Chapter 180

"How did she do that?" Liz asked.

"Web shooters, I made her a pair for her birthday," I replied with a shrug.

"Can you make me some?" MJ asked.

"Are you a master gymnast with amazing balance?" I asked.


I chuckled, "fine, I'll see what I can do. But no swinging around, they are strictly for self defence."

"Oh! I want a set too!" Liz asked.

"No," I replied.

"Why not?"

"Because you'll be irresponsible with it," I told her as we entered the school.

"No I wouldn't!"

"Yes you would," MJ and I said at the same time. Just then the closet door burst open and Felicia came out with a big smile on her face and frizzy hair.

"Hey you, nice day?" I asked giving her a firm kiss on her lips.

"Yeah," she smiled as we walked down the corridor, "I stopped a guy from jumping oh and this old lady a block over was lost, so I helped her out, she gave me a granola bar, want it?" she asked offering me said bar.

"Don't mind if I do," I smiled quickly opening it up, "remember when you said you would never be a wannabe goody two shoes like me?"

Felicia rolled her eyes, "yeah, yeah, you can say I told you so." I grinned but said nothing as I munched on the bar.

"You know it's so cool that we're best friends with superheros!" Liz whispered, "I wish I could tell people that," she grumbled seeing Flash and Harry walk by, whistling at a group of cheerleaders passing by.

"You still hung up on him?" MJ asked.

"Who? Flash? No! It's just," Liz grumbled, "nevermind. Anyway, who do you have first period?"

We compared classes and quickly found that I wouldn't be sharing a lot of classes with them since most of my classes were advanced placements. Felicia was a little saddened, but she understood, if I didn't have something challenging I would rip my hair off.

So school was the same, pretty much. I had to force myself to keep awake, luckily though it seems whatever God this universe had decided to cut me some slack and made time go by much faster.

After school ended I gave MJ the keys to my car, after getting a promise from her that she wouldn't total it. Felicia had to see her mom, apparently she had gotten a temp job at her mother's firm. Kitten didn't like it, but it needed to be done. Felicia was looking more information about her mother's clients, finding new ways to screw them over.

Liz practically vanished at the end of the day, going off to God knows where. But the girl did her own thing and I can respect that. So that just left me alone and some good one on one SHIELD training with Nat.

"Move Spider!" Natasha yelled firing off rubber bullets at me.

"This so isn't fair!" I cried out jumping away as fast as she can. She clipped my arm but I managed to land safely before being forced to jump away once again, "does Captain America have to deal with this crap?!"

"You wouldn't believe what he does for training," Nat replied as she fired at my head, I just managed to duck under the bullet before springing forward and kicking one of her guns out of her hand.

She grabbed my leg and sweeped the other one, I came falling down but I managed to pull her down with me, rolling over her. She jammed the gun down my neck before I struck it aside and drew back my fist ready to strike.

Just then I felt my spider sense go off as something cold and metallic was pressed against my junk. I looked down to see a sharp knife in her hands and a cocky smile on her face, "you should expect everything Spider."

"In my defence, I'm wearing sweats while you're in full gear," I groaned as I got up and offered her a hand.

Nat took it and gathered her weapons, "you need to be ready, you can't always rely on that suit to help you out you know."

"I know," I sighed, "anyway I've been meaning to ask you, Jessica Drew, what happened to her?"

"SHIELD has provided Ms. Drew with protection," Nat explained, "she's fine Peter, I promise."

"Good, you better not be experimenting on her, we spiders stick together," I said as I wiped my face with my shirt, showing off my sweat covered abs. I looked up and saw Nat's eyes flash over to my body, "pervert."

"You're the exibishionst here," Nat argued.

"Cradle robber," I glared.

"How old do you think am I?"

"I don't know, 30?" I shrugged. She said nothing, just smiling as we walked out of the training room and sat down at the briefing table. I went to the fridge and got a bottle of water for us both, I sighed as I sipped the cool drink, "so, how did I do?"

"Not bad," she replied, "you're getting better day by day."

I nodded, "right, so how's Cap? After what Wyndham said he alright?"

Nat nodded, "he'll get better. Last I heard he found his son's grave, he and Peggy visited it a week ago."

"Right," I sighed, I really wished that part wasn't really, I really did, "so, anything new for me?"

"A mission?" Nat asked, to which I nodded, "soon, very soon. But for now, just continue doing what you're doing."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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