Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Gangbanged by the white guys.

Gangbanged by the white guys My white girl friend Darlene invited me to a party her brother was having, I agreed to go but she told me I probably would be the only one of color there, I had no problem with it, I though it might be fun. Darlene picked me up driving a few miles to a little private club, as we went in music was playing loud and it was packed full of people, it seemed a lot of attention was on us, possibly because we both had on short skirts and mine was a lot shorter than anyone else. We talked to some guys having a few glasses of spiked punch, then for some reason we started doing shots of liquor, theses whites guys really knew how to have a fun time, between the liquor and the shots I had a good buzz going. I was in the mood to dance so me, Darlene and a couple guys went out on the floor dancing, there was not a lot of people dancing so the crowd was watching us and I put on a show for theses white guys showing them how a sister could move. I was shaking and working it, I knew that if I lifted my arms up in the air above my shoulders my dress would rise up in back giving them a view of my sheer purple panties, I even heard a guy say "you can see the crack of her ass through them" of course I acted like I heard nothing doing my show thing, I was having a great time teasing theses guys. A couple other guys joined us on the floor including Darlene's brother Scott, who was getting frisky with me playfully touching my breast and butt "be good" I told him smiling but he only stopped for a few seconds then went back at it. I also knew as I danced my tits were bouncing around since I very rarely wear a bra out, plus with the couple buttons I left open at top all the guys got a good cleavage shot almost to my hard nipples poking through my dress. A block of slow songs came on, I danced with Scott at first, but every few minutes guys would come up cutting in taking turns dancing and feeling on my butt, a few telling me what they would do to me. As the slow songs stopped the last guy I was dancing with said "come with me" I was so buzzed and not thinking went out in a hallway with him, he closed the door and before I knew it he pulled me in his arms kissing me, feeling one of my breast hard. He plunged his tongue deep in my mouth, with his other hand he pulled me to him reaching under my dress cupping my butt, I kissed him back as he lowered his other hand now holding my cheeks with his hands on my panties. The hall door opened and two more guys walked in, I pulled from him saying "I better go back in" one of the other guys said "why, you been teasing with us and flashing that ass all night, lets see what you are made of" he came over putting his hands between my legs stroking my pussy, I moved his hand saying "stop". While he kept trying to feel me up the third guy came over reaching up feeling my both my breast squeezing them hard, again I said "no stop guys" next thing I knew all three guys were on me and I could feel my panties being lowered in back, again I said "no" trying to resist but being so high and horny I was losing the battle. I felt my panties now dropping to my ankles, my legs were lifted up and they removed them setting me back on my feet, now a guy was in front grinding on me, one in back grinding on my butt feeling both my tits in the top of my dress "theses black tits are really soft and she got some big hard nipples". The guy in front said "lay her on the floor" I shook my head no but did little to stop them, he was standing in front of me, my legs slightly spread, he came down on top of me grinding his hips as the others watched, I could feel myself getting wet with each stroke, I put my arms around him, moving with him. One guy said "she's into it now" he moved on top of me for a few minutes, then getting up as another got on me, then another taking turns, the last pulled me up on top of him wrapping his hands on my butt gripping my cheeks and with my panties gone it was feeling so good, the other's watching said "look at that big black ass". The guy I was on top of pulled my face down and we began to kiss then he rolled me over on my back still grinding, kissing me, a voice said "move man" pulling him up, I looked, both the other guys had removed their pants, both their cocks hard, stroking them. One was getting between my legs, I moaned "please no" but he just said "you know you want this or you wouldn't have been teasing us" down between my legs he went and with very little resistance I felt his cock entering my wet hole, I moaned "umm, oh" he just held it in me "damn, she is soaking wet and tight". Wiggling his hips I moaned again, looking him in the eyes he started to move slowly, pulling back some, then he went down laying on top of me going all inside, closing my eyes I put my arms around him, moving with him. We were going in rhythm together slow for a few minutes, he was so deep inside then I heard the door, opening my eyes, another guys was there, it was Scott, Darlene's brother, he said "fuck the shit out that black pussy". The guy on top of me started going real fast, slamming his cock in me, his balls slapping my butt cheeks, with each pump I was getting wetter, he definitely was making me cum. I went humping real hard with him, panting and breathing hard, he grunted whipping his hard cock out, my pussy lips popped, he came shooting cum all over my pubic hair, he jerked it shooting squirt after squirt coating me pretty good, getting up he said "man that black pussy is good". Watching, another one of the guys was getting between my legs wiping the cum off me with a rag, he lifted my butt up holding it off the floor going right in me, again I moaned as we moved together, I could hear the wet sounds of my pussy and could feel the juice running out of me, he was clutching my ass with each stroke. "Man, this pussy is so nice and juicy" he said to the fellows, he was long stroking me, I could feel him pull almost out of me then slowly push it all back in, it was driving me wild, he did this several times before pulling out shooting cum over my pussy lips and quite a bit too. I laid there reaching pushing his juice in me rubbing my clit, he said "look at her, that shit is too tight, you can't help but cum" he let me down, I looked over and Scott was taking off his pants "let's se how she sucks dick". I was laying on my back, he came getting over my face, as his cock reached my lips I opened up taking it inside, I kept looking at him stroking it with my tongue, he began to pump, closing my eyes I sucked him hard, I could hear him panting, moaning enjoying what I was doing to him "umm, yes she is good". I was still attacking his cock sucking and twisting my head I felt someone lifting my legs up again, getting between them entering my hungry pussy, now I had a white cock in my mouth and pussy, getting it from both ends, the way the guy was doing my pussy made me suck Scott even harder. I couldn't believe I was so into what was happening, Scott went down putting his entire cock in my mouth "here it comes" I heard, I felt the muscles of his cock build, exploding right in the back of my throat, gulp, gulp I went swallowing every drop, getting him dry, the room filled with excitement, I just stroked it with my tongue. The guy who was fucking my pussy yelled "oh shit" holding his cock deep in me, cumming, I could only squirm, feeling his warm juice flowing deep in me, he was shaking "You came in her, you wasn't suppose to do that" Scott said, his only response was "I don't ever waste my juice" pulling back out me, again I went rubbing my clit feeling more juice coming out me. "I want that black pussy now" Scott said forcefully, he turned me over putting me on my hands and knees, wiping my pussy with that rag, then quickly he was in me humping and pumping real fast like a piston, looking up another guy has entered the room. He just walked up, opened his pants putting his cock in my mouth, again I was getting it from both ends with others watching, they were in such rhythm together, both in and out at the same time, Scott's hands were on my hips thrusting, I was cumming so much feeling it running down both my legs. Scott stopped I thought he was going to pull out but instead he pulled my hips back stopping unloading his juice in me then pulled out laying his cock between my butt cheeks cumming on my ass. The guy in my mouth grunted holding the sides of my face, I opened my eyes looking in his just as he started to cum, pulling my head making his cock go farther in my throat until his balls were on my chin. Sucking and pulling all his juice went in my belly, then I just went up and down on it until he pulled back his cock dropping from my lips. Back in my pussy Scott went, I laid my head down as he went furiously working my worn hole, he was really driving it through me for several minutes, the guys were hooting, chanting him on, just as he was about to cum he pulled out telling me to turn over. He climbed over my face telling me to open my mouth, stick out my tongue, holding it over my lips I, with the other guys watched as his cum, each spurt went in my open mouth, I swallowed while he stroked it and the last few drops went in my mouth, before he pushed it back and I sucked getting a couple more drops out. He stood up zipping up his pants, looking there was eight guys there, some just watched, I shyly put my head down "don't be bashful now, you not so shy" one guy said. I looked located my panties putting them back on, I didn't say much going back in the other room, to lots of stares, I was sure they knew I let them gang bang me, especially with the grinning guys coming behind me. Darlene came asking me if I was ok, I told her yes but I should have known better than to let that happen, I kept looking around, besides the girls snickering, staring, some of the guys made crude remarks, I even heard someone call me a slut wanting to know if I was ready for round two. I just half smiled not saying much, we only stayed a little longer and Darlene drove me home.