Chapter 172

"I don't know if I should kill you or thank you, I'm frankly inclined to do the former," Fury growled.

I gulped, "ah, can I explain?"

"What is there to explain?!" he slammed his fist into the conference table startling everyone there, "you forced me to attack an enemy base without a proper plan on false evidence of a national threat! You used an international spy agency like your personal maid service!"

Johnny was standing in the back snickering when Felicia and Jean hit him up the head. Scott just smiled while Cap, Professor X, Storm and Logan looked content to stand away from Fury's...well, fury.

I gulped, "in my defence, because of what I did we now know several other HYDRA base locations that-"

"-That we found have found out if we tracked Wyndham's movements!" Fury roared.

"Not necessarily so sir," Hill suddenly spoke up, "I just got a call from a lab tech, apparently some of these sites are off shore and would have been impossible to connect too-" she stopped immediately the second Fury turned his one good eye on her. She gulped and immediately backed down. Thanks Robin Sparkles, you were totally helpful.

"Sir, I understand what Spider-man did was a breach of protocol and trust, but he did it to save his family," Steve stepped up behind me placing a hand on my shoulder, "he did good work today."

"And he did it alone," Fury narrowed his eye at me, "he didn't tell me or anyone else what he was planning. He-"

"-Actually he did tell us," Johnny spoke, "Cat and I knew right from the beginning and-" Johnny stopped seeing Nick's eyes land on him, "I'm slowly realising I should shut up."

"Good, maybe you didn't melt your brains just yet," Fury narrowed his eye at me again, "what were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking that if I told you the truth you would have opted to wait and see how long it would take for Wyndham to realise his mistake so my little worm would catch a bigger net of HYDRA bases. You would have risked my uncle and aunt's life just for more intel. And I couldn't let that happen."

Fury meet my gaze and I was really glad I still had my helmet on, because I don't think the beads of sweat currently forming on my face gives off the confidence my voice does.

"We'll discuss this later, for now...we have other problems," Fury turned away motioned to an agent. Doors leading to a sleeping quarters opened up and May, Ben, Richard, Walter and Jessica walked in.

Jessica's presence here really got to me, I could ignore it while in battle because my focus was elsewhere, but now, damn she has a fine ass. She looked at me and bit her lips, she could feel it too. We immediately took two steps away from each other, don't want to risk another… 'incident'.

May and Ben held each other, they looked lost and confused, they kept sending Richard side glances, guess they still couldn't believe what they were seeing. Walter immediately went to his daughter's side, holding her close.

Fury stepped back and folded his arms, "Mr. Ben Parker, May Parker, I trust my agents informed you of what is happening currently?"

Ben nodded as he held his wife closely, "a-a sort of terrorist organization wanted my brother's," he turned to Richard standing right next to him, "they wanted his work. And they kidnapped us for it and asked Pete to bring it to them?"

"Where is Peter?" May suddenly blurted out, "is he alright? Did they hurt him?"

"Don't worry Mrs. Parker, Peter is just fine," he smirked before turning to Richard, "now, ain't this a surprise. I thought you were dead Dr. Parker."

Richard nodded, "yes I….it's been a long time."

"How? How? After all this time?" Ben asked with a broken voice, "where were you?"

"Held prisoner, by Wyndham," Richard hung his head in shame, "I...I tried to escape, so many times I tried. But I...I couldn't."

"Why? Why did" May asked.

"The didn't crash by accident," Richard looked furious, "they got on board, they grabbed Mary and I and jumped out in parachutes. Hey must have done something to the engines because as we floated down I saw the plane crashing into the middle of the ocean with all the people in it."

"Killing three hundred people just to cover up the kidnapping of two," Logan growled. I had to admit, that was a smart plan, cruel, but smart.

"Mary...she resisted, she...oh God, I saw her parachute snap, she took her kidnapper down with her. I tried to do the same but I...I was too scared. Wyndham had me, he made me work for him under the threat of coming after Peter and you, I couldn't-I couldn't let that happen."

"Did he ask you to make the formula for him?" Fury asked.

"Yes, he did," Richard nodded.

"And why didn't you? You had fifteen years, surely by now you could have done it again," Fury raised an eyebrow.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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