SOUNDTRACK: “The Ending” by Papa Roach.
~ RIG ~
I was a mess, my head spinning with thoughts of Cara, fear of what my father was having done to her, and abject terror that I wasn’t wolf enough to get her back.
I was upstairs in my room getting ready for the Rite when Charlie scratched at my mind and my already thundering heart threatened to shoot through the top of my skull.
‘Charlie! Where are you? Is Cara with you?!’
‘No, Rig. I’m sorry. He got her.’
My heart dropped so hard I felt it in my toes. ‘Who? Who got her?’
‘The Night Walker.’
‘Rig, I’m sorry. I’ll explain. But I need to talk to you. Without the others.’
‘What, why? What the hell is going on?’
I was standing in the middle of my room, hands in my hair, Beans staring at me from the bed, his body tense and pupils growing wider and darker. But Charlie hesitated.
Rage, white-hot and pure shoved through my veins. ‘Charlie, what the fuck did you do?!’