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Ann s Anal

Ann's Anal As I pulled into the drive early from work I could sense that something was not quite right. My fiend John's car was pulled up beside the house and our bedroom curtains were drawn shut, something Ann never did during the day, I quickly put two and two together and came up with the inevitable, my slut wife was having an affair, I had suspected such over the last weeks, the headaches had become more frequent and when I did get any there wasn't the usual enthusiasm. I crept ever so quietly up the stairs but I did not need to be that quiet, I could hear the two of them having one hell of a time. Ann was squealing at the top of her voice obviously half in pleasure, half in pain, I could recognize it from some of our more extreme sex sessions, although it was hard to remember the last time we had experienced one of those nights. With that I heard John shout "take that you bitch, take it all, you wanted it, now your going to get it, every last inch of it" I could only imagine what was going on as Ann let out a blood curdling scream. Half expecting to see Ann being raped by my best friend, but not really quite sure what I would discover, I peered around the half open bedroom door. The bedroom looked as though a bomb had hit it, there were clothes thrown everywhere, the bed was in complete disarray and there in the middle of our nuptial bed were the two people I thought I knew best of all, except that the one now had his swollen cock rammed right up to his hairy balls in my wife's beautiful arse hole. I don't know which was most shocking, seeing the two of them together in our bed or the cock sticking out of her arse hole. Let me explain my second surprise, over the years we have had a great sex life, we've tried almost everything one time or another but to my deep regret Ann would never agree to anal sex. I've tried everything to get her turned on to it but with no success. You could say it's become an obsession with me, I've tried many porno films, of course heavy on the anal sex and on a couple of occasions I've accidentally slipped into the wrong hole but only to be immediately ejected "I know what your up to and the answer is still no" she would say. Not that she's particularly against anal sex; she enjoys the movies and is quite happy to give my arse plenty of attention with her dildos. She knows just how to get me to cum when I need a bit more encouragement, a moist finger pushed straight up my arse to the knuckle is light hitting a starter button, guaranteed to make me shoot my load wherever my cock happens to be pointing, straight up her cunt most likely although she enjoys it shot straight down her throat as well. That's fun, deep throat and a finger right up your arse and away it blows, guaranteed every time, Ann loves to gobble down my load of cum. She just says she hates anything up her arse, says it hurts like hell and she's just plain old, not interested. But she knows how obsessed I've become so last year on holiday she let me get my evil way. We've often talked about having a threesome but she wanted servicing by a girl rather than a pair of cocks, at the time she said there was only one cock for her, so much for that belief. Well a number of holiday drinks and a friendly local girl, found the three of us in bed together, our new friend had a mouthful of my wife's cunt. She stopped sucking on her clit for a moment "What's the matter with your hubby, doesn't he want to do anything other than watch" our new friend asked. "Well I know what he would enjoy" Ann replied. "What's that" she asked. "Oh he can't take his eyes off your lovely arse" said Ann "He's always wanted anal sex, but I draw the line at that" Jennifer, yes I think that was her name, stopped sucking on Ann's clit, turned around to look me in the eye, gave me a wink and said, "go ahead big boy" So while Jennifer got busy between Ann's thighs I got to servicing my first live arse hole, it was glorious, to watch my shiny disgorged knob push its sweet way into that tiny little arse hole was a dream cum true. I wanted to take it real slow, to savor the moment and not to hurt Jennifer, but that's not the way she wanted it. As soon as my knob had worked its way just inside, Jennifer pushed back onto me with a huge shove and there I was impaled with my balls hard up against her arse, with that she dived back down to her mouthful of juicy, dripping cunt. Obviously the thought of my shafting another woman's arse turned Ann on as she started to have one of her earthshaking orgasms. So that's the way Jennifer wanted it, I began to ride her arse as hard as I could, but not for long, the tight hot, juicy little hole was too much to bare and I exploded my load right up inside her rectum. Of course having experienced ecstasy only made me want it from Ann all the more, but no she wasn't going to budge, what's a guy to do. Now you can imagine my disbelief of what I saw in front of me, John was now riding her arse for all he was worth and Ann obviously loved every minute of it. "Go on" she cried "Is that all you can give me, give me another couple of inches if you've got it" and I could hear John's thighs slapping hard against her arse as he hit the bottom of every stroke trying to give her that extra inch. From my vantage point I could clearly see his shaft as it rode in and out of her arse, a good seven inches of male meat glistening with a mixture of their juices, there was white pre cum around his shaft near his balls mixed with her colored juices running down his shaft and yes it was beginning to have a slightly darker tint to it, not surprising given the physical enema she was getting. God what was I to do now, I was so angry, upset and had a hard on that was ready to explode, I had never seen anything so erotic in all my life, a plan began to form in my mind. "What the hell do you think you two are up to" I yelled at the top of my voice. All hell broke loose, or should I say they broke loose, you have never seen anybody pull his cock out of an arse hole so quick in all your life. There stood John with his cock still fully erect with my wife's anal juices dripping off the end of it. My lovely Ann was scrabbling off her hands and knees her tits swinging free. "Oh my god Dave what are you doing home, I, I, but" she didn't know what to say. "Oh god I'm so sorry, I'll do anything for you to forgive me" "Yes you will" I said "and you'll both make it up to me now" "and John any complaints from you and I'm sure your dear wife would love to hear what you've been up to or should I say up in, this afternoon" not a word came from either of them, you have never seen two more guilty looking people in all your life. "Well first you my darling unfaithful wife, so much for no anal sex, at least now that's on the menu, get back on your hands and knees like the bitch you are and get ready to let me have some" Not a word of complaint from Ann, after all what could she say. She scuttled back into the position she had been in only a few minutes before with a very guilty look on here face, but was there just a hint of excitement in that expression? And there it was, staring me in the face; her arse hole was still partly open wide and inflamed from the ramming it had just been receiving. Her sweet hole was still surrounded in their mixed juices from their encounter, you could see John's precum mixed with Ann's anal juices, it looked delicious. I couldn't resist, it just looked so tasty, so spreading her cheeks wide I licked all around that delicious hole. It was surprisingly tasty and I helped myself to every last drop getting very aroused about the source of those flavors, another man's cum mixed with Ann's!!!!!. I was addicted and looking for more I dipped my tongue into her still open arse hole and swirled it around just inside, I only wished I had a longer tongue to reach further into its depths, I could feel Ann shudder in response, she was enjoying it the cheeky bitch. Now I had my clothes off, cock out and aimed straight at her opening, slowly I inched it forwards, watched as it's shiny knob pushed its way up against her anus, pushed a little harder to see the hole open slightly and begin to let me slip inside, I could hardly believe it as my knob slipped inside and it closed over my glands with her arse hole wrapped tight around and there it went out of site to venture into its glorious warm, dark and juicy insides, I could feel her rectum contract hard against it's entry. "Oh no you don't" I cried and rammed it deep inside with one mighty push. It slipped right in as easy as you could please, after all John had done a great job of loosening her up. Ann screamed, after all my cock is quite a bit bigger than John's on a normal day and today it was engorged "Well at least I can service this hole every night" I said. I had never experienced anything so erotic, the tight, tight feel as it gripped hard around the full length of my shaft, the knowledge that I was finally up inside that hole that had always been so elusive and knowing that my best friend had just been in exactly the same hole sodomizing my dear wife, was all too much to bear. I looked around and John was busy picking up his clothes in a futile effort to leave the scene of his crime. "And where do you think your going" I asked. "hmm" was all I could get back in return. "I have a special treat in store for you my anal sex friend" an idea had already formed in my mind. Being a great believer in "don't knock it unless you've tried it" I reached behind me, spread my arse cheeks wide and said "if you want anal so badly try this for size, after all it's the least I can do as your last encounter was so rudely interrupted" His face was a picture of shock and horror, I could see his once erect cock going flaccid at the very thought. In one of my occasional erotic fantasy's, like many guys I guess, I had wondered what being taken by another man would be like, now was the opportunity to try it out, I wondered what Ann's reaction would be. "Ann you've got a job to do, get his thing going again, Come on John, stick it down her throat I know she's good at that, but I expect you've already experienced her deep throat abilities" "Oh yes and it looks as though it could do with a good clean" So as I began to ride Ann's arse I was treated to the view of John's now hardening cock going down her throat, she was beginning to enjoy it, the harder I bottomed my balls against her arse cheeks the more she began to moan. "Ok John get it out of her throat and bring it around here and bring that KY jelly over here with you" Actually I think John was beginning to get excited at the idea as he didn't need further persuasion and he was having no trouble with his new erection. I felt him put the top of the tube in my arse and felt a little enter my arse. "Don't mess around give me a tube full" I shouted and I felt a rush of the slippery liquid shoot up inside my bowels as he emptied the contents inside me. "Hold on a minute I need to brace myself against something firm" and I pushed in hard against Ann's cheeks, my own cock pulsating and twitching deep inside her own arse hole. John was obviously getting turned on, it didn't take a second and I could feel his knob pressing against my anus. I felt him push against me, at first my hole seemed to refuse to open up but it could not resist for long against a tube full of KY that had made a slippery mess of my whole insides. I felt him put his whole weight against his cock, I was pushed harder against Ann's arse and them my arse hole gave way, the feeling of his member slipping straight up inside me was unbelievable, painful but delicious in a very naughty type of way, now I knew how Ann was feeling right now except that the added weight of John now on top of me pushed my cock another couple of inches deep inside her, I heard her give out a low soft moan. I was literally the sandwich in the middle of an anal orgy. John picked up where he had left off just a few minutes ago and started to ride my arse for all it was worth, I honestly thought his cock was going to come out of my mouth. Soon we got the rhythm of the three of us going, John and I would both pull back together, my cock coming out of Ann's arse first and then John's out of mine. John would take the lead going back up our arses, his weight would carry both cocks back inside their slippery holes together. I could here John squelching in and out of a hole full of KY jelly, it was being squirted out of my arse and going everywhere. By comparison my cock was getting sore, I reached behind me, grabbed hold of John's cock, gave it a stroke and came back with almost a handful of the stuff. As my cock came out of its hole on the next stroke I pulled it right out, plastered it with my handful of goop and back in it went at twice the speed thanks to its new lubrication. My excitement was mounting at the sight of all that lube that had first been in my bum with John's cock and now it was helping my cock pump Ann's arse hole for all it was worth. I knew we could not keep this up for long and I felt John's cock thrust against me and begin to throb deep inside. He gave out a yell. Thrust his cock even deeper and shoot what felt like a gallon of cum into my intestines, I had this vision of seeing inside my arse as his cum pumped from the eye in my knob, balls contracting to get every last drop inside. This was all that I needed and I exploded my load into Ann who was also in the midst of a massive orgasm helped on by the sounds of John my cumming like freight trains. We all collapsed on a heap on top of each other, hard cocks dripping their last drops of cum into their unusual holes. After what seemed like several minutes of heavy breathing and cocks going soft inside their respective holes we recovered sufficiently to get back to our knees and there it was again staring right up at me, Ann's red raw arse hole was still opening and closing, muscles contracting as her orgasm subsided and her anus began to relax. My cum was beginning to bubble out of her arse hole there was so much of it. You didn't have to ask me twice, I plastered my lips around her hole and began to suck the delicious cocktail. Ann started to giggle forced a bowel movement and a huge glob was forced out into my awaiting mouth, I swallowed it with a second thought and went back for more. "Enough, when am I going to get some" Ann asked. Now this did not surprise me in the least, we have both come to love the taste of my cum over the years and there's usually a fight over who gets to eat my load, we usually finish up sharing. "No problem" I declared "I have something special for you, lie on your back" "Oh goody" she was excited with anticipation, but not quite sure what was coming. With that I stood over her naked body and began to squat down over her face, now Ann knew what was coming, she giggled in anticipation. Reaching down with both hands I spread my now slippery cheeks, planted by arse hole over her now open mouth. Relaxing my rectum, John's cum mixed with my anal juices and KY began to run out and into her mouth, she lapped it down "your not kidding, what a cocktail, I think John's even tastier than your are" she teased. "I don't believe, it let me taste" was my reply. I stuck two fingers up my arse and came out covered in John's cum cocktail. Sucking on my fingers "no contest, my cum and your arse wins hands down" we both fell about laughing. John was not to be left out of the contest, he came across stuck fingers in both our arse holes and sucked his fingers "they both taste good to me, my choice would be for my cum and your wife's arse any day".