Chapter 184

"Spider, who's your friend?" Sue asked a little nervously as she eyed May up and down.

"She's a friend," I replied removing my helmet to show that she knew my secret identity.

"Dude! She's right there!" Johnny pointed out.

I rolled my eyes, "relax flame butt, she knows."

"You told her?" Sue asked to which I nodded, "why?"

"Because she's me," I shrugged.

"I'm sorry come again?" Johnny asked looking totally lost. I turned to May and signaled her to speak up she nodded as she immediately removed her mask and smiled.

"Hey," she said doing her best to hide her nerves, "I'm May Parker."

"What the hell is going on?" Johnny asked as he jaw unhinged with Sue matching his surprise.

"She's me from another dimension. Apparently in her world I was born a girl," I shrugged, "hence Peter Parker became May Parker and Spider-man became..."

"Spider-woman," Sue completed.

"Actually it's Spider-girl," May corrected her.

"Why?" Sue asked looking confused.

"Well, Spider-woman's already taken," May shrugged.

"Really who?"

"Jessica Drew," May replied.

"Who is that?" Sue asked.

"Subject D," I replied.

"Wait, you mean that black haired chick who kept giving you the bedroom eyes?" Johnny asked.

I sighed, "the very same one."

"You and Jessica Drew?!" May asked in shock.

"It's a long story, trust me," I sighed.

"So that's what you would look like if you were a girl huh?" Johnny asked as he eyes up May, something I found surprisingly irritating, "dude, you are hot."

"Keep looking at her like that and I'll blast you face off."

"Oh someone's touchy," Johnny grinned, "what's the matter? Don't like the fact you're hotter as a girl than a guy?"

"No," I shook my head, "I just find it extremely creepy that you're attracted to someone who is basically me with boobs. Some unresolved feelings there Johnny?"

Johnny blinked as he looked at me and then May before turning slightly green, "I think I'm going to be sick."

Sue snorted at that, "serves you right," she then turned to me, "what do you need Pete?"

"Clothes," I motioned to her, "the only thing she has to wear is that dreadfully stupid red and blue spandex suit."

"I think it's cool," Johnny said immediately before he realised he was appreciating me in a spandex costume and immediately turned green again.

Sue sighed as she rubbed her temples, "I'll see what I can do."

Soon May came back now wearing a black blouse with full sleeves and a pair of jeans that seemed just a little tighter than she was used too. Luckily I had a spare back pack and slippers she could use, nothing too fancy though.

May looked down at her clothes and turned to me, "what do you think?"

I shrugged, "as long as it's comfortable for you."

Sue hummed, "I offered her a few other pieces, but she's kind of shy around those."

"I wasn't shy! It's just my type," May replied with a blush.

"Ah, a tomboy," I say nodding, "anyway, Sue, is my dad around?"

Sue nodded, "he's in his lab."

"Is he working on something important?"

"No, I don't think so," Sue replied.

"Right," I turned to May, "stay here May, I'll get my dad and then we can leave."

"Ah, yeah, sure," May nodded nervously, can't blame her, not with the way Johnny kept looking at her. But I knew Sue would stop him if he did something inappropriate.

I walked up to Richard's lab and knocked before walking in. I saw him pouring over a pile of notes, typing away at his computer. He looked up and smiled, "hey Peter, what are you doing here so soon?"

I smiled leaning against the door frame, "May's having a nice big dinner ready for us, I figured you would want to join in, have a little family time. But if you're too busy-"

"-No," Richard smiled, "sounds perfect. I've missed out on a lot of family time, work can wait." He grabbed his coat and followed me to the denw here I found May sitting on the couch with Johnny flirting with her.

"So, do you have a Johnny Storm on your world?" he asked.

"Ah, kind off, he's...older," May stressed out.

Johnny blinked, "really? How much older?"

"You're fifty years old, bald and you suffer from premature ejaculation," I called out making Sue snort and May chuckle.

"Hey! Shut it!" Johnny sent a fireball at my head, which I easily avoided by ducking.

"Hey, it's true," I told him.

"Wait, seriously?" Johnny turned to May.

The girl smiled, "yeah, sorry uncle Johnny," that's my girl.

"!" Johnny cried out.

"Come on May, we're leaving, time for dinner," I told her as we all left to the elevator, Richard looking confused as to May's process.

"Peter, I thought you said this was a family night?" he asked.

"She's family," I told him walking into the lift and pressing the garage button, "she's me from another world here I was born a girl."

"I'm sorry?" Richard blinked in confusion.

When the lift opened up to the lobby Richard was all caught up. I lead them outside and we waited as May answered any and all questions Richard had.

"So, Mary and I weren't scientist?" Richard asked her.

May nodded, "yeah, you are a forensics scientist and mom's a fashion designer," to keep things simple I just told May to replace her version of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson with my own parents, keeps things simple. Well, in order to the lies straight, not so much for our personal lives.




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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