" Scott raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah he does," I chuckled, "I found it once, did you know he still sleeps with his-"

"-Shut it webhead! Or I'll burn your clothes off!" Johnny yelled getting us to laugh pretty hard.

I looked around, we were in what looked like a giant hangar of some kind, heavy equipment were across the room, beams of steel and concret. They were still building this place up.

"We need to move, find out where Wyndham's lab is, Jean can you do a sweep, figure out where any more concious humans are?"

"I'll try," Jean closed her eyes and focused, in seconds she opened them again, "there," she pointed at a small door to our right that had an electronic lock.

"What did you find?" I asked her.

"People, scientists I think, working on something, against their will," Jean narrowed her eyes in hate.

"Sounds like Wyndham's M.O." We reached the door, it was locked.

"Stand back, I'll blast it open," Cyclops said reaching for his visor.

"So need Cyclops," I waved him down pulling out a wire from my gauntlet, inserting it into the keypad, "I got this." It took seconds from my decoder to break the code, it unlocked with a click, "ta-da!"

"Decoder?" Johnny asked.

I nodded, "yup."

I opened the door and slowly walked in. This part of the fort was much cleaner, it looked state of the art. The walls turned to glass the further we walked in. I looked inside, it was a lab of some sort, big enough to hold twenty people, but I saw only four people inside wearing white lab coats.

"Are they loyal to HYDRA?" I asked Jean.

So closed her eyes, "no, none of them are here willingly."

I nodded, "then we get them out of here, now." I walked up to a glass door and quickly unlocked it as well. The door slide open and we walked in.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" a female scientist asked seeing us.

"We are here to get you out, we are with SHIELD," I told her.

"SHIELD? Really?!" the others cheered.

"We are, right now we need to get you out. Cyclops, Marvel girl, get them out, Johnny and I will keep working our way through them."

"No! You can't!" an older man cried out, "if we leave they'll kill our families!" He ran up to me and grabbed my suit, "you can't do this!"

"I promise nothing will-" I stopped, I couldn't believe my eyes. He was older, so much older. He looked thinner than I remembered but….it's him. My voice cracked, the words came out without me realising it, "d-dad?"

Richard Parker looked at me, his eyes questioning, "I'm sorry?"

"G-get them out! Get them all out!" I yelled at the mutants, Jean flinched, she must have read my mind, fuck.

She and Scott moved to the scientist, "please, follow us."

Richard yelled, "you can't! They'll kill our-"

"-Your family will be fine!" I yelled, holding him back as the rest of them leave.

"Good luck Peter," Jean wished me as she took them all away.

I turned to the man, I raised my hands to my helmet and unlocked it. "Dude what are you-" Johnny protested but I held up my hand silencing him.

I slowly removed my mask and looked at the tall thin man standing before me. Richard's eyes went wide. I looked at him, "dad?"

"Pe-Peter?" Richard sounded like he was unsure of what he saw, "is that really you?"

"How are you alive?" I touched his face, trying to see if this was another robotic decoy of some kind, but I found no reason to suspect so.

"I-I, your mother and I," tears started to well up in his eyes as he hugged me tightly, "oh my God, my boy, my baby boy!"

My throat choked up, it wasn't fair, I wasn't his son, not his real son. This isn't fair….but what could I do? I slowly hugged him back, "we need to get you out of here dad, now."

"I-I, no, not yet!" Richard broke the hug, "Wyndham has my files! All of them! He can use them to create the super solider serum for HYDRA! We need to stop him!"

I smiled, "relax dad, I already got that covered. He won't be getting anything soon. We need to get you out of here and then find Wyndham, he needs to answer for what he's-"

Spidey senses went wild. "Get down!" I shot a web line at Johnny and pulled him away, ducking down, just as a black figure swished through where we were just a moment ago.

We quickly got back on our feet, I put the mask back on and watched as a ten foot tall figure of black walked out from behind a cabinet.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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