Chapter 179: Like Father, Like Daughter

"Why?" I asked for what I felt was the hundredth time.

"Because going to school is what a normal 16 year old should be doing," Richard replied.

"Really? Do normal sixteen year olds work in the same building as the smartest man alive?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No, but do need to develop people skills, which is why your mother and I wanted you to go to school in the first place."

"I have great people skills!" I called out.


"Yes," I nodded, "I mean heck, how many kids do you know that has Tony Stark's number on speed dial, Cap's home address and Hulk's spare purple pants?"

Richard sighed, "the Avengers aren't regular people Peter. You need to do this to make friends."

"I have friends!"

"Really? How many?"

"Ah….five?" I blinked, wow, did I really know so few people?

"You're going to school," Richard replied with a serious glare, "no arguments."

"You know, if you just let me start college already I would get on amazingly with the mature crowd there."

"You have to get used to dealing with morons Peter, that's the burden of being a genius," Richard replied grabbing my backpack and throwing it to me, "relax kiddo, you'll have fun."

I rolled my eyes, "I hate you so much right now."

"I'm sure you do," the man chuckled as I walked out of the house. I saw Ben and May finally coming out from hiding and talk to Richard, guess they wanted this to be a father and son moment.

I looked at the drive way and smiled at the sight of my car, well, at least not everything will be the same.

"Hey Peter," MJ called out as she came over from across the street, "ready for a new year?"

I raised an eyebrow looking at her brand new clothes. She wore a pair of jeans, an open pink shirt over a long sleeved white shirt with a heart shaped spider-man face in the middle.

"Nice shirt," I smiled, "get in."

MJ chuckled as she sat in the passenger's seat putting her bag in the back, "so, going to pick up Felicia?"

"No," I told her as I backed out of the driveway, "she said she'll be coming on her own and Liz said she got her own ride."

"She did?" MJ asked surprised, "she didn't tell me."

"Me neither," I shrugged, "I just think she's jealous. I mean, come on, what could compare my baby?"

MJ rolled her eyes, "and just when I thought you couldn't become even more of a nerd."

"Hey! I'm a freaking superhero! How is that being a nerd?!"

"Just because you're a superhero doesn't mean you aren't a nerd," MJ grinned.

"Damn red heads," I chuckled as we drove to school. We arrived quickly, guess there was a big difference when going on a long winding bus route rather than a direct trip to school. I did spend some time in the parking lot though, find a place to park, honestly it was such a pain in the butt, I'm almost tempted to just web swing my way to school.

MJ and I got out of the car just as a familiar mercedes pulled up besides us. The top was down so we could see Harry and Flash staring at us and then to the car.

"Damn, where did you get that piece of junk?" Flash laughed as he jumped out and kicked it's rims, "what? Was it on sale and the garbage dump?"

"How did you even get that thing to run Parker?" Harry laughed, "it must have been a pain to restore."

I shrugged, "money well spent," I motioned to MJ and we quickly left.

"Hey wait up!" Harry called out, great, just great. He and Flash flanked us as we walked into the school ground. "So, what happened to Felicia? You guys broke up?"

I raised an eyebrow, "no, why did you think that?"

"Because you arrived in school with her," Harry pointed at MJ who simply glared back.

"Oh yeah, that makes total sense, and it has nothing to do the fact that Peter and I are neighbors," MJ rolled her eyes.

"Well I don't know man, if I had a girl I ended up coming to school with someone else, well that's a pretty good sign things are bad," Harry chuckled.

"Hey Pete, would you mind if I tried for Hardy?" Flash asked.

I glared at him, "do it and she'll kick you in the balls."

"Harsh," Harry snorted, "come on Flash, I see some new blood that needs introducing," he pointed at a couple of freshmen walking in.

I glared and moved to stop them when MJ grabbed my shoulder, "relax Peter, they won't get far," she pointed at the vice principal suddenly walking over. Flash and Harry spotted him too and immediately the stopped what they were doing.

I sighed, "first day here and I already have a headache."

"Hm, where's Liz? I figured she would be here by now," MJ asked looking around.

"Did someone say my name?!" Liz called out as suddenly she came rolling in, throwing her arms around MJ's shoulder, "hey guys!"

"Hey Liz," I smiled, "excited for a new day?"

"You bet your ass I am!" Liz grinned, "anyway, where's Felicia?"

"She said she was coming on her own," MJ shrugged.

"Oh? She got a ride?" Liz asked.

"Not exactly," I said with a smile as I pointed upwards. The girls turned just in time to see Felicia, now in costume as the Black Cat, swing over the school and disappear out of sight. I saw several other students try and take a picture, but they all lost sight of her quickly. Thank God for big buildings.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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