Chapter 174

"Dad! Don't go!" Felicia cried, she tried to run, but Walter shook his head. Felicia stood there and cried. I slowly walked up behind her and pulled her into a hug. She weeped into my shoulder. I held her, I didn't know what to do, I felt so helpless, I could do nothing but hold the girl I love in my arms as she cried in pain.

SHIELD gave us a ride to the construction site where I left my car. Fury told me May and Ben would only get home tomorrow morning, after a day of debriefing from SHIELD, and Richard would take longer.

I had the huge task of acting out Peter's side of this story, officially, he had accidentally stumbled onto the formula in one of Richard's old hard drives and HYDRA found out. I then contacted SHIELD the moment May and Ben were kidnapped and they took over from there, with the help of Spider-man, Captain America and a few other heroes, they were able to save Peter's dear aunt and uncle.

I really am starting to hate having a secret identity.

As I flew my car across the night sky and turned to Felicia looking out at the window, watching the stars slowly come out. I looked at her eyes, they were so distant, the gears in her head turning, she was thinking and I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"You can't do it alone," I told her.

She looked at me, "do what?"

"You can't free your dad out from whatever prison cell SHIELD has him in."

She glared at me, "you have your father back Peter, but I don't, I won't give up on the man just because-"

"Hey, hey, I'm not saying that-"

"-then what are you saying?!" she snapped.

"I'm saying you can't do it alone," I took off my helmet and turned to her, "you wouldn't last a second. But if you happened to know a badass superhero who was amazing with tech and a penchant for pissing of SHIELD, well, then maybe you have a chance."

Felicia's eyes went wide, "how did you know-"

"-Know what you were planning?" I chuckled, "you're my girlfriend, it's my job to know Kitten," I put my hand around hers and squeezed, "I'll always be on your side Felicia. Always. Just...don't do anything harsh, wait, we can come up with a plan first before-MPH!"

She lunged at me, kissing me on the lips. Doc, the car's AI, immediately took over and stabilized the flight as I wrapped my hands around her and slowly pulled back. She pressed her forehead against mine, "I love you Peter Parker."

I grinned, "I love you Felicia Hardy….please don't try to take on an international government agency all by yourself."

Felicia grinned, "fine. But you owe me."

I rolled my eyes, "if I must."

The next day was...odd to say the least. Ben and May had finally been discharged by SHIELD and I was there at home when they came acting the role of the sick nephew. They acted strange around me, more reserved, I didn't know why until Ben told me later on.

"Peter...there's something you should's about your dad," he told me as May gripped his arm tightly.

'Ah, so that's why,' I realised. I put on an innocent smile, "what about him uncle Ben?"

"He's….he's alive Peter," cue my shock. And then followed a PG version of what happened to Ben and May. Ben had seriously edited the story, he made it look like my mom...Peter's, things are getting harder and harder to change huh?

Anyway, he made it sound like Mary didn't commit suicide to stop the formula from getting out, but rather her parachute was faulty. Ben also made Richard's stay with Wyndham seem pleasant, not the torturous ordeal it really was.

By the end I think I deserve an Oscar for the performance I put up. I excused myself by the end of his tale and went out with my backpack. Ben and May thought I needed some space, but really, all I needed was to be out of that house. Acting was hard man!

I made it a few streets down when suddenly I heard someone call me out. "Hey Peter!" I stopped and sighed, so close.

I turned around and saw MJ walking up to me. She wore a loose white top that showed off a black bra strap, a pair of jeans with sandals and a green cap with pink sunglasses.

I smiled, "hey MJ, what's up?"

"Nothing much, so you heading out, what's new with you? Fight any super villains lately?"

"Sh! Not so loud!" I looked around, thank God no one was there, "I do have a secret identity you know!"

MJ rolled her eyes, "right."

"Hey, don't' give me that look. This is all for you I'll have you know."

"What do you mean?" MJ asked as we walked out of our neighbourhood.

"Well think about it. Why do I need a secret identity? Felicia can totally handle herself, girl has mad skill. Ben and May might be in danger, but anyone stupid enough to go after them will have the entire Avengers team on their tail. So yeah, you're really the only one who would be in any danger if people knew my secret identity."

"Oh, so if like Electro decided to kidnap me, you wouldn't come and save me?"

"What? Of course I would!"

"But no Avengers?"

"Well, yeah. I tell them the old couple who helped raise me is in danger, everyone I'll be here in seconds. But I tell them this cute redhead from across the street is missing and I doubt they would all be motivated."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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