Chapter 77 - Upgrading New Jersey

The same night, when Adam went to his room. He noticed someone was there. Usually it's empty and his wives do prefer not to share beds and when they do, they prefer the room on the Orbital Fortress which is more comfortable and big enough for them instead of the small bed on the base that is barely able to accommodate two. So, to have visitors in his room is a little weird.

Adam opens the door and enters his room to find Winter and Jalter in not a pleasant mood just to say. He knew the reason why and he felt guilty because he did it without consulting them first.

Winter sat on his bed with her arm crossed and without any clothes except for her light blue coloured lingerie and similar coloured stockings. On her face Adam expected an angry look but instead was a deep pout that looked more dissatisfied than angry which ease Adam's mind a little.

The same with Jalter who is also wearing lingerie, weirdly enough. If Winter, it's understandable but Jalter? She wouldn't even consider wearing one normally which means she wears it on purpose. When Adam thought of the special occasion of today and his definitely not secret office sex with Enterprise… The only conceivable reason why they look dissatisfied rather than angry is because they also want to have sex with him today but he went with Enterprise instead of them.

"You seem to have understood your mistake." Winter said with her pout ever present on her face while she shifted her crossed legs to continue asserting on Adam.

"Yes… I do." Adam sighed.

He messed up basically. To have an affair with his wife-not-wife from another world instead of with his actual wives during such a special day that is meant to celebrate their relationship.

"Good if you understand." Winter nodded and stood up before pointing at Adam. "Now take off your clothes. Both of us will give you an unforgettable night. Hundred times better than what you get from that Enterprise." She said in a very competitive tone.

Safe to say, Adam won't get a wink of sleep tonight because he will be devoured by the two very eager and horny wives of his.

Eight hours later, 5:16 AM in the morning.

"AH! More! More! Hngh—"

*Plap* *Plap* *Plap*

Adam slaps his hip on Winter who is laying facing the bed and grasping the pillow as she moans non stop while Jalter is on the side looking exhausted and sleeping like a baby with her pale body stained with milky white fluid.

Winter however, surprised Adam with her stamina that triumphs even Servants like Jalter. She basically uses her Aura to sustain her stamina.

When she felt the meat rod plunged deep inside her vagina and poked into her baby room was throbbing once again. She tightened her grip and moaned. "Come inside me Adam! Paint my inside white! Put a baby inside your own biological sister's womb!"

There isn't much need to be said as Adam did exactly what she asked for and sprayed his seed inside her again and that made it the 20th shot he put inside her. But fortunately Adam sterilized his own semen with his nanomachines or else he would have impregnated Winter many times over. He just isn't ready to have a child yet and he is sure Winter just said those words in the heat of the moment rather than really mean it.

Once he is done cumming inside her, Adam pulls out and sits on the bed with a long and deep breath. Even if his stamina is near endless, his flesh isn't free from its mortal constraints because the gland starts to feel painful and numb. It's probably a sign from his Lil' Bro, raising his white flag.

While Adam is distracted by his thoughts, Winter lays her head on his lap with her face facing him. She can feel the warm and slightly throbbing meat rod that had ploughed her seed bed for hours upon hours without rest.

It poked and touched her face which is still coated with her own pussy juice mixed with his cum. She admired and worshiped the rod with her own tongue and mouth as she cleaned it up after it satisfied her for the entire night. She finished it with a kiss on the gland before she closed her tired eyes and fell asleep.

Obviously, she is very tired as not even Aura enhancement can allow her to last the entire night unlike Adam's biologically and technologically augmented body. But of all things, she has to fall asleep snuggling on his crotch.

"Haah…" Adam sighed and chose to teleport them both to the bed on the Orbital Fortress because the one here is definitely not usable after having most of its surface coated with love juice and cums.

He can't fall asleep anyway with how little time he has before the sun rises. So, Adam decided to clean up his room instead and take a long shower before he joined Seigfreid on his morning training.

The next few days following Valentine's Day were very awkward. His sex with Enterprise and Winter and Jalter isn't exactly subtle or quiet. It was the complete opposite.

Not only did everyone basically hear what he did with Enterprise in his office because of her loud moan, his session later that night with his wives was discovered by some shipgirls on patrol duty.

Now, there is talk amongst the shipgirls around the base about Adam being an insatiable beast that can go for hours on end. Which is indeed true but Adam felt the label, insatiable beast is a tad bit unnecessary.

Now whenever he approached any shipgirls, they will shoot him a look of wariness and even fear as if Adam would suddenly turn into a wolf and drag them behind a building to rape them or something.

The most prominent were Hornet who basically would always shoot him a glare of mistrust and always be next to Enterprise to 'protect' her from him even though it was unnecessary and Enterprise herself didn't want it. Yorktown tried to mediate between them as she understands that Enterprise is in love with Adam instead of being misled by honeyed words like Hornet assumed.

It would take a while before his name would be cleared and Adam could only sigh because he was suffering from his success.


The following days after the whole fiasco on Valentine's Day, Adam had been cooping up in the underground lab to work on the shipgirls upgrade while waiting for the heat to dissipate.

This time, he was working on the Battleship's main cannon which he would make out of electromagnetic railgun cannons that are basically a few Jupiter Cannons glued together to make up a main gun turret.

Adam managed to synchronize the cannons to shoot together which is the basic requirement to have them as a main gun turret and mounted three of them into a platform to form that turret.

When he went ahead with the firing test, it went basically perfectly and without much of the weakness of its predecessor. Mainly it's recoil is very small which means he can mount more than three guns to the turret and still have it shoot more accurately than a traditional naval gun.

But placing more would really put big constraints on the energy consumption. So, Adam really has to find the golden ratio where it would be perfect and he finds that retaining just their guns per turret and three turrets per ship is perfect. To increase the firepower, Adam makes special ammunition that is larger than the common ammunition.

This move will cause logistic issues because whichever ship is using this turret now needs specialized ammunition. But this really is a necessity anyway since the railgun cannon cannot shoot traditional ammunition anyway and needed special shells made to be shot at high velocity.

Adam recycled the design of the ammunition from the ammunition used on his portable Jupiter Cannon, The Coffin. This design allows the shell to not be defaulted to just AP and instead can also be HE shells although he would have to use Dust as the explosives. It's something to be considered in the future and what matters now is that he had completed the gun and passed the preliminary test.

With his business this round done in the underground lab, Adam finds his way up to the surface to give a live test to the new weapon he made. He takes the roundabout route behind his office all the way to the port by walking along the beach before arriving at the training ground or area.

The training area is basically a portion of beach and sea that had been converted into a training area for the shipgirls.

Adam took out his railgun cannon, securing it to a specialized platform and hooked it up to the high capacity Lightning Dust battery enough for three volleys. Then he loaded nine shells into the turret's magazine storage before the auto loader took care of the rest.

The target for the first volley is a group of buoys with a shooting target on it floating in the distance. The first test is the test of accuracy. The target is rather small since the shipgirls shoot miniaturized shells. So, if the shells can hit the target perfectly. It should be very accurate. Although, the test is more for the aiming AI capability since the cannon itself is made with a range of up to 200 miles in horizontal shooting mode and up to 2,200 miles in vertical shooting or artillery mode. Nearly a tenth of Earth's own circumference.

Anyway, back to the test. Once Adam pressed the button, the turret's mechanism snapped open which made the barrel split into two to create the rail. Then large amounts of electricity poured into the split barrel creating a powerful electric current that is visible with naked eyes as electric spark dances around the splitted barrel with a low and deep hum from the turret. Then instantaneously, a powerful wind blew around the cannon and the shooting target in the distance were literally pulverized, reduced to atoms from the shell colliding it at high speed and the heat build up from the wind resistance transferred into the wooden board which evaporated basically.

The first test was excellent. It couldn't be any better than this. It was able to hit targets with pinpoint accuracy and also recoilless if it were to compare to traditional naval cannons. Also, just the look of it is very cool. Creating electric sparks around the barrel and all. Although it would be an issue with stealth or night missions since the spark is rather bright. But considering most of the time, the shooter will be at least 100 miles away, the issue isn't that big.

The next test would be the artillery mode. Around 2000 miles away, there is an inhabited island which conveniently were one of the islands that Agent turned into an observation post with mechs and missile silo on it. Most importantly, there is surveillance around the island.

The barrel of the cannon tip up until it reached 70° and fired again. The projectile exited the barrel at speed nearly Mach 20, double the horizontal shooting mode because it needed to climb the atmosphere and fly against gravity to fly up the sky which made it lose energy faster so the shell needed more energy to complete its travel. The shell traveled for a few minutes before it landed on the target with a few cm of error which is acceptable and inevitable since the wind isn't always consistent around the sea. So, that's another point.

Finally, the last test is how powerful is it? To test it out, there's another inhabited island with a sizable hill and a cliff that is facing the direction of the base. Adam fired the last volley at the cliff and then used the Orbital Fortress to get a view on the cliff. Once the shells hit, the cliff now has dents caused by the initial impact which is quite a deep crater. The shells dug into the cliff and because it's an AP instead of HE shell, they didn't detonate or the damage would be even worse. But the crater from the impact alone is already very powerful and he can imagine how the enemy ship's hull will crumble and tear apart by the impact of the shell.

"I'd say it's a great success." Adam said with relief and a mute satisfaction as he dismantled the turrets and returned it into his inventory while whistling happily.

Just when he's about to return to find a willing test subject which is New Jersey, the only Battleship on the base. Someone arrived at the training area.

"I assume the test went well, Commander? And I assume you are looking for me?" New Jersey strolled toward Adam.

"NJ? Were you watching? Why didn't you come out earlier?" Adam was caught by surprise that he was watched.

"Hmn… You look like you were busy and needed focus. So, I decided not to disturb." She said while making a few hops next to him when she was close. "Besides, I am very excited to receive new equipment. From the look of it, I can already tell it's amazing." Her eyes shone in brilliance as she manifested her rigging's ship, the Iowa-class Battleship and hurried Adam to change her guns so she can help him run another test which he is planning to do after equipping New Jersey with the new guns.

The upgrade ended up taking hours to complete because Adam had to replace many things and not just the weapon alone. Mainly the electronics that can allow her to maximize the use of her new main gun mainly in detection, a radar that can scan her surroundings sea surface accurately up to 200 miles. Add another zero for planes and other air units

A normal radar can at most scan up to 20 miles of the sea surface, give and take. As for the ones made by Adam. He didn't really know how to get that impressive performance. All he knows is he slaps Augmentation and its performance inflates.

The fact that his Augmentations even works on literally anything he creates through the System's Crafting function means the possibility is endless because he could possibly add Augmentations on to let's say Enterprise's Jets or NJ new railgun cannons. The only thing stopping him is the absurd cost of his SAS Credits. For example a single level of Deadly Augment, which raises base damage of the weapon costs 1.5 Billion SAS Credits. At that cost, Adam wondered how it would cost in total to upgrade all three turrets to the max 12 Augmentation levels with three different Augmentations. Perhaps hundreds of trillion? Or even more.

But that wouldn't mean he won't do it. He just didn't have a reason to yet. Perhaps in the future when they needed the extra damage then he might.


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