Chapter 175

"Hey! That's rude!"

I laughed, "sorry. But it's totally true. Steve has a hero complex, so maybe he would show up, and Tony has a soft spot for family members that actually gives a crap. Hawkeye is...well he's weird, but he's totally a family guy. Black Widow actually knows Ben and May on a personal level, so she would help. Only Thor and Hulk are no shows and that's because one is a God currently off planet and the other is...well, the Hulk."

MJ huffed, "oh please. I hardly believe that. I doubt they would be so willing to help out. Other than you I don't really see those guys as...well, as giving a crap. They just seem so distant."

I smirked, "actually, I know for a fact is anything happened to May and Ben they would come to help."

"Really? How?"

"Where do you think they have been for the past two days?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

MJ's eyes went wide as she stopped on the spot, "what?!"

I smiled as we walked into a park and sat down in an isolated part of the park. I put my backpack to the side and sat with MJ as I told her what happened. Of course I didn't tell her anything classified or sensitive, but I did give her the headlines.

Found dad's old research, Ben and May kidnapped, teamed up with Cap, Widow and SHIELD to save them, took down bad guys, found out my dad was really alive this whole time.

"Whoa...that's like...whoa," MJ blinked in utter amazement, "so your dad's-"

"-Alive and kicking, yup," I snorted, "honestly, I didn't see that coming. I knew exactly what was going to happen, I had it all planned out, but him….I never could have accounted for him was like a miracle."

MJ squeezed my hand tightly, "I'm happy for you Peter. Not many people get their parent's back."

I sighed, "yeah, well maybe you can tell me how I'm supposed too….never mind."

MJ nodded, "I guess it will be super awkward, but Peter, I know people who would kill for something like this."

"Maybe...but I'm not his son," I whispered to myself, but she heard me.

"You are his son," she told me, "you are his son and he's your dad….you'll figure it out, I just know it."

"Yeah? And why do you say that?" I asked.

MJ smiled, "you're Spider-man, that's what you do."

I sighed, "MJ, do you think it's some else under that mask? It's me, it's always me. I can't….I'm not some different guy the moment I put it on."

"No, you are, when you have it on you're the real Peter Parker, the real you."

"You really think so?"

MJ smiled, "I know so." I rolled my eyes but said nothing. We both sat in silence as we just rested for a while. Finally MJ spoke again, "how's Felicia?"

I sighed, "she's...she has her own issues to deal with," I didn't tell MJ about Felicia's father, it was a private thing.

"What's more important than helping your boyfriend out?" MJ asked with a snort.

I smiled, "family issues MJ, you know how she is. Believe me, she knows, and the moment she's out of her funk she'll be worried about me too."

MJ shrugged, "right, just saying, if you were my boyfriend I wouldn't leave you hanging."

I snorted, 'really subtle there MJ,' "anyway, what's new with you? Sorry I haven't kept in touch over the summer, it's just-"

MJ waved me off, "-forget about it, I know, I see the NEWS too you know? Spider-man has been pretty busy over the past two months. Helping clean up the city, heck I think last week you saved a cat from a tree or something?"

"It was a cat, but it was from a burning building," I sighed, "the city's in a mess since the attack, the others and I are doing our best but….it'll be back to normal soon, but I don't know how long that might take."

MJ shrugged, "you'll figure it out, you always do."

I smiled, "thanks MJ, nice to know someone believes in me."

MJ smiled as we sat there in silence, just enjoying the breeze.

Eventually I did go back home, talked to May and Ben about Richard and how to act around him. It was a pain in the ass, but I did alright for myself, I think. The next day came quickly and I found myself waiting by the door with Ben and May, just waiting for Richard to arrive.

The door opened and slowly Richard stepped in. He wore a plain white shirt with the SHIELD logo printed on it and a pair of jeans a few sizes bigger than his. He carried a handbag and the moment he looked at me I felt something...something pull at my heartstrings.

"Peter," he smiled.

I gave a tight smile, "" The man dropped his bag and walked over to me giving me a tight hug. I hugged him back, though I felt a little awkward doing so. I could hear May sobbing besides me while Ben comforted her, but they weren't sad tears, they were tears of joy.

We eventually moved to the kitchen where May practically shoved food down our throats. Richard ate his food in silence as he took to just looking at me, which was really awkward.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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