Chapter 177

"Well, he needs a job, and I figured this might be the best place for him," I shrugged, "it's either that go work for someone like Osborn or Stark. The former being a maniac and the latter...well, a charming maniac."

"And considering the things he's been able to do for Wyndham, I'm sure he's more than qualified," Susan smiled, "it's about time we get someone specialising in genetics around here, the only other person is me and I'm honestly too busy with paperwork and managing the foundation."

"I'll help where I can," Richard nodded.

"Great, come on, I'll show you where you can work," Sue guided him into the corridor with our labs. His lab was a few doors down from mine, plenty of place to keep my work private.

"So, you're dad's going to be working here huh?" Johnny said looking at Sue and Richard talk to each other in hushed tones, "how are you dealing?"

"I'm freaking out man," I admitted, "I honestly have no idea how I'm supposed to act right now. I haven't seen the man ever, hell, I thought he was dead most of my life!"

"Well, all I know is if that was my dad? I would spend every second I could with him," Johnny sighed.

I smiled at him, patting his shoulder, " want to beat up criminals?"

"Hell yeah!"

"I'll get my suit," I chuckled, running into my lab to do just that.

I had a month of free time after that. Richard was quickly settling into his lab at the Baxter building and ended up teaching even Sue a thing or two about genetics. He wanted to continue doing his research, but I quickly warned him off it, it was too dangerous, and he agreed. Poor guy, his world was just broken in half, he doesn't deserve this.

I did however keep myself busy, I helped the local police take down a drug ring over the course of a month, breaking them down piece by piece until they were so desperate, it was laughable how easy it was to break them up.

People really liked seeing Spider-man swinging around their city, said it gave them hope that things would be better. There were more copycats every day, I did my best to discourage them, even ranting on social media about how they were putting themselves in danger. But of course they didn't listen to me.

Nat had continued to train me on a regular basis now, my fighting skills weren't really up to her level, but I'm getting there soon enough. Whenever she wasn't around, David was my instructor, asshole. Either way my SHIELD training was slowly progressing, I have a feeling Fury's going to call me up for a mission any day now.

I spent some time with Richard, a few nights in the Baxter building eating dinner alone. Dinner being pizza I swung in. I'm pretty sure Sue cleared out the entire den whenever RIchard and I sat for dinner, I once saw Ben trying to sneak into Johnny's lab with take out. I asked Reed about it but the guy just smiled and replied, 'he's your dad, spend some time with him why don't you?'

Stupid lovable goofs.

I called up Jean a few times, apparently Logan had increased their training regime by two-fold, apparently the fact that they didn't automatically win made him very frustrated. Jean kept complaining about it, Felicia and I visited her a couple of times, though we never could stay for long.

And speaking off the hottest girl in the world, who is my girlfriend, she is currently trying to crack open a very nice looking safe.

"So ah, this really isn't what I had in mind when you asked me if we should go out tonight," I told Cat as I hanged from the ceiling on a web line.

"Well, if you want after this we could go get dinner," she smiled as she placed a laser on the metal case, slowly cutting it open. It was something I invented, a very handy tool if I do say so myself.

"So what did this guy do to face the wrath of the Black Cat?" I asked her.

"Smuggles blood diamonds," Cat replied, "used people's bodies to do it. And after they're done being his mule he kills them and throws them into the river."

I whistled, "damn, bad guy. You have proof?"

"Yup. Pictures and everything."

"So why didn't you call the cops?"

"He has a very good lawyer," she grumbled. The case opened and Cat smiled, pulling a large bag out. She opened it revealing a large collection of diamonds, "nice."

"And what exactly do you plan on doing with said diamonds?" I asked as we crawled through the air vents. Cat was leading, so I got a very clear view at fine ass as she shimmied in front of me.

"Maybe fence them, put the cash in several charities across the globe. You know, the usual," she came out of the air vent and onto the building's roof.

I climbed and immediately grabbed her, carrying her bridal style and slowly spinning her around, "alright, now that business is over, care for a romantic night out on the town?"

"Hm, I like the sound of that," she looked over my shoulder and smiled, "though I don't think they like that idea."

"Stop right there!" a couple of men came flying out onto the roof with guns blazing.

"See you later alligator!" I cried out as I leaped off the ledge with Cat in my arms.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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