The Healer

Both Arthur and Felix fell asleep while checking on the safety of place. While they were sleeping the girl woke up in shock looking around hastily and thinking of she was already dead or still alive..

While she was looking around she saw two high school boys sleeping as they were too tired. The girl quickly understood that the one who helped her were those two boys sleeping right now.

She was happy and was thinking how she should repay them. While she was just leaning around tired and checking her bruises a system message popped up in front of her.

[Congratulations you were able to survive the Apocalypse a reward has been placed in your inventories]

The girl checked her inventory and found a beautiful sword. The sword was a little different from the beginner sword as it was based on the skill of the person. The girl was a a karate learner so she got the sword according to her ability.

While she was going through her inventory Arthur and Felix woke up. They say the girl awake and asked her how she was feeling.

"Huh..ah... You woke up! are you feeling well now.? " Arthur asked to her.

"Um.. Uh.. Yes thank you for saving me!. Um.. I don't know how to repay you.." "No! No need to repay us it was just lucky we were around there to protect you.. So if you don't mind can you tell us your name. I am felix". " Oh! I am Arthur! " The girl hesitated a bit but felt a little a little comfortable after the introduction.

"Um.. I am Amanda.. " " That's a great name! Are your wounds a bit better we don't have a first aid though I tried some other remedies .."

Said Arthur dissatisfied.

Amanda was in a little shock because of the politeness, Amanda chuckled a little and answers "it's not a big problem as you know the system I am a healer so I can heal any wounds. It's not a big deal for me.Thanks tho! "

They were all laughing together it was now evening time when they fell hungry Arthur checked hi bag and saw some stuff to eat he got the stuff and shared with the other.

The whole night they talked about some stuff and about their abilities just to be sure that in future the information might be useful for the fights.

The next day they got ready to go out of the garrage and get levelled up. They open the garrage gate and as they thought a wave of zombies attacked them. It was quite easy for Arthur and felixto kill them. And the scratch our wounds they get was healed by Amanda so it was not a big problem for them.

They were out of the garrage and moving out when a message popped up in front of Arthur.

[There has been dungeons added in the zombie apocalypse scenerio complete the dungeons to get reward depending upon the Dungeon level rewards will be distributed. ]

[The higher the dungeon level the dangerous it is. ]

Arthur asked anthem about the message both them replied that they also got the massage.

The trio was quite excited to know what can happen in dungeons as this was already exiting for them to be in game like world it was also expected to have an Unexpecting turn.

The three of them moved on to come up infront of a low grade dungeon .

"This is a dungeon... Looks like it's a low grade one so it should be easy for us to clear it. " Arthur told them in amusement.

"Yea.. It should be but still we have to stay carefull. Anything can happen in this apocalypse. " Felix replied. Amanda too agreed with Felix and said " We should be careful and not waste our energy too quickly as low grade dungeon still can be very dangerous.. "

Arthur thought for a while and agreed to both bmof their statements.

Now they were ready to enter the dungeon when a message popped up..

[Low grade dungeon has appeared clear the dungeon for rewards and kill all the zombies and other beasts and the boss]

When Arthur read the message he asked "there is a boss and other neasts too!? "

They all stayed silent and then gathered the courage to enter the dungeon.

"'s now or never let's go! " Felix replied in a encouraging voice.