Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

Ashli s other job.

ashli's other job It's about time. I was so tired of my day job I could just scream! It was only the perks that kept me from quitting. I'd much rather do my night job full time, but it didn't pay the bills – yet. I was just starting out, but once it got into full swing, I'd be outta this dreary job. But at this moment, I was sitting in first class, jetting my way to New York for a conference. Not bad for a girl only 6 months into an administrative job. One must do what one must do….I kept that saying in mind. Sipping champagne in my silk blouse and skirt with a handsome man sitting in the seat next to me….hey – if I had to do this for a while longer, well, no problem. He kept looking over at me. I figured if I kept his interest for the long flight, maybe I'd actually have some fun in New York. My schedule was full of meetings and seminars, but there had to be a place for me to go at night and release pent up frustrations that happen every day. Maybe he would know. Maybe he'd know the hot spots. And maybe he'd show me personally. Oh yes! My pussy was getting a bit wet just thinking about it. He ordered champagne and glanced at me, raising his eyebrows – would I like another, he was asking. I nodded in response…and it went from there. Was he going there for business, or did he live there? Business, he said. He was staying at a friend's apartment, as he did whenever he came to New York. Why was I in New York? Work – my standard reply. Even though I would enjoy telling him it was for the night life I'd heard about, I figured I'd better keep it on an even keel until I knew him a bit better. We kept talking until the plane landed and he really looked at me said if I was free at some time during my trip to call him and maybe we could get together. He'd been a gentleman during the whole flight [which frustrated me to no end] but when he got up to get his briefcase I saw a nice bulge in his pants. Maybe he wasn't so immune to my assets as he pretended to be. And when he handed me his phone number, he looked right at my tits and rather forcefully said Call Me. I nodded and got up beside him, taking the card. In the crush of people in the aisle, I was pushed up against him. I felt his hard cock right where he wanted to put it and his hands weren't idle. He grabbed my ass and pulled me into him, crushing my now very wet pussy against him and pushing my titties nearly right out of my tiny bra. Just as suddenly, the crowd started to disperse and we were off the plane, in separate cabs and I was on my way to my hotel. Fuck, I thought, life was so fucking unfair. It was the last night of my stay in New York. I'd made it out of the hotel only once. How could they make my visit so boring? This was my final night and I was determined to make in memorable. I'd already made some calls and found out that there was a club to my liking a couple of blocks away. They even had open 'bar' night where I could get up and do my thing. That's where I was going, right NOW. As I walked up to the guy at the door I grinned. I had on my best outfit. They guy just stared and I sauntered on by him. He stammered a bit, started to call me back but then stopped. What the hell, he thought. He'd be able to see much more later – he knew I would be up on stage tonight. I was hot – and I knew it. I walked up to the bar, asked for the manager and told him I wanted to get up there tonight – how about a shot. He took one look and gave me the time of 11:30PM – take it or leave it. I took it. So what if my flight the next morning was a 7 AM. Who needed sleep? Tomorrow was Saturday and I could sleep on the plane. It was 10:30 now and I had an hour to kill. I looked around and liked what I saw. The eye candy in this place was great. And they all were hungry for a good time. The guys in front of the stage were waiving their money around like they had it to burn. Ah yes, I was going to make more money tonight than I ever did at my night job at home. I felt a tingling up my spine, certain someone was watching me. I looked around and couldn't see anyone I knew, but the feeling was still there. What the fuck? Whatever. Then I saw him. Five minutes before I went backstage saw him. He kept his eyes on me as I walked over to him. In my 6 inch spikes, I was almost as tall as he was, but I still had to look up to see his eyes. I told you to call. No hello, no nice to see you. Just an accusation. And he didn't look happy. I'm used to having my requests honored. When he said it like that, my mind immediately turned it around to say 'I'm used to women doing what I ask'. I smiled a lot more confidently than I felt and I asked him what he was doing in a place like this. He said he owned it. I was speechless and stammered I'd be back in about 15 minutes – would he wait? He just nodded once and I walked backstage. Gentlemen, its September. Do you know what this means? Its school time. This is Ashli and she's new to class. Please make my feel welcome! I walked out onto the stage, my spikes making the sound I like them to – right to the beat I asked them to play. My just over the knee stockings, my pleated green and white school skirt and my white blouse completed the outfit. My hips swayed and my pussy was hot. Oh god yes, as the beat went on and on. I focused on him. Just him. He was the reason my legs wrapped around that bar and clutched it as I hung up side down so they saw my string. I calculated the one guy sitting at the point of the stage was gonna cum when I ripped off my top. I was right! My bra was just enough to cover my titties and my g-string cut me just right. It showed my 'ass'-etts perfectly and I was ready for the finale. I grabbed that pole, my tits on either side, one leg on either side and I slid down it, my juice leaving its mark. I unhooked my legs and spread them wide – my hairless pussy lips open for the entire world to see. I rolled backward, calculating it just right so my bra came off as I stood up. My titties were erect and proud, standing at full attention as I shimmied back up to the pole and started humping it for all its worth. Some times I actually get off doing that. Mostly, the guys get so fucking hot when I do it, wishing it was them. I ended the set with the splits, bouncing up and down before finally hitting the stage. One hot D-cup horny bitch. That was me. The lights went low and the money was pouring on the stage. I calculated a couple of hundred dollars for 15 minutes work. Damn, life was sweet! I left the stage right before the next girl and he was waiting at the dressing room door when I came out. You ready to continue the fun? he asked. Without waiting for an answer, he took my hand and started walking. We left the club, the manager barely having a chance to put the money in my hand and walked a couple of blocks in the opposite direction of my hotel. I didn't ask where we were going, I knew already. His apartment. Or rather, his friends apartment. We got to his building and into the elevator. We were going to the penthouse suites, top floor. As soon as the doors shut, he pinned me against the wall, holding my hands high above my head and he kissed me hard. He possessed my mouth as his free hand roamed over my body, pinching my titties and cupping my pussy, rubbing it hard. Oh god, I groaned. Yes, this is what I have wanted all week. All of a sudden he let go of me and the doors opened. He looked the perfect gentleman as another couple entered as we got off. He didn't touch me again and I followed behind him. We got to his door and went inside his beautiful apartment. He set his keys down and still hadn't said a word to me. I just stood there, in the middle of the room. He walked back over to me and unbuttoned my blouse. He pulled it off me and raised my hands again above my head and started kissing me. I began to put my arms around him and he stopped kissing me as soon as they touched his shoulders. 'Don't', he said. 'Put them back up'. I did and he resumed kissing me. His hands slid up my arms and past my hands. The next thing I knew, my hands were locked into some soft cuffs hanging from a hook on the ceiling. Oh my, I thought. This is turning out to be very interesting. My feet still touched the floor because I still had on my 6 inch heels. He had yet to take my bra off and my skirt was still on. He stopped touching me and stepped back. He didn't say anything. Just stared at me. Then he walked slowly around me and came to me from behind. His hands rubbed my tits and grabbed my titties and pinched. 'You like this, don't you?' he asked. Oh yes! He unzipped my skirt and pulled it down. I stepped out of it and was left in my bra, g-string, hose and heels. My pussy was dripping. I felt so sexy and hot. He came back around and faced me once again. He pulled my bra aside so my tits were pushed together and started sucking on them. His hand reached down and started rubbing my pussy. He rubbed it and then kinda cupped it. He rubbed it again, tempting me with a finger at my opening, but never going in deep. I moaned. Oh god please please please. He just cupped it again, this time a little harder and I stopped begging and started grinding my pussy into his hand. The harder I grinded into his hand, the harder my sucked and bit my titties….I was going crazy with feeling. He brought his mouth up to mine and his hands started sliding up my arms. Then his hands were on my titties again. No wait – they're on my arms….oh god, someone else is with us. He just kept going and I was overwhelmed with the sensations. Hands and mouths all over my body….oh god YES!!!!!!!! His hands were fucking my pussy. The roommates hands were covering my ass, rubbing it, worshipping it. Finally his cock entered my pussy. It was huge – air left my lungs and I breathed in his scent. His cock filled me and stretched my wider than I've ever had. His roommate, not to be outdone, parted my ass and plunged deep inside me. Cunt, Bitch, Slut, Whore. I was theirs for the taking. They alternated rhythms. As one pulled out, the other thrust up. One possessed my mouth and the other grabbed my titties. One bit my neck, the other slapped my ass. Harder and deeper. In out In out. In out. In out. In out. In out. Their rhythm was perfect. I couldn't hold back. I was being fucked hard by two men. I was cumming like I'd never cum before and just when I thought it couldn't get better, their breathing got faster, their pumping got faster and all at once the both thrust up at the same time, filling my cunt and ass with hot jiz. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! I don't know how much longer I'm going to be at this job. But I heard they might be sending me back to New York for more training. Maybe I'll stick this job out for a while longer.