Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

At the mall.

at the mall I'm the manager of the leather goods store at my local mall, and I've got a story to tell you about what happened there this last holiday season. Surprisingly enough, they closed the whole mall down, supposedly giving the shop workers a day with their families. Even so, I still had to go in and do She stops in at work after hours. a few things I wasn't able to finish the night before. Fortunately, I have a key to the back door of my store, so I got in. My boyfriend came along, since his family had done all their holiday stuff on Christmas Eve. So there I was, doing my manager stuff, while Paul looked around the store. He'd been in before, so he knew the stuff he liked. Stepping straight to the racks of leather jackets, he grabbed one he liked and put it on, then he went to a display of leather caps and found one his size. Standing in front of the mirror, in his tight blue jeans, in a leather jacket and cap, he looked like something out of one of those old biker movies. He looked fabulous. I felt myself getting wet at the sight. Next he asked if he could try on a pair of leather pants. As if he really had to ask! I told him to go right ahead, and when he started toward the fitting rooms, I told him not to bother, we were the only ones there. A smile spread across his face, and he unzipped his jeans quickly. I get a feeling that almost every guy has a secret fantasy about stripping down in the middle of the mall, or something. Anyway, Paul's jeans were in a heap on the floor in a flash, and he was soon strutting around in a pair of tight black leather pants. I thought I'd cum right then and there! Here was the hottest man alive, only about six feet away. Suddenly, I got an idea, and told Paul to close his eyes and wait for me. When I was convinced he wasn't peeking, I dashed to a few racks, then ran to the fitting rooms. After a few minutes, I told Paul he could open his eyes again. When he finally found me, his jaw nearly hit the floor and his cock nearly burst the seams of those leather pants he had on. I was wearing a leather halter top over my 32C's, a tight leather miniskirt, (under that, I was wearing leather thong panties, only he didn't know that, yet), and a pair of high boots. I asked him, "What's the matter, don't you like it?" and all I got in response was an incoherent mumble. I slowly started walking toward him, making sure I swung my hips with each step, so I could emphasize the shortness of the miniskirt. When I reached Paul, I pressed my body against his, my leather clad breasts flattening against the hard leather of his jacket. Slowly, I reached down and ran my hand over the big lump in his pants. Paul moaned and pressed himself harder into my hand, then snaked a hand around my waist then up under the short skirt I was wearing. When he found my bare ass with just a thin strip running up my crack, he moaned again and lifted me onto the checkout counter. Kneeling down, he pushed the miniskirt up and pulled aside the crotch of the leather panties I wore. I swear, he must have been nearly asphyxiated by the smell of pussy, but he didn't miss a beat as he lowered his head and lapped up a big dollop of cream that oozed out of my sopping cunt. He had me going harder than ever within a few minutes, and I moaned into his ear that I needed his hard prick inside my pussy, immediately. Reluctantly, Paul straightened, and with a sigh of relief, released his throbbing cock from the tight leather pants. I reached out, grabbed his thick member and guided the huge purple head to the entrance to my leaking pussy. Reaching around and grabbing his ass cheeks, I pulled him in to me, burying the full length of his nine-incher in my suctioning cunt in a single stroke. We both let out a yell as my cunt stretched around his enormous fuckstick, and when the intensity eased a bit, Paul started to thrust. Each time Paul pushed his big cock into me, I let out a little grunt, and after a little bit, he had me cumming, hard. I tried to bite back the scream that welled up out of my throat, but finally, the pressure was too intense, the orgasm too mind-blowing, and I opened up and let go. "Is somebody in there? Tonia, is that you?" This came from the gate at the front of the store as I was coming down off of my blinding orgasm. Paul panicked, and, pants down around his knees, hopped to the back of the store and hid. Fortunately, I recognized the voice, or I'd have been just as terrified as Paul. I straightened a little, smoothed down the miniskirt, and turned toward the voice. "Hi, Rita. Yeah, it's me. Just stopped in to finish some shit I didn't get done last night." Rita smirked, "Yeah, I can see. I'll bet your district would be proud as hell to see just how dedicated you are." Rita is on cleanup crew at the mall, and although it isn't the most glamorous job in the world, she is a really great person, with a pretty face, long wavy brunette hair, and a trim body that I've noticed more than one guy turn and admire as he was walking by. "Yeah, right," I said, knowing she'd seen us. "Working over the holidays can be hell." "Looked like a lot of fun. Wish I could be 'working' like that Sure would make the day go faster." "Well, hey, I'm sure that Paul wouldn't mind." I called Paul from the back, where he peeked around the corner, and seeing that there was no swat team, came back out. "Paul, meet Rita, a friend of mine." I could see that he liked Rita from the start, from the gleam in his eyes, and I noticed Rita looking him up and down, as well. Opening the gate so that Rita could get into the store with us, I led us all into the back room, where there is a big table that we use to sort stuff and also to have breaks at. It wasn't exactly as comfortable as a king-size bed, but it would have to do. Paul and I converged on Rita, running our hands over her body before starting to remove her clothes. After not too long, her uniform was in a puddle on the floor, and her gorgeous body was revealed to us. I wanted to make love to her right away, but Rita had other ideas. She knelt in front of Paul and with a dexterity which amazed me, had his cock out of his pants before I could protest. She proved to me that she was every bit the cocksucker she had admitted to me a couple of times we'd talked and the subject turned to sex. With a groan, Paul released a load of cum onto Rita, which splashed on her face and over her tits. She seemed to revel in the feel of his cum on her skin, and not wanting to be left out of the party, I knelt down next to her and started to lick the semen off her body. When I'd cleaned the last of Paul's jizz off Rita's body, I started to suck on first one nipple, then the other, while Rita closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the sensation. For a minute, I forgot about Paul, but was reminded when I felt his cock probing the entrance to my pussy. I wasn't about to stop what I was doing, but wiggled my butt a little to encourage him to continue. Shortly, he was back inside me, pumping away, while Rita freed my boobs from the halter top and cupped them in her hands. Rita kneaded my tits a little, then bent down to take the nipples between her lips. This is something I always love, being filled at one end while being pleasured at the other as well. After far too short a time, it seemed to me, Rita crawled under me and started to lick my cunt and Paul's balls. Well, this was obviously too much for Paul to stand, and within seconds, he was shooting his second load deep inside my spasming pussy. When Paul finally pulled out, Rita licked the juices from his cock before clamping her mouth over my cunt and sucking out everything Paul had just shot into me. After two great cum shots in a very short time, Paul needed to sit back and take a breather while his dick revived. I didn't mind, because after Rita had cleaned out my soggy cunt, she moved a little and took my quivering clit between her lips. Well, since her clit was mere inches from my own face, I sucked her love button into my mouth and nibbled it gently, causing her to moan and suck my clit even harder. Surprisingly enough, it didn't take Paul too long to recover, because after only a quick orgasm by both Rita and myself, he was pulling us apart so he could sink his nine-inches into Rita's butt. I've never tried anal, but Rita seemed to be having the time of her life, and while Paul plowed her ass, I returned to sucking her engorged clit. After a while, Rita shuddered and moaned with an orgasm, and then I decided. I lay back and raised my knees to my chest and shouted, "In my ass, Paul, now!" Paul didn't argue, merely shuffled over to me and pressed the head of his cock against the little pucker of my asshole. At first, I tensed up, and he couldn't get it in, but Rita started whispering to me how good it would feel, and eventually, I relaxed, evidenced by the fact that, little by little, Paul slid into my butt. It was an unusual, new, but highly pleasurable feeling, and I felt myself relaxing more and more all the time. Finally, Paul couldn't hold back anymore, and he pulled out and splashed Rita and me with white jism. Rita and I pulled each other close, feeling the slippery, sticky semen rubbing between our bodies. Well, Rita had to get back to work. I don't know what she was doing at work, but she was. She pulled her uniform back on, not wiping off the cum we had just rubbed all over each other, saying the reminder would keep her going the rest of the day. Paul and I had to buy the stuff we'd tried on, since most of it was so rumpled, I could never have sold it, but we didn't care. After what had just happened, we both considered getting Rita an outfit something like mine to remember the occasion by, maybe even present it as a gift that evening at the holiday party Paul and I decided to throw for just the three of us.