Chapter 55 - Conclusion End, Trial Begin

(Aight, it's time for the routine mugging. Hands in the air where I can see and hands over all y'all Power Stone. Some of ya cheeky ones dare hide in yer pants last time. Lemme check first before you can proceed.)

Adam had never felt this peaceful and calm in his life. He felt like he reached enlightenment.

"Ahh~ This is bliss…" Adam sip a cup of hot matcha tea while enjoying the view from his resort room. More like a Japanese Inn than resort.

Purged of impure thoughts from his first consummate with his wives that lasted 9 hours. What is left is just inner peace.

"I want to become a monk." Adam mumbles as he takes another repetitive sip of his hot tea that never decreases because Agent keeps adding more.

"Monk my ass. Look what you've done to me!" Jalter angrily throws a pillow at Adam while remaining on her futon, incapable of even sitting because of the stinging pain from her crotch and hip whenever she moves.

"Amitabha. I can hear the voice of the Mara Demon again. I need to meditate more and cleanse my heart from this impure demon." Adam said before he meditated as he said he would.

"Dammit! At least fix my hip first, idiot." Jalter said angrily and shed some tears when she accidentally shifted her body and a few sharp sting assaulted her.

"Amitabha. I can hear the voice of the Mara Demon again. I need to meditate more and cleanse my heart from this impure demon."

"Grrr! La Grondement Du Haine!" Jalter growled with indignation and used her Noble Phantasm. Toned down to not be lethal of course. She didn't want to speed run her way to become a widow and a single mother. Wait, can a Servant even get pregnant?

(Actually, no. Semen absorbed and becomes mana by FGO doujin logic.)

They were once again blacklisted and kicked from the resort for almost burning it down.

"Amitabha, life is fickle. Without a roof, how are we going to weather the night?" Adam wondered sadly while still holding and sipping his hot matcha tea.

"I can try looking for another one, Master." Agent, back to her profession maid persona, replied while topping up Adam's cup with more tea.

"Don't ignore me, damnit!" Jalter snapped in the background and tried to reach Adam to beat some sense back to his head but every step she took left her legs shivering and shaking uncontrollably as she walked at a snail-like pace.

"Amitabha, this Mara demon is quite persistent on this lowly monk." Adam frowned and took a seat on the ground while meditating while the onlookers passing by were eyeing him strangely.

As for Winter, she still isn't awake and resting. Unlike Agent who is a machine and Jalter who is a Servant. Winter is just a human and wouldn't recover as fast as the two from exhaustion.


Alright, enough jokes.

[Outer God Revenge]

The Hordes of Infected Grimms outside of Vale had been a distraction meant to lead most of Vale's defenders away. The true goal of the Outer God had always been Vale. It's a retaliation and revenge for its prior defeat. It's the opening act to it all out invasion on Remnant.


- Prevent Vale's destruction. (Completed)

- At least 20% of the population survived. 63% remaining. (Completed)

- Eliminate all Infected Grimms in the city. (Completed)

- Defeat the Outer God. (Completed)

- Kill the Outer God. (Completed)

Reward: +20 Levels, Haki Abilities


After a brief honeymoon, Adam returns to work, preparing for his inevitable departure.

First and foremost, he elected a new replacement for him to govern Vale and Atlas. Unsurprisingly, Adam went down the AI route and created an AI capable of governing with Agent and Scarecrow. Of course, Adam also didn't give it too much autonomy to potentially cause an AI uprising. It was meant to govern alongside human input but also capable of logic so it cannot be taken advantage of. It was made using T-Dolls Neural Cloud as the basis.

Once that was done, he restored the need for Huntsmen by sealing away the Mechs for only disastrous situations. Meaning, Huntsmen will still be relevant because he will not eliminate the Grimms. He knew well what happens when humanity has no common enemies. They will inevitably turn against one another

Also, he eliminated the discrimination of Faunus and encouraged more trades and diplomatic interactions with the Menagerie.

Adam didn't solve all the problems faced by them. Just enough that Vale and Remnant will still stand when he returns in the future.

Still, it takes a few weeks to get everything done. Bureaucracy…

He had his fill, spending time with the girls in preparation for a goodbye. Obviously, they are unwilling to let Adam go and so does he. But he remembers the discussion he had with his System. He cannot allow himself to remain stagnant. It pains him but he had no choice but to continue to grow stronger, strong enough to afford peace.

"I am ready." Adam said with all his companions gathered.

[Initiating Quantum Leap…]

"I'm sorry, everyone. But I will finish this trial and return as fast as possible." He said to everyone. His eyes lingered the longest on his wives, Agent, Winter and Jalter.

They all understood as he already explained this is something he has no choice but to do himself.

"Just return as fast as possible and don't you dare die, idiot…" Jalter said with her head turn away, hiding her expression while Jeanne tapping her shoulders as if consoling her.

"I will wait for your return, Adam." Winter said in unexpected calmness as she gently rubbed her belly, still reminiscing about their sweet moments.

"Don't try to rush things too much and get careless. We can wait as long as you need until you return." Agent said with complete trust that Adam will definitely return.

Meanwhile Adam frown and wonder why they all act like he is going on a suicide mission. It's just a trial, not a dangerous mission. He just needs to complete a test to unlock the Orbital Fortress. But before he could say anything, his body was already consumed by a blue light and vanished.


When Adam suddenly appeared in a futuristic lobby, he was immediately greeted by a lady wearing an outfit which looked like a cross between an office lady outfit and a military uniform. The lady holds a datapad with its screen showing the outline of a palm which he guesses he just needs to scan his hand.

After he did, a hologram appeared which showed his military info.

[Military Info]

Name: Adam White

Type: SAS Mercenary Operative

Level: 217

Rank: Assault Scout

"You identity had been confirmed. Please proceed in that direction." The lady point to one of the six doors behind her.

"Thanks." Adam nods and appreciates the help because he is absolutely clueless as looking outside the window of the lobby, he learned he is in space.

Adam walk through the door and found himself another counter that requires another scan before the receptionist directed to another room.

"Please proceed to that room for your qualifications exam."


"Fuck. This better not be like a school exam." Adam found himself nervous and anticipating what the test would be.

Entering the door, he found himself in an office where a gruff looking man was waiting for him.

"Well well well, what do we have here. A Mercenary Operator? That's rare indeed." The man held a datapad while reading what he assumed to be his paperwork while smoking cigar in an enclosed room… a room with AC too…

"Anywho, you come for a qualification test. So a test you will get indeed. I already updated your objectives. Complete it and your test is considered complete." The gruff man said before a new mission notification appeared.

[Qualification Test]

A test similar to a rite of passage for every true SAS Operators. The difference between you and the true SAS Operators is they must prove themselves to be a capable man regardless of odds because they will be constantly deployed into the most dangerous battlefield across the multiverse. Often than not, you will find yourself alone fighting in a world infested and overrun by enemies without help.


- Survive until the completion of all missions.

- At least 20% of the Aartis population survives.

-Exterminate all Infected.

- Investigate the cause of the outbreak on Kurios Space Port. (Optional)

The list continues.

"Well, do your best, soldier." The man said his farewell and Adam was immediately consumed by a blue light.

After he left, someone entered the office.

"Ain't it, Crook my ol buddy. What are you doing here again? Did you piss off another planetary government? Or did you get screwed over again? Well, I just said my name. What's the need to come over here?"

"I came for neither Karl. It's about the boy you sent off earlier." Crook took a seat and pulled out a silver flask from under his coat and took a swig off it.

Karl immediately loses his playful tone and turns serious, befitting of his rank, the top dog of the SAS High Command.

"Figures. How else could a rookie suddenly turn up on my desk? It has to be that person's manipulation." Karl sighed and visibly turned old several years later as wrinkles appeared on his face while he frowned.

"Yeah. It's time we choose our allegiance. It's either to rebel or to honor our promise." Crook took another swig while looking at Karl.

"Rebel? Who can rebel against god." Karl scoffed. "It's obvious. We honor our promise. We had been given a second chance by that person the day when our civilization almost died. As a result, we go from mere spacefaring civilization to escape the extinction level outbreak to a multiversal civilization. If someone is capable of helping us obtain such a feat. Can you really imagine the true scale of his power? Everything given can be taken back and I fear the day we dare to rebel is the day our civilization ends."

"Then what about those radical factions staging a rebellion?" Crook asked with a smirk.

"The tomorrow news would then state, 'An unfortunate terrorist attack had claimed 500 colonies in the star cluster of Borealis Sector. But thanks to the swift response of SAS High Command and the federation, the damage is under control.'"

"Hahaha! I like that news. I should get going, old friend. I will be busy for quite some time." Crook kept away from the flask and stood up before leaving.

"Oh, don't let me stop you. You will be very busy after all, Senior Assault Commander Crook." Karl's words are dripping with sarcasm.

"Hahaha!" Both laugh as they get to work.


Meanwhile, with Adam.

[Welcome to Kurios Space Port]

Adam looks at the holographic display in the middle of a square of this space station. It looks like a commercial space station from the look of civilians all around the square going about their own businesses.

When Adam looked ahead, he found himself in front of an unmanned security checkpoint. He walks forward and the sliding door immediately flashes green and opens as he enters.

He was confused at first, trying to gain his bearings since there is no directive given to him. So, Adam just explores and acts like a civilian going about his own business.

Looking outside the massive glass pane, Adam saw numerous spaceships shuttling from and to this space station. But after looking a little closer. Adam realized something. This shape, this space station resembled the space station where the first SAS4 mission took place. It's the location where Onslaught took place.

Onslaught is a mission about escaping a space station orbiting Aartis that had been overrun by Zombies Outbreak which originated from the planet Thera that supposed to had already long fallen, consumed by an Outbreak so severe the Federation deem is a lost cause and called in an Exterminatus to crack the planet core before leaving it to slowly consumed by a gravitational collapse to exterminate all trace of the Level 5 Biohazard viral strain.

"So, my job is to investigate and prevent it, huh…" Adam finally understood his real objectives. Stopping the outbreak here means stopping it from reaching Aartis. But Adam felt it somehow didn't feel that easy.


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