Chapter 178

"WOHOOO!" she cried in joy as one of my robo arms popped out and shoot out a web line, swinging us away from safety and away from the bullets.

"You really do overreact a lot," I smiled, holding her tight as we swung through the city's skyline.

"Oh please, I just appreciate the amazing feeling you get when you swing through the city," Felicia smiled.

I chuckled, "yeah, I guess." I took us to Central Park, landing near the edges of the park, away from prying eyes. We then walked to the Metropolitan museum of Art and climbed onto the roof.

There Felicia gasped as she saw a picnic basket and a blanket. "Peter, you really shouldn't have."

I shrugged, "hey, school's going to start tomorrow, the summer just went by so fast. I figured you and I needed to spend one night together," I sat down and patted the seat besides me.

Felicia smiled a she did so. The night was calm, the sky clear as the moon shined down on us. I opened the picnic basket and took out several boxes of tupperware with May's home made lasagna inside.

Felicia liked her lips as she grabbed her fork, "is that May's lasagna?"

I chuckled, "yup."

"Give me!" Cat grabbed the box and practically inhaled the delicious food, "so good!"

I laughed as I slide my mouth pieces up, "you know, keep eating like that I'm going have to adjust the size of your costume."

"Watch it Mr.," she pointed her fork threateningly at me, "I'm armed and dangerous. And did you just call me fat?"

"Nope, I'm not that stupid," I smiled as I took out another box of lasagna and a fork.

"You brought more?"

"I know how much you like May's cooking," shrugged as I ate my box, far slower than Felicia, actually chewing my food.

"Thanks Spider," she smiled, "so, looking forward for the new school year?"

I shrugged, "you tell me. I basically have a free pass, I'm already working, so May and Ben are more understanding."

"Mom's a pain, the one thing she does actually care about is my education," Felicia grumbled, "stupid woman."

"Well just think, two more years then you're scott free!" I smiled, "actually, now that I think about it, it's actually just one year right?"

Felicia blinked, "what?"

I smiled as I reach back and took out a small black box. I gave it her as Cat carefully opened it, gasping at the sight of two silver bracelets.

"Happy birthday Kitten," I whispered as I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

"H-how did you know!" Felicia asked looking shocked, "I never told anyone!"

"Yeah, I know, but I had Reed hack into the government's database and check on your birth certificate," I shrugged.

Felicia rolled her eyes, "or, I don't know, you could have just asked me."

"Would you have told me the truth?" I smiled.

"Yes…….maybe," Felicia blushed.

"I love you too," I leaned towards her, "well? Try them on."

Felicia nodded as she slipped the silver bracelets onto her wrists, one on each hand. Suddenly started buzzing alive, shirking down to fit comfortably in her wrists.

"What are they?" Felicia asked.

"Well, I know how much you like swinging through the city, so," I pressed the bracelet and suddenly a small mechanical lever popped out and extended to the palm of her hand, "I figured you should have your own web shooters."

"Peter," she said in awe, "you shouldn't have."

I shrugged, "yeah, but I did. So? Give it a wave."

Felicia smiled, she aimed and fired a web line out of her shooters that came out like a bullets, sticking onto a tree branch.

"I had the settings on quick shot webbing, I figured you really wouldn't need anything else. It has enough webbing to last you a month, maybe, if you are running low it'll-OMPH!"

She jumped on me, kissing my on the lips. I smiled as I leaned on my back and wrapped my arms around her. She drew back and slowly the moon's silver beams ran through her hair, giving her a halo of pure light.

"We are totally moving in together," Felicia said with a smile.

I was stunned, "w-what?!"

"I-I, sorry, I just, it just came out-"

"-Y-you want to live together?!" I squeaked out in a small pathetic voice.

"Well I was thinking about it, you mentioned getting free of my mom in a year's time, I figure with your job and my...hobby, we could get our own place. It wouldn't be that hard and-oh my god I'm rambling and-"

I pressed my finger on her lips, "breath kitten," she took a deep breath and let it out. "Now, I think we're a little young to be moving in together, I'm still 16, and you're 17, if you want to move in with me you're going to have to wait two years."

Felicia nodded, "yeah, I know, forget I said anything."

"Oh hell no!" I smiled, "you so cannot just take this back! You said it yourself, in two years time you're moving in with me, got it?"

"Wait, what?"

I shrugged, "I think it's a great idea. Just, we're too young, that's all."

Felicia's face turned from shock to joy as she kissed me once again. I spent the rest of the night teaching her how to use the web shooters, after which we went out into the city for her first web swinging. And I swear, for a beginner, she's a natural.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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