I grinned, "hey MJ, huh, guess in some world we do end up together huh?"
MJ blinked, "you aren't with me in your world?"
I shook my head, "no, we're just friends. But honestly if this is how you're going to look in 20 years I'm totally changing my mind."
"Was I really this annoying?" future Peter asked with a groan.
"Yes," came MJ's sharp reply.
We all sat down around the dining table as I told them my story. How my Reed created a portal that sent me here and how I would automatically return home, but no idea when that would happen.
"So you need a place to stay?" future Peter asked.
I nodded, "yeah, just for a few days, hopefully. I have cash, so you don't have to worry about that. Honestly I would be able to make due living in a motel, but May insisted."
"She was right too," MJ spoke up flashing her daughter a smile, "you're family after all."
"From another world," future Peter corrected.
"But still family," MJ glared at her husband, "you can stay for as long as you want ah...Peter."
I smiled, "call me Bruce Wayne, it's a lot less confusing. Don't want to accidentally call me honey bunny or something."
MJ chuckled, "yup Tiger, he's definitely a younger version of you."
I smiled, "yup, anyway, I have to say, all this is kind of surprising," I looked around, "didn't think you would still be living here of all places."
"I got it after aunt May died," future Peter explained, "is she...is she still alive in your world?"
I nodded, "yeah, her, uncle Ben and dad. They're all alive."
"What?!" Peter's eyes went wide in surprise along with MJ's.
I nodded as I took out my phone and opened the gallery. I showed a picture of me with the entire Parker household and showed it Peter, "yeah, May told me he's dead in your world?"
"H-he is," Peter gulped, eyes slowly watering, "how?"
I raised an eyebrow, "how what?"
"W-when I first became Spider-man I was irresponsible with my powers. Use it to gain attention for myself and money. That indirectly caused uncle Ben's death."
I blinked, "damn...I'm sorry to hear that Pete...I...when I got my powers I didn't even actually want to be a superhero."
MJ gasped, "a Peter Parker that didn't want to be a hero? Now I've seen everything."
"It's true," I nodded, "I...I was scared. It wasn't an appealing life really. I figured I could do a lot more good with any tech I build, making the world a better place once step at a time. But then….MJ changed my mind."
"She did?" MJ asked in surprise, "how?"
"She told me that heroes were needed, that people need something to believe in," I sighed, "we actually went out on a date, but at the end the Hulk kind of crashed it by dropping into Harlem and fighting Abomination. I saw so many people hurt...I just knew I had to do something to help. So...I became Spider-man."
MJ and Peter looked at each other. The redhead sighed, "all these years I wanted to keep you away from that life, I'm surprised to find there's a version of you out there that became Spider-man because of me Tiger."
Peter sighed too, "I know….and...your father? How is he still alive?"
I sighed hard, "he and mom were scientist...is it the same in your world?"
Peter shook his head, "no, they were agents of SHIELD, they died on a mission."
May gasped, "dad...I didn't know that! Is everyone in my family a badass!?"
MJ smiled, "you betcha kiddo!"
I nodded, "well, it's something similar with me. My mom and dad were working on recreating the super soldier serum that gave Steve his powers. They succeeded, but they later found out they were actually working for HYDRA. They ran, but HYDRA caught them. My dad was taken in alive, but my mom….she committed suicide in order to insure the formula would never reach their hands. My dad didn't know the whole formula, the only physical sample they made they inserted into me. When that spider bite me it activated the formula, mutating it into giving me my powers. Same with you?"
Peter blinked, "no….they just died for being spies. They came back at one point, but they were just androids."
I groaned, "fucking hate that trick….having my dad back is weird...but, I think I'm finally getting used to it."
Peter smiled, "it's funny, when I was your age I always wondered what it would be like to have my parents and Ben back...and you know."
I chuckled, "yeah, guess so….you know, if you want, I can bring him a message," I offered. This was Peter Parker, the real one. Not a fake taking his place and taking the love of his father. No...it wasn't fair. This is the least I can do to make it up.
Peter smiled, "no, I'm over it. I have another family to look after now," he smiled at May and MJ, "I'm content."
I smiled, "I have to say, I never imagined I would ever become so...normal," I chuckled.
"I'm sure you find it difficult imagining a life without the webs. But you will," Peter smiled back, "being a hero is a great responsibility, but now I got a bigger responsibility," he turned to May, "that trumps everything else I could ever be."
Hello everyone. I want to inform you that the novel "Caught in the Web of The Spider" is now available in PDF format in the Store section. It consists of 8 volumes, each with 100 chapters or more, from chapter 1 to 831. If you want to read the entire novel, go to my Ko-Fi and buy it now!…
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