The Apocalypse

A zombie apocalypse had the world trembling in fear,many died and many got converted into zombies this led to a great disaster the whole world got upside down there was not hope of light left.

Arthur Jones was one of them he was a simple high school student before the Apocalypse but his life was not easy he was bullied at school and his parents were divorced due to his father being abusive.

He lived a quite life always trying to not stand out but this only continued until the day of Apocalypse.

He was at home when he saw the news on the TV. "People are requested to stay in their house and try to be as safe as possible there has been a zombie apocalypse again I am repeating do not go out...." He was just watching the news when suddenly the signal got cut and TV shut down.

"What on earth is happening now" Arthur thought in his mind he wasn't sure if he should go and check out if the news was true or not so he gathered up his courage and looked out from the window.

"What the hell is this now ." He saw a whole group of zombies roaminga round here and there he was scared as well as confused but he got back his senses and first thought of gathering things which will be useful for him in danger.

He got In his bedroom, emptied his backpack and put some Nessasary belongings in his bag then got to kitchen to find some food and something from which he can fight the zombies with while he searched for the stuff he heard a bang on his door when he got near the door and as he had expected it was a group of zombies trying to get though the door.

When he saw this he wasted no time and packed up his things he was quite athletic so he had no problem from jumping through the window as his bedroom window was not that high either.

He jumped through the window and ran from his house. He got a little far and saw no zombie around so he thought to rest.

He was about to drink some water when he heard some footsteps coming toward him from behind.

He wasted no time and pointed his knife towards the person.

"Who are you!?" Said Arthur. The person was looking like a high school student. When Arthur looked at him be remembered this guy.

"You are... You are that martial arts player right!" Arthur asked him shockingly.

"Y..yeah. Um.. I will answer your all questions but before that can you take your knife..? "

Hearing this Arthur quickly retreated his knife back. "Oh! Sorry... So what are you doing here? " Arthur asked him calmly.

"I was finding a safe place to hide from the zombies as they were all around the place I had no choice but to run. And then I bumped into you."

"Okay.. So let me introduce myself to you I am Arthur and you are.."." You can call me yoojin. Actually I am Korea so yea that is my Korean name but if you want you can call me Felix."

"Ah.. So Felix.. Shall we get going together as this might be dangerous for us sticking around this area alone? " Arthur said to Felix.

"Yea.we shall get going".

They walked around a little further to a little more safe place when suddenly a transparent screen popped up in front of Arthur. When Arthur asked about the transparent screen to felix.. " Hey... Felix do you see a transparent screen in front of you? " Felix replied with a shock "yea.. There is written something on it."

[Welcome to all new players. You have entered a scenario you will need to survive till the end. You all will be under my observation and you all will be given ability. As being new players you all will also be given a beginner reward.

You have to survive, complete taskes, level up and will have to become powerful. If you still are confused you all will be given your system which can be opened through bracelet provided.

You can communicate with the system through your mind this was all the main information. Now wish you good luck.]

"What the hell is going on this is all messes up! " Arthur shockingly said while Felix was still confused he still said..

" Arthur I guess we are like in a game and as the system said we have to survive... But the thing which got me was about the ability.. It said that beginner players got the reward and were given an ability. I will check ny inventory through system so you should check too.. "

Arthur agreed they both checked their inventory Felix got the ability of being able to combat really well and also to communicate through mind with other.

Arthur checked his inventory he saw there was a simple ability he got which was to use the element of wind.. He then checked the rewards and got s really cool sword and a suit which increased his strength and agility.

Arthur turned to Felix and talked about his ability being able to control wind and felix also said to him that he is able to communicate through mind.

They were in the middle of talking when suddenly they heard a scream and a large group of zombies running towards them Arthur was shocked and was still frozen at a place when Felix told him to follow him and quickly hide.

They hid behind an alley way which was near. Arthur suddenly fought a glimpse of a girl who was unconscious and about to get attacked by zombies. Arthur wasted no time and ran towards her getting out his sword to fight the zombies when Felix also joined in and also got his sword out killed the zombies when suddenly a system message popped up.

[You have levelled up from level 1 to level 2 ]

[Both of you have gained +2 strength and +1 agility. ]

[Kill different levels of zombies to level up]

They both read the message and got happy but before they could celebrate Arthur noticed that the girl also was high school student and was quite worn out.

"Hey felix.. Looks like she Is also a high school student.. She looks worn out we should take her to somewhere safe and so rest too.. " Felix agreed and Arthur lifted the girl and they both started looking for a place when Felix suddenly lays eyes on a garrage

Which looked safe they both enter the garrage and closed the gate before any zombie could notice them.

Arthur took care of the girl while felix looked at the system. They had to go through a lot in just and one day so both of them and fell asleep..