Chapter 185

"Fascinating," Richard spoke up as he shoot me a look, "and you're sure you saw her coming from another world?"

"I giant portal like the one Loki used to summon his army opened up and she came out of it wearing a skin tight spandex version of my suit and has my powers and web shooters, what do you think dad?"

Richard looked at May, "HYDRA could have perfected-"

"Cloning me isn't possible, plus they would have made her a guy just to insure the same gene sequence came up. She's your daughter, get used to it," I cut him off as slowly I saw my car pull up with MJ in the driver's seat.

"Hey Tiger," MJ smiled, "came as fast as I could."

I smiled, "thanks, now get out, I'm driving."

MJ huffed, "meany," she opened the door and for the first time noticed May, who was currently staring at her, "hey...Peter, who's your friend?"

"Long story," I sighed, "let's just all get in." I got into the driver's seat with Richard sitting next to me with May and MJ sat in the back. The girl gave fleeting glances at MJ, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"So ah, is someone going to tell me who the new girl is?" MJ asked looking at me through the side way mirror.

I sighed I could have lied, but I really didn't want to spend half my time figuring out which lie I said to who, so I just decided to keep up the same story, "she's a female version of me from another dimension. Surprise."

MJ blinked, "what?!"

"Yup, Mary Jane, meet May Parker, in her world she's Spider-girl, pretty dope huh?" I chuckled as I pulled into traffic, it's going to be a long ride home.

MJ turned to May, "so….you're a female version of Peter?"

May nodded, "ah, I guess."

MJ blinked before turning to me, "you're cute as a girl."

I smirked, "she gets it from her mom," May blushed immediately, realising what I truly meant. I turned to Richard, "I'm helping her find a way back home, so we aren't telling anyone else about her. MJ, do you think you can say May's a friend of yours from before?"

MJ nodded, "yeah, no problem," she then turned to May and smiled, "so, do you have a male version of me in your world too?"

May shook her head, "ah, no, not really, you're still a girl."

"Damn, that's too bad, I would have been a hunk," MJ frowned before smiling, "so wait, are you and I friends in that world?"

May blinked, "ah...I guess, yeah, we are."

MJ smiled as she turned to me, "see Tiger, even in another world we're still friends!"

I nodded, "yes MJ, that's pretty cool right?" For the rest of the trip May and MJ talked, learning more about each other. It was honestly funny seeing May's reaction when MJ talked about whether or not she had a boyfriend in May's world, honestly the faces that girl could make.

We reached Queen in no time, Richard choose to go in first while May, MJ and I stood outside on the curb.

"So anything from SHIELD yet?" May asked.

"No," I looked up from my phone with a sigh, "don't worry, someone confident enough to blow up a city will slip up sooner rather than later. We'll catch him."

"Thanks," May smiled.

"So is this Spyral guy really that important?" MJ asked.

May nodded, "yeah, smart and crazy, worst combination ever. Plus he has horrible taste in music."

"Don't forget his costume," I shivered, "looked like a freaking leprechaun!"

"That's what I said!" May chuckled.

MJ rolled her eyes, "great, now there are two of you. Just what this world needs."

May scoffed, "you say that like it's a bad thing."

"Yeah MJ, why do you think more versions of me is a bad thing?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows, "that just means there are more of me too…." I blinked realising where that train of thought lead too. May and I looked at each other before suddenly a shiver went up our spines as we turned a little green.

"Don't even go there!" May cried, "seriously!"

"Sorry, sorry! Don't know what I was thinking," I shivered, "that would practically be incest of the worst kind."

"What do you mean? Is it even considered inscent? Since it's the same person wouldn't it be masterbation?" MJ asked with an evil glare.

"Shut up!" May and I yelled back as one.

MJ laughed, "ha! You really are the same person! Anyway, see you guys later!" And with that helpful little comment she skipped off to her home.

May turned to me, "that's my mother?"

I smiled, "yeah, why? Is she different from your world?"

"Yeah, she's...well, she doesn't act like that," May pointed at the care free girl before her.

I nodded, "well, if she's been with me for so many years I'm sure she would have feared for my life more than once. She probably matured over time, happens to certain people. Is your dad different from me? Other than the stupid costume choices I mean."




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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