Chapter 173

"Mary...she was the one who had cracked the code," Richard admitted with a smile, "Wyndham, he... he alway considered me the genius and Mary as nothing more than a trophy, but he was wrong. Mary was the true genius, she was the only one who knew how to make the formula. She wanted to tell me but I refused, by then we suspected HYDRA was coming for us, so the fewer people that knew the better. I stalled for as long as I could, a decade or so, until finally Wyndham gave up, he decided to put me on another project, subject-D."

"Me?" Jessica asked.

Richard looked at her and nodded, "yes, you. He wanted me to reproduce your blood, we had found you five years ago and had begun experimenting on your unique powers. I had to make some progress of this front, or else he would have killed my family. So...I helped him. It wasn't much, but I did the bare minimum to keep him happy."

"F-five years? But I've only been awake for ten months!" Jessica cried out.

"Wait, what? Can someone explain this to me? Because I'm totally lost," Johnny asked.

"Jessica was kept frozen in ice," Richard explained, "she was suffering from a rare disease and her father, Jonathan Drew, one of my best friends, saved her life by using an experimental version of his own super soldier serum. It saved her life, but in order for it to do it's work, Jessica had to be put to sleep for a long...long time."

"H-how long?" Cat asked.

"Twenty years," Jessica replied grimly.

"So you can't make the formula huh?" Fury spoke up.

Richard turned to him, "yes, I'm sorry."

" it's fine, best such power be not in the hands of anyone," Fury sent me a glare, "don't know what kind of crazy child might end up with it."

"Awe, I love you too Fury, but you do know I'm straight right?" I snickered.

Fury rolled his eye as he rubbed his temples, "such a pain."

"W-what now?" Ben asked.

Fury looked at him, "I'm sorry?"

"What happens now? Will you let us go?" Ben asked.

Fury nodded, "of course. You two are free to leave, after you talk to one of our lawyers and sign a NDA, this is a national security issue, you can't tell anyone what you saw." Ben and May nodded in understanding. Fury then turned to Richard, "and as for you….well, I suppose you suffered long enough. After a few days talking with our boys in the lab about everything you did for Wyndham, I see no reason to keep you away from your family any longer."

"Really?" Richard's eyes went wide with hope.

Fury nodded, "yes, now-"

"-Thank you!" Richard grabbed Fury into a bear hug, making the spymaster raise a single eyebrow in response.

"I see it's a family thing," Fury grumbled as he called a few agents and escorted the Parker's away, promising them they would be home soon.

"Thank you," I whispered to him.

Fury sighed, "you did save the day...just don't do it alone again." I nodded, remaining silent as Fury then turned to Xavier, "I hate to admit it, but I was wrong. You're X-men were...invaluable."

Charles smiled, "I'm glad we could change your mind Fury, hopefully, if we can convince a man such as you, there is hope for us yet."

"I wouldn't count on it professor, there are people out there with harder heads than mine," Fury smiled, "can I count on your team again?"

Xavier nodded, "that is what I made them for."

"Good, maybe this just might work," Fury extended a hand that Xavier shook, the two men showing nothing but respect for each other.

"Sorry you guys,but it looks like we can't have that date after all," I heard Jean's voice in my head.

"Don't worry about it," Felicia shrugged with a smile, "just tell us when, Peter can fly us over any time."

Jean grinned, publically she waved us goodbye, but mentally she was sending us a list of places she wanted to visit later. Felicia and I watched the X-men hope into their jet and fly away, I knew this wouldn't be the last I saw of them, hopefully, I kind of like those guys.

Johnny and Cap then left, Johnny taking off after thanking me for such an awesome adventure and Cap to see if any part of Wyndham's stories were true, if he really did have a son. For his sake, I really hope it wasn't true, but then again, I knew I was kidding myself.

Finally, Fury turned to Walter, "Walter Hardy, as thanks for your services, I hereby reduced your sentence by five years."

"How many years does he have left?" Felicia was quick to ask.

"Two life times," Walter replied much to Felicia's shock.

"What?! But that's not fair! You never hurt anyone! You only stole from those that deserve it and-and, that's not fair."

"I know Kitten, I know," Walter grabbed his crying daughter into a hug, holding her tightly, "I-I'm sorry, but I can't come home just yet. I promise, one day I will return, but until then...please, hug your mother for me, and tell her I love her."

Felicia cried as Fury motioned for two agents to remove Walter. The Cat forcibly removed his daughter from him as he walked away, hanging his head in shame.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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