Chapter 246

"They did it! The Avengers saved us!" someone cried out. People began to swarm the team who now stood triumphantly over an unconscious Dragon Emperor.

They smiled and waved, "you gaves are lucky we happened to come around!" J2 said with a grin, flashing a smile for the cameras.

"Can I have an autograph?" someone cried out, it was an old woman with a bandaged arm. She got hurt when J2 ploughed the monster into a building. But she didn't care. But I did.

I growled as I walked up to them, pushing past the people. May noticed me and quickly followed, "what do you think you're doing?"

"I'm going to give them a piece of my mind," I growled out.

"Spider don't, they didn't-"

"-You morons!" I roared out as I tore through the civilian crowds standing before them with clenched fist.

The 'Avengers' spotted me, looking confused as May quickly followed. "Who's your friend there Spider?" the female speedster asked.

"Ah, he's-"

"-I'm Spider-man," I growled, "and would you four mind explaining to me what the hell you were doing?!"

"Woah there little guy," J2 said as he stepped up, "no need to get loud."

"Do you have any idea what you just did?!" I cried out, "we had that situation handled! He would have been unconscious in seconds! And then you four morons had to show up and destroy have the street!"

"Hey who the hell are you buddy?!" a random civilian cried out.

"They are the Avengers'! They saved us!" cried out another.

"No, they destroyed half a city block!" I roared, "look around!" I pointed at a collapsed building, "you think that shit would have happened if it wasn't for them?!"

"And what brilliant plan did you have to stop him?" asked the iron wannabe.

I looked at him and growled, "Spider-girl had shot webbing into his throat and nostrils. His fingers were too big and short to reach in and rip the webbing out. He would have suffocated and fainted. And he was seconds away from going unconscious, until you decided to blow missiles up on his face, burning the fucking webbing!"

The people looked around, whispering to each other. The 'Avengers' looked at each other in surprise, not really knowing what to say.

I turned to the female version of Captain America, "you, who the hell are you supposed to be? Steve's clone? Cousin? Daughter?"

"I-I'm American Dream. I sort just took on the title," she said nervously.

"Figures," I scoffed, "you lack his battle tactics and frankly common sense. Do me a favour girl, learn to lead before you charge into New York with a freaking tank!"

"Hey! You can't talk to her like that!" J2 cried out stepping before American Dream who hangs her head.

"The hell I can't!" I yelled back, "do you four think this is a fucking game?! Do you even think before you act?!"

"Of course we do!" J2 cried out.

"Obviously you don't," I pointed at the crashed cars around me, "you could have jumped on the Dragon Emperor and knocked him down, but nooo, you had to make an entrance and show off! Kid, if you're anything like the real Juggernaut, you have potential to be a machine of destruction, so fucking use some goddamn common sense!"

I turned to the black Ironman, "and you. This isn't a war zone, you can't just randomly fire missiles like that! What if the giant golden lizard had thrown it aside? What if one had landed into a group of civilians instead?!"

"Impossible, my armour won't ever make that mistake," the guy shot back.

"Technology isn't perfect," I growled out.

"Mine is."

I looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Sexy, hack and disable his armour."

"Understood sir."

"Woah, what was that?" the female speedster asked as suddenly the Ironman wannabe began to twitch.

"W-what's happening?!" he cried out as suddenly he slipped over, "my armour isn't moving!"

"There, techonology hacked. Thanks Sexy," I spoke out.

"You're welcome," came her reply.

I turned to the 'Avengers', "I used to be an Avenger, the originals. And I know how it feels having that title. They way people look up to you and all that shit. But, you people are a bunch of jokes. You use the name as a crutch to act like idiots! This isn't a game, so act like it!"

I turned back back on them and looked at May, "we need to go." She didn't say anything, but nodded slowly as she looked back at her...friends? Damn it, I just insulted her friends...again.

As May swung away I followed behind, leaping through roof tops. I looked back to see the 'Avengers' looking defeated. Mainframe got his suit back online, but didn't seem to follow. Hm, something's off about that guy.

We made our way over to a building as May landed there, I quickly followed. I sighed as I walked up to her, "are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"I'm fine," May replied, "it's just….you're a little harsh on them."

I sighed, "if their feelings get hurt because of a few words then they aren't ready for this life May."

"But still-"

"-But nothing," I snapped, "they were reckless and endangered lives. I'm sorry, I know they are your friends, but they are morons if they think they can just charge into battle like that without a plan. I know this might be new for them, but if they are going to call themselves Avengers there is no room for them to make mistakes, ever."

And damn them for not showing up sooner. If they had...I wouldn't have had to step. I told myself I wouldn't fight again but now….




Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…

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