Chapter 54 - Conclusion Part 1

(Some lemon added as a thanks for the two donations. Nothing too crazy. Just some simple scene. Non-lemon reader and underage reader be warned ⚠️. I will not be held responsible for any incidents caused by those that ignore this warning.)

Upon waking up, Adam was still restrained to his bed by various people which included the doctor.

"I'm really fine… I can walk properly. See! I don't need rehab, doc." Adam argued but he could only smile wryly.

"As a doctor, I still have to ensure you are really fine first. Just stay here for a day. After I observed there's nothing wrong, you are free to go." The doctor said and coughed before glancing at the Agent who nodded.

"Just rest first, Master. You just woke up from a year long coma."

"Grr… Fine." Adam isn't an idiot to not notice the two made a deal behind his back and it's pointless to argue.

As such, Adam spent his time feeling bored for the entire morning and decided to take a walk outside to get some fresh air. The smell of disinfectant is suffocating for him.


"My legs are fine, Agent. I don't need a wheelchair." He said with an exasperated look at her insistence. However, Agent wouldn't let him out without it and Adam gave up and got on the wheelchair despite the fact that he can walk just fine.

After that, Agent pushed him to the garden and stopped by a flowerbed.

"So, what happened after the battle?" Adam was curious and feeling quite bored so he asked the question to kill some time.

"After the Outer God mysteriously disappeared, all the Infected Grimms dissolved and vanished. The city was saved and the accomplice, White Fang and their leader, Adam Taurus were arrested and convicted for his crime against humanity." Agent summarizes everything. "Also, we spearheaded the exploration to the secret continent due to fear there are still Infected Grimms there but all we did find was a group of criminals hiding in an ancient castle. Headmaster Ozpin wish to take over the matter. However, I cannot make the decision and it was put on hold."

"Did he say the reason why?" Adam inquired.

"He said they were a group of terrorists that he had been pursuing for a long while for murdering his people. Also, they are indeed criminals. Especially Tyrian Callows who is a serial killer that killed many important government officials and Huntsmen in his murder spree."

"Hand those criminals to Headmaster Ozpin then. Matters related to Huntsmen are better to let him handle." Adam replied. "Anything else?"

"The Branwen tribes." Agent said and then pondered for a moment as if she had difficulty trying to put together what she needed to say. Adam waited while admiring the garden.

"We learned that the Outer God can infect people and forcefully bend them to her will. The Branwen tribes were a victim of this unlike the White Fang who willingly joined. They were forced to sabotage and spread the virus across the settlements in Anima." Agent explained.

"So, what happened to her right now? Did she become human again or what?" He wondered.

"He becomes human. But not exactly human either. The evolution caused by the Virus persists."

"I see…" Adam rub his chin and thought for a moment. "Aren't they bandits though?"

"Yes." Agent confirmed.

"Then put them behind bars for their crime." He decided before he asked again after a few moments. "Anything else?"

Agent shook her head.

"None for now. At least, none about work. I do have a personal question. Where did the Outer God go? The last footage we saw is the Master killing the god and then her corpse vanished."

Adam instantly remembered that he had her soul in his Inventory and quickly retrieved the said item, a diamond shaped crystal with a small figure of the Outer God slumbering in the crystal. He shows it to Agent who stares at it wordlessly for a moment before he nods.

"I see, so Master had indeed killed her and sealed her in this crystal?" She asked.

"Yes. But this is just her soul. It's a useful material according to my System." He explained although he also had no clue what it actually did until he experimented on it to find out.

Then they fell silent as there was nothing more to ask. Agent pushed Adam on the wheelchair around the beautiful garden and soon stopped at an outdoor pavilion facing a pond filled with crystal clear water and aquatic life.

Adam hesitated for quite a while along the way and carried a guilty look on his face.

"I'm sorry, Agent. It's because I was careless and complacent. Had I work even harder instead, n—"

"That's enough, Master. I do not blame you for what had happened. No me, not us or anyone. None could blame you for what had happened."

"But! I knew this would happen. I knew about the enemy that would one day come find us. Yet, I didn't work hard enough. I didn't put enough effort into this. I knew it would happen but I didn't take the threat seriously."

"I… it's my fault. I let you die." Adam sighed with deep regret as he lowered her head defeatedly.

"Is that what you're mulling about, Master?" Agent felt helpless to change Adam's mind. "It's not a true death. I cannot die. As long as there is another body, I can be revived endlessly. I am, in the end, a machine. We T-Dolls don't follow human logic."

"But that didn't change the fact you died. Even T-Dolls can feel death." Adam argued as he knew a little about the lore of T-Doll. Even if they can be revived, death is still death and they can feel it. They are made to have emotions after all, as odd as that sound.

"I was worried… afraid of losing you." Adam finally admitted. "I… loved you and the thought of losing you is unbearable. Even now…" Adam reaches his right hand to his heart. "Even now it still hurts."

Adam lifts his head up to look at Agent. But she instead kneels down before him and hugs him tightly as she whispers to his ear.

"Then let this Agent soothe your aching heart, Master." She whispers softly and affectionately.

Just as they were about to kiss…


"HMM! MMM!" The two lovebirds turned their head to the nearby bush and saw Winter fall on the grass, gagged and restrained by Jeanne while many others grinned and stared at them.

"Ara, we had been found out." Jeanne smiled wryly.

"HMM!" Winter struggles to break free but unfortunately the Servant's strength outclassed her by miles. Jeanne knocks her out with a chop on her neck to swiftly neutralize her.

"Hmn. Pretend we were never here." Siegfried grinned too while looking at a little guilty after being caught.

As for the girls, they chanted, "Kiss!".

"How long have you guys been hiding there?" Adam sighed as the mood had been ruined.

"From the start, I would say. Haah, I should have known that your sister would be problematic." Willow also signed and accepted the changes happening towards Winter and Not-Whitley-Adam.

"Anyway, we are here to throw you a surprise celebration for your recovery, Nii-san." Tina said while carrying a cake.

"Yeah! Celebrate father's recovery!" The girls rushed out from the bush with baskets and gifts as they raced to give Adam a hug.

Agent respectfully backed away to give the girls space and didn't mind that her moment was interrupted. After all, knowing his feelings is already enough for her. For Adam to spare his affection for a machine, to love a mockery of a human that is her, a T-Doll, is already more than what she could ever ask for from him.

"Master! Master! Taste this cake! We and sister Jalter bake it for you!" A group of Alice tried to feed Adam a slice of cake which he gratefully accepted. "Mhm, delicious."

"Hah! Not that I want to bake it for you or anything! They forced me to help, that's all. Don't get the wrong idea, idiot." The tsundere Jalter strikes again.

"She is actually very worried about you, Master. She always visits you when you are still in coma and blames herself for your state because she strayed away during the battle." Jeanne 'whispers' not so quietly which causes a furiously blushing Jalter to chase after her with a spear while she runs away with an explosion of giggles.

Meanwhile, Willow sat next to Adam with a serious expression. "So, when will the two of you get married? Should we do it in one go? Your sister aside. Tina is still too young. That Jeanne Alter girl also liked you too. So we can do everything in one go."

"Is there any other woman I am not aware of that you want to add?" Willow maintained her serious expression while she asked her questions which caused Adam to cough violently and tapping his chest.

"Grandma! Grandma! We want to marry father too?" The girls gathered around Willow and expressed their desire.

"No, you girls are still too young. Wait until you all are 16 years old first." Willow explains about the marriageable age for Remnant.

"You are not denying them?" Adam stared wide-eyed at Willow, his 'mother'.

"Why should I? They clearly loved you and I can't play favorites to allow Winter and Tina but not them. Besides, I would love to have a lot of great-grandchildren." Willow said with a straight face.

Adam wanted to refute but when he met with the thousands of puppy eyes, his heart couldn't take it anymore and he fainted. At least he didn't fall into another coma.


Fast forward a week later, Adam with Agent, Winter and Jalter was somewhere in Mistral.

"So all that happened…" Adam sighed as he is in a private hot spring, soaking in the water and drinking oriental wine, mostly rice wine or sake.

It felt unreal. Like he was in a dream. Not too long before, he was fighting on the battlefield and then woke up from a coma which somehow led to a rushed wedding and honeymoon in Mistral arranged by Willow, same day shipping as he was flown to Mistral with his new wives immediately after the ceremony ended.

"So now what? I defeated the Outer God and peace was restored to the Remnant." He asked out loud while he leaned at the edge of the hot spring bath.

[Host can move to the next world. A world of Host's choice. But first, Host must unlock the Orbital Fortress before Host can travel to another world.]

"But, do I want to though?" Adam wondered to himself. "I already have a home, a family and three loving wives to spend the rest of my life here."

[It's the Host's own choice. But know this, a reincarnator is bound by fate to attract conflict. Host's own presence is like a beacon and will attract more Otherworldly beings to seek you out. This will inevitably bring more chaos to Remnant. Peace is never an option and the only choice the Host has is to become the strongest. Strong enough that nothing could ever threaten you. Or history will repeat itself again.]

Adam frowned when he heard this. He felt cheated. Like he signed something but didn't read the fine print. A reincarnator is bound by fate to attract conflict…

[Nothing is free. The same applies to the gift of reincarnation. The power the Host obtains is both a gift and a burden. It's a power which is given for every reincarnator to fend for themselves. However, to the Otherworldly beings, the reincarnators are like a juicy piece of fruit dangling on the branch. Especially so if they knew what the Host's abilities were.]

"Fragment of Nihility… I heard the Outer God mentioned before. What is it?" Adam was curious because it sounded important.

[Fragment of Nihility is as it's name suggests. A fragment of Nihility. The Nihility it denotes is a power. A concept or aspect of reality; Nothingness, Void, Nullity. The fragment host owns the power of Nullity or Concept Null, to deny, reduce and regress anything and everything into nothing.]

"Isn't that a little too broken? Not that I am complaining, of course." Adam shamelessly admitted.

[Yes. Although the power is just a fragment. It's incomparable to its true power. Host could only nullify anything that isn't considered natural by Host's own definition like reducing the Outer God to its state prior to receiving any power and her power will be restored when given time to recover. Also, Host's still require great amounts of concentration and willpower to wield the power.]

"I can see your points. It's not omnipotent and has limitations… But, wouldn't it mean my power is incomplete and I can gather all the fragments to make it complete again?" He asked with a hopeful tone.

[Yes. Although the possibility of encountering one is extremely slim. To put it in perspective, the possibility of Host rolling ten SSR in every roll Host ever did, is still a trillion times more likely than it is to encounter another Fragment of Nihility.]

"Can't imagine it." Adam admitted outrightly which made his mood soured as he slipped his body into the hot water and submerged to the bottom while playing with air bubbles he exhaled.


Suddenly the door to the private outdoor hot spring bath slid open as Adam poke his head out to investigate. Well, he definitely isn't disappointed because all three of his wives walked in with only a towel covering the important parts.

"Took you ladies long enough." Adam said as Agent closed the door and they quickly went to wash up before joining in the bath.

"My apology, Master. My new body took some time to be delivered." Agent apologized.

"New body?" Adam asked confusedly.

"Yes." Agent replied while applying soap on her body. "All of my previous body is outfitted for battle. Thus they lack artificial sex organs and are incapable of copulation unlike this one I am currently using."

"Huh?" Not just Adam but the other two also look bewildered as Agent goes into details, explaining everything functions she had in this new body made exclusively for sexual intercours.

Basically, Agent right now is equipped with a top of the line sex android body created by an alternate Earth that is highly advanced in robotic technology. An android body made for the sole purpose of sex. Just hearing the prospect of what this would entail is enough to put a shiver down his spine with anticipation.

Adam sat in the water and meditated while waiting for them or else he wouldn't be able to calm down. Telling a virgin of two lifetimes to calm down with two gorgeous women behind him is asking for the impossible.

'Fuck! I can't calm down!' Adam cursed as he could feel his lil' bro had never been more alive from the day he was born till the present. Standing proudly awaiting for its promised conquest.

When he felt a warm body and a pair of heavenly mounds enveloping his back, he shivered and opened his eyes wide.

"Let's get this done with already. I didn't want to be late for the dinner." Jalter spoked with an uncharacteristically soft voice as she gasped slightly after seeing the Pillar of Heaven between his legs. "W-Why is it that big, idiot! Did you inject it with steroids or something?" She asked with faux anger while looking at it with morbid curiosity of how that thing was going to fit inside her without tearing her in half.

"Wait. Don't grab it ju— Hngh!" Adam stiffened up when his lil' bro was being handled roughly. Jalter immediately released it in a panic.

Agent and Winter soon join the bath and Agent takes the initiative to teach both Jalter and Winter who are inexperienced.

"The two of you watch and learn first since none of you are experienced. This activity must be handled very delicately or else it would be an unpleasant experience." Agent said before she positioned herself in front of Adam and grasped his rod with both her hands before delicately stroking it in a pace that is neither fast nor slow while her predatory eyes locked at Adam hungrily before she kissed him skillfully using data compiled from numerous research to provide a kissing method that generate the most amount of pleasure.

Meanwhile, Adam felt like he was a meat on the chopping board in the mercy of Agent as a virgin like him could never dreamt of resisting her extremely skilled handjob and kisses.

There is no way he can go back to using his own hands after this. Not after tasting this forbidden technique.

Not even five minutes later, Adam grasped the edge of the bath like his life was depending on it and crushed the stone with his hands

"Ahheuggh! I-I can't—!"

Adam was at the verge of ejaculating yet Agent still mercilessly attacked with her skillful palm technique that brought him to the brink as his hip thrusting uncontrollably before it shoot out strings of milky white goopy baby batter that painted Agent's chest like an award winning abstract painting except it isn't. Even as he is ejaculating, her hands never stop milking the rod until she reaches the last drop as she massages his balls skillfully to encourage more semen to spurt out.

Once she is done, Adam fell on his back panting like he just ran a full marathon and gasping for air. Meanwhile Agent runs a finger across the ejaculants before bringing it to her mouth like a chef evaluating her hard work.

"Fuck, you look really sexy doing that." Adam said between his gasp and blanking mind.

"I aim to please, Master. Or should I say, Husband?" Agent said playfully with her ever serious expression on as she lowered her body and looked at the magnificent rod still standing true to its conquest, unyielding and unbreakable. To answer that resolve, Agent brought the tip into her warm and moist mouth and stimulated the erogenous zone under the tip while applying power suction as if she is going to suck Adam's soul out as his gasp hitched and so did his hip rose up in response.

Agent sucks out every last drop of his semen left in his urethra and purposely shows it to Adam before she gulps it down seductively.

After that, she turned her head to the two on the sidelines that watched with rosy cheeks and healthy blush on their body while they were masturbating in a daze.

"That concluded the handjob demonstration. Let's continue with blowjob and deepthroat demonstration." She said before she turn back to Adam who felt like his life(dignity) is in danger and felt a shiver ran down his spine before he open his equally dazed eyes and look at the demon in front of him that is about to squeeze his soul(semen) out from his mortal body.

"Let's continue shall we, Hus~band?" Agent asked with a sultry smile on her eager face as she licked her lips a succubus found her prey.

Legend said, the whole hot spring bath was in use for the whole evening till the next morning and absolutely everything, every square inch, every nook and cranny of the private bath was painted white by an undisclosed substance that resulted in the four customers being forever banned from this hot spring resort.


(Aight that's enough +18. I can't handle any more than that. Maybe in the future I will feature the other two.)

If you readers feel generous or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip me here.