May sighed, "yeah...I guess. My dad actually said the same thing."
I rolled my eyes, "well duh, I just said that didn't I?"
"Not you, I meant...argh, you know what I mean," she sighed.
I nodded. We stood there in silence for a while before I sighed, "hey, you want me to give you some tips of kicking bad guy butt?"
May looked at me and nodded, "yeah, I need to let off some steam."
And we did just that. Till the late hours of the night we were out fighting. May eventually got into a better mood as I should her a few tricks of the trade, like laying down web traps for criminals to bumble into, or giving them a wedgie. Surprised she didn't know how to do that.
May did all the ass kicking though, I took on a strict onlooker role. I refused to be a fucking hero again, especially for something like street crime. Dragon emperor was the only exception I would allow myself.
Finally though it was time to go home. And both May and I were nervous. She changed into her civilian clothes and walked up to May's house, or my house if we were being technical about it.
May gulped, "this is going to be so weird."
I chuckled, "you're telling me. I wonder if I'm still hot after all these years."
"Dude, seriously, stop," May groaned. We made it to her house and spotted a car outside on the curve. She sighed, "dad's home too, yay."
"Relax, it'll be fine."
We walked up to the door, May walked in and called out, "I'm home! And I have company!"
"In the dining room dear!" came a familiar voice that sounded older. I blinked, 'holy shit, I almost forgot about MJ!'
We walked in and found an older looking couple sitting around a dining table, my dining table. The man had brown hair slicked back with hints of grey near the temples. He had a goatee and looked very tired, lines running down his face showed he spent a lot of his years frowning, not exactly what I hope to one day look like.
The woman on the other hand looked hot, like super hot. MILF hot. Like oh my God please let me one day be married to her hot. MJ grew only sexier with age, her facial lines made her seem more calm and controlled, she still looked gorgeous though, unsurprisingly.
"Ah May, we need to talk about," future me looked up and stopped mid-sentence as his eyes landed on me, "what the heck is going on?"
"Peter, what are you," MJ stopped as well as she stared at me, "P-Peter? What's going on?"
"Ah, mom, dad...this is ah," May looked at me, "well..." I smirked, time for some fun! I've been thinking of this moment all day!
"-Daddy!" I cried out rushing towards Peter, hugging him tightly, "I missed you daddy!"
"What?!" Peter and MJ cried out in horror.
"Peter! Stop it!" May growled out.
"Daddy! Big sister May is mean! Can't you tell her to stop?" I asked putting on my best puppy dog eyes, "also, when are you and mommy getting back together?"
"W-what?" older Peter asked in terror, "who are you?!"
"I'm your son!" I smirked, "I'm Ben Hardy! Son of Spiderman and Blackcat!"
"What?!" again, both Peter and MJ screamed.
"Alright, that's enough!" May grabbed my by the ear and pulled me off her dad, "you are so annoying! Did you have to do that?!"
I laughed, "sorry, I could' help it! It was so easy! Plus he looked like he had a stick up his ass, no future version of me should look like that!"
"May what is going on here?!" future Peter cried out getting on his feet, "who is this?"
May sighed, "dad….this is Peter Parker. He's you from another dimension."
I smiled and waved, "heya! Sorry about the little heart attack there, couldn't help it!"
MJ rubbed her temples, "I swear Tiger, everyday it's something else."
Peter blinked, "so you're not my son?"
"Nope. Clever lie."
"No. Well, even if I was I don't think I would know, but yeah, definitely not a clone."
"Sigh, remember that time I went after Spyral?" May spoke up.
"Yes..." MJ trialed off.
"Well, I ended up landing on his dimension. He helped me get back home. Now he's stuck here and I figured we could give him a place to crash for a few days."
"I-I see," MJ said before looking at me, "he really does look like a younger version of you Peter."
"Maybe," he squinted his eyes at me, "how do we know you're not lying?"
I blinked, " like Felicia's breasts but you always thought her butt was three times better. You think Liz Allen was hot, but extremely annoying for your taste. You always wondered why Shocker gave himself that stupid name when his powers are based on vibrations. But when you realise the Vibrator sounds like a dildo. Oh and you also think Sue Storm is super hot, but you're too scared of Reed, Johnny and Ben to mention anything."
Future Peter looked horrified, "my daughter's right there!"
I blinked and turned to May, "yeah, about that, can't you like ge her a better costume or something? Honestly man, you want your teenage daughter jumping around New York in skin tight spandex?"
"Yup, he's you alright," MJ said as she rubbed her temples.
Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…
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