Chapter 76 - Valentine’s Day

( I saw 100+ Pwr Stone. So I drop another chapter. It supposed to be released on Valentine's Day but the delayed release messed the timing. Anyway, this is a chapter I decided to cook up a romance between Adam and Enterprise for the occasion. Also, I apologize in advance for the blue balls. But I add a little on the next chapter as freebies.)

After the whole incident with the Dragon Empery KANSEN, Adam learned that the CCP had been forcing them to follow their political agenda which is against the two's ideology.

Ping Hai and Ning Hai is KANSEN which embodied the warship with the same name during WW2. Naturally, they see America which is by extension, Eagle Union, an ally. Moreover, they themselves understand that Siren is their real enemy. So, instead of being involved with the political agenda of the government, they decided to flee and seek protection from similar minded allies.

The situation is not too different in Britain. They refuses to fully integrate KANSEN into their military and had been using their Navy to handle most of the Siren threat in their waters. The addition of the KANSEN Queen Elizabeth which proudly declared herself as the rightful queen of the land instead of Queen Elizabeth on the throne. The whole fiasco is a big mess and sooner or later, it is going to implode.

The one's unaffected are only America and Japan which manage to integrate KANSEN into the military with little opposition.

The Sakura Empire is a little special because they are under Siren threat from the very start since they are exposed to the sea unlike other nations. Their lack of military force due to the constitution of Japan which prohibited them to have standing military force and the JMSFD is simply insufficient and inadequate to counter the Siren threat. Thus the KANSEN is their only hope to protect their shore from the encroaching Siren forces.

As for America, it was manipulated by his System to accept the KANSEN and reinstate Adam as the Commander. The extent of the System's manipulation isn't known by Adam. But one thing for sure, the people aren't accepting the KANSEN after the rumor and blown-out-of-proportion-news about their violence on the Germany side which caused people to oppose the integration yet the President approved of the integration and passed the bill despite the disagreement from the people.

The other nations like Russia, France and Italy maintained their silence probably because they just started and didn't have much results to show.


It's been a month since the incident of Ning Hai and Ping Hai escaping China. They are living in the base although in relative secrecy to not let any outsider know they were here.

Today, Adam went on his usual daily routine before he noticed the ladies in the base had been a little odd for the past two days.

Even Enterprise, who usually sticks to him like glue in the morning, vanished and didn't appear on the secretary desk which instead was replaced with Laffey who eyes him begrudgingly as she works as his secretary, sorting documents because she was caught stealing his alcohol again.

"Why do you keep looking at me, Commander." Laffey look at Adam annoyed and sleepy at the same time because the task was very boring.

"It's… nothing. I just wonder if you know what the other's up to lately. They have been acting weird and I am a little worried." Adam said with a tired sigh because he hadn't been paying much attention on the base and regretted it now because he was clueless of what happened in the base.

Laffey gave Adam an evaluating look before she said with a deadpanned face. "Commander is an idiot and I won't tell the answer either. You have to figure it out yourself." Laffey said and then sighed before she neatly put together all the documents. Then she looked back at Adam and said, "My job is done here, Commander. I will be taking an early leave." Then she leaves without waiting for Adam's approval.

Adam was left scratching his head trying to interpret what Laffey said as he watched the drunkard leave his office without realizing she just did the impossible. She actually finished her job for once without falling asleep and actually completed early to take an early leave!

"Something definitely isn't right." Adam mutters to himself and then decides to find Siegfried to seek consultation from the only other man in this base.


For the next half an hour, Adam was searching for Siegfried but could find him no matter how he looked for him and so did his other companions.

Eventually, Adam finds himself in the dorm area where he hears some clamoring and the sound of pots and other metal utensils falling to the ground loudly from the dorm's kitchen.

Curious, Adam approached the kitchen window and tried spying in to find nearly everyone except a few that were on patrol duty were gathered in the dorm's kitchen.

"Alright, next. Put the bowl on top of a pot with the boiling water and stir until all the chocolate melts." Jeanne's voice was heard as she seemed to be teaching and instructing a few people that were trying to make chocolate.

The realization came quickly to Adam why they are making chocolate. It's none other than Valentine's Day.

Previously, Adam never celebrated such an occasion and never really did in his whole life. He usually spends his day on games that will have Valentine's Day special events to keep him occupied. That's why, it never really crossed his mind that Valentine's Day is coming soon.

No, slash that. Valentine's Day is tomorrow. Adam verified after checking the calendar. No wonder they were disappearing and Laffey called him an idiot. Turns out they were practicing how to make chocolate.

With a relieved sigh, Adam was thankful it's nothing serious and returned to his office without looking for Siegfried.


The next day, Adam does his daily routine with anticipation of today's special occasion. He noticed Jeanne is grinning teasingly at Jalter who is blushing and hesitating the entire practice and only mustered up her courage after the training where she caught Adam when he was alone after taking a morning bath.

"Master!" Jalter suddenly appeared from outside and entered the changing area. Thankfully, Adam already wears pants at that moment or Jalter will have a flustering fit.

Anyway, she called Adam and gained his full attention. She is still hesitating and blushing harder due to embarrassment for being coerced into such a childish act by Jeanne. Adam silently watches with a grin because he also enjoys teasing Jalter although not as much as Jeanne.

"Anyway… I made this… Chocolate. Do whatever you want with it. E-Eat it or throw it away. I don't really care. Hmph!" She pouted and then vanished as fast as she appeared.

Adam curiously opens the red box wrapped by a white ribbon. Inside is just plain chocolate cutted into bite size square chocolate. He took one and popped it into his mouth.

"Dark chocolate?" Adam exclaimed in surprise as he expected the chocolate may be sweet but he didn't dislike it since he isn't a big fan of overly sweet chocolate either and would take Dark Chocolate over Milk Chocolate or other sweeter chocolate.

He put the rest of the unfinished box into his inventory for preservation and a matter of convenience while he sucked on the dark chocolate in his mouth as he put on his clothes to exit the bath.

When he exited the bath, he was stopped by someone which turned out to be Jeanne who was grinning happily and mischievously.

"So, how did it go? I hope she at least delivered the chocolate she made for you." Jeanne inquired curiously.

"She did." Adam answered with a nod. "I also enjoy chocolate. But you seriously have to tone down the teasing, Jeanne. I can basically guess you coerced her into this didn't you?" Adam stared at her with raised eyebrows.

"If I didn't coerce her, she wouldn't be honest with herself at all, Master. What do you think I am? It's my duty as her sister to guide her to the correct path. I definitely didn't do it because I enjoy teasing her." Jeanne said with a faux offended expression and sighed.

"Anyway, if she did deliver the chocolate then my job here is done. I will excuse myself, Master." Jeanne said but suddenly turned around and passed Adam a small bag of baked goods. "I almost forgot, here's your share." Jeanne said before she finally left in a hurry.

Adam looked at the pretty plastic bag and saw a fee teddy bear shaped chocolate cookie inside. He stores them away in his Inventory for later as he makes his way to the cafeteria.

Turns out that was a bad idea. Adam realized why Siegfried went into hiding once the morning training sessions were done. With only two male on the base and one of them went missing, Adam was the only one left to be on the receiving end of over a dozen chocolates.

Also, a reminder to myself to always check the food received from Laffey. Laffey gave Adam dark chocolate laced with rum.

The rest of the chocolate is more normal except the one given by the Dragon Empery sisters. Theirs is a little unique, steam buns filled with chocolate which did taste good especially when it's still warm. They also have chocolate flavored steamed buns. Which is a bun made with dough mixed with chocolate in contrast to being stuffed with chocolate.

Adam was a little concerned if Tina would make chocolate pizza. But thankfully that didn't happen and she gave him chocolate mixed with nuts and dried fruits. Meanwhile Alice managed to bake a brownie? Adam assumed it was brownies from its look. It tasted a little salty for some reason and over baked too. But still enjoyable. He gave them sufficient headpats before sending them off.

Later in his office, Adam found Enterprise who was fidgeting and blushed as she tried to give Adam her handmade chocolates. She immediately covered up her nervousness with a cough.

"You arrived, Commander." She said awkwardly.

"Yeah." Adam said with a nod and went over to his desk and pretended to not look at her while making himself busy with documents placed on his desk.

Adam gave Enterprise her time to build up her confidence. It took a while but Enterprise walked up to his desk with both hands on her back holding something.

"Uhm… Commander. Would you open your mouth for a moment?" Enterprise asked and Adam did so without much questions knowing she would definitely try to feed him chocolate.


Adam felt something touch his lips and was fed something. But he was too surprised by the kiss to make any reaction as he looked wide-eyed at Enterprise whose face was burning red as she shied away and turned her face sideways to avoid Adam's eyes.

But Enterprise turned her face back out of curiosity and glanced at Adam. She noted that he is surprised and baffled. He wanted an answer for her sudden action which she does have for him.

"I had been waiting for too long, Commander. No, Adam. I longing for your warmth from that very day I lost you and relentlessly I had been searching for you only for you to find other women and we became distant unlike before." She spoke with sadness and heartbreaking pain as she sobbed.

Adam felt terrible and his first instinct was to give her a shoulder to lean on as he comforted her.

Indeed, he had been treating Enterprise akin to a stranger because of the nature of their bond. To him, Enterprise is just one of the hundreds 2D women he married in-game. Compared to like Agent, Winter and Jalter. Enterprise felt more distanced compared to his three wives which he spent a decently long time to forge bonds with.

Enterprise shed tears on his shoulder asking what had she done wrong to be given such treatment.

Adam didn't have the courage to admit that he indeed sees Enterprise more like a stranger than his long lost wife. If he said it, she would truly be heartbroken. He cannot imagine what she's been through in her journey to this world. What suffering she had endured just for Adam to say those words into her face. She would definitely be devastated.

He had no idea she had been harboring such thoughts in her mind which exploded out at this moment.

"Has your love for me already faded away?" Enterprise asked as she wiped her tears away and held back her tears.

Seeing that Adam couldn't give her an immediate reply is enough as an answer for her. But Adam quickly holds her shoulders in an attempt to prevent her from running away.

"No… it's not like that, Enty. It's just… you remember right, I said I died once. I moved on from my past life and I never really expected we would one day reunite like this." Adam spoked what his heart showed him in hope to salvage this situation.

It is the truth that he moved on from his past life. The old him and the new him is a very different person. He never expected he would reunite with a character from a game he once played. He is already committed to his current relationships and Enterprise is basically a newcomer to him even if she was someone he used to know in the past. But also not really since she is a game character and not really a real person.

Basically, it's goddamn complicated and Adam couldn't make any sense out of it.

"Then, do you not love me anymore right now? Please be truthful to me." She demanded and Adam looked into the depth of his mind and heart as he asked himself.

Do I still love Enterprise? Yes, of course. I simply couldn't process the thought of it before because Enterprise was supposed to be a fictional character from a game in his past life and not a real person. Our love was parasocial until the moment he arrived in this world and learned they were in fact real and his love was in fact not just imaginary.

Before, he simply couldn't reaffirm it. But right now, when he asks himself, the present Adam if he still loves Enterprise? His answer would be yes, he still does.

"Yes, I do." Adam answered. But before he could finished his sentence, Enterprise already hugged him tightly and connected their lips together deeply as Enterprise pushed him down on his desk and caused the document to scatter. But she didn't care nor did she notice because all that is in her eyes is Adam and Adam only.

—(Ko-Fi special +18 lemons)—

"I had been waiting for this for so long, Adam. I missed your embrace, your warmth and your comforting presence." She said with a lovestruck and heart-shaped eyes. "Let's reaffirm our love once more, Adam." She purred as she is now in the mood for lovemaking.

(The rest of the +18 is in my Ko-Fi. Become an Outer Disciples to get access up to 3 early release and +18 content. Disclaimer, I don't write godly lemons. At most subpar.)


If you readers feel generous or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip me here. Also for advance chapters and possibly +18 scenes.