Chapter 131 - I Am Not A Kaslana

Siegfried Kaslana, one of the few top combatants of Schicksal with the strength of S-Rank Valkyrie and the Schicksal Knight. He is also the Patriarch of House Kaslana despite only being in his 20's.

"Your task is to bring Adam Kaslana back to Schicksal by words or by force."

Siegfried frowned upon hearing the order. He is somewhat aware of his younger brother Adam Kaslana who is exiled from the family after being born with defects and causing his mother's death. But Siegfried never held it against his younger brother. In fact, he never met his younger brother before. At least as far as he could remember, he never did.

"Is it really necessary, Overseer?" Siegfried asked Otto who was on the hologram device looking at Siegfried.

"What? Do you have an objection to my decision, Siegfried?" Otto asked with an expression that showed no anger. But a raised eyebrow expresses his curiosity to Siegfried's reluctance. "It's alright, you can talk about what's in your mind. I am not a small minded person who takes offense easily."

After hearing Otto's reassurance, Siegfried nodded and said. "I wonder what is the reason why you would want to force him to return back to Schicksal. As far as I remember, the T-Dolls certainly are versatile and able to reduce Valkyrie's casualties significantly. I didn't think it was groundbreaking enough to warrant such interest from you, Overseer. Schicksal mechs are still vastly superior to T-Dolls."

"Hmn. Does it look that way for you?" Otto said with a slight look of disappointment before he explained. "Indeed the android itself is not a groundbreaking achievement. We could easily replicate it."

"What I truly find groundbreaking is the human-like AI he could create. An artificial… No, it's a digital soul." Otto talked with a dangerous flame of ambition blazing in his eyes, threatening to consume everything. "For that reason, you order it to capture him regardless of method. If he resists, you can use force. As long as his head is intact." Otto ordered coldly before he ended the transmission.

Reluctantly, Siegfried could only obey because Otto is very determined to capture Adam.


Around 3 PM, Adam and Agent went to a park on a seaside cliff. They had already spent the entire day in the city, going from shops to an aquarium to an amusement park.

They wish to have some alone time, that's why they went to the park which has fewer visitors on weekdays. However, much to his displeasure. Someone did have the audacity to disturb him.

While Adam and Agent are sitting under a gazebo and enjoying the seaside wind, a group of people dressed in combat suits approach and Adam immediately recognises two of them, they are the representative. One is his supposed uncle and another is someone from Schicksal.

"You brat. Now that we have the Overseer's order. I will make sure to p—" *Bang* A gunshot silenced everyone as the representative for House Kaslana dropped dead on the ground with disbelief and a clean hole in between his brows.

"You talk too much. Summarize it in just a few words in your next life." Adam said while in his left hand is a full white pistol with elegant silver engravings especially on the grip.

"Y-You actually dare kill your own uncle!" They all looked in disbelief, thinking they could intimidate Adam with their numbers and didn't think that he would be this rash.

"Uncle? He is not my uncle. In this world, my only family is her." Adam pointed at Agent on his side who blushed a little when hearing his words. "Also, my name is Adam White. Not Adam Kaslana." Adam made it clear that he is cutting ties with the House Kaslana.

"Arrest him! Use force if needed. We only need his head intact!" The armed group and the Valkyries immediately went to arrest Adam and Agent when the representative from Schicksal gave the order.

Adam has zero intention to hold back at all and when they no longer have the pretense to be civil. Neither does he as he is about to attack but he pauses.

"All of you stop this instance!" A powerful shout like a roar caused the armed men and Valkyrie to stop their attack immediately while the Schicksal representative turned his body and head to look at who was to override his command.

"Sir Siegfried?" The representative immediately identifies and shrinks back his head.

"Who is it that dares to act without my order!"

"Sir Siegfried, I wasn't aware you are part of the reinforcement team." The representative almost stuttered when answering to the angry Siegfried who saw the dead Kaslana on the ground.

"Nevermind. You will be answering to the Overseer later." Siegfried sighed before looking at the other Kaslana clansman that he had never seen before and definitely is his exiled younger brother. He ordered the others to stand back first before he approached Adam and they both locked eyes, staring at each other to ascertain each other's intention.

"Hello, my name is Siegfried Kaslana." Siegfried offers his hand for a handshake with a friendlier tone and a smile that looks genuine rather than just a mask.

"Adam White." Adam accepted the handshake before he invited Siegfried to the gazebo for their talk.

As they are both seated, a long silence ensues as the cliff side wind blows towards them. Then, it's Siegfried who broke the silence.

"Brother. I am glad to see you are in good health." Siegfried greets for the first time in the 18 years of life.

In reply, Adam only gave an acknowledging nod and nothing more which made Siegfried feel sad but he understood why Adam felt like this. He had been kicked in his lowest moment, exiled from the family as an infant that is barely weeks old and thrown into the street. Now he is successful, the family that exiled him wants him back to take his wealth and achievement. Even Siegfried himself will feel angry if he is done like this. But he had no choice. Even if he is the Patriarch, he isn't the one truly in power in the House of Kaslana. It's the elders that are in power as the Patriarch is often sacrificed in the line of duty to wield the Divine Key, Judgment of Shamash. Not to mention the Overseer also gave him the order.

Between his long estranged brother or the love of his life, Cecilia. Siegfried would choose the latter and accept the chain of binding from Otto.

With a heavy heart, Siegfried is about to convince Adam to follow him back to Schicksal. Adam raised his hand and stopped Siegfried.

"No need to talk. I will never return to Schicksal unless you drag my body back." Adam said which made Siegfried freezed and look at Adam with shock, disbelief, reluctance and finally acceptance.

"Will you not reconsider this?" Siegfried asked with his head slumped forward and shadow casted over his eyes.

"No." Adam said firmly as he covets the Void Archives, they will definitely be enemies and Adam has no other way to help Otto fulfill his wish to revive Kallen either.

"Then, don't blame me for being rude, brother." Siegfried stood up and reached his hands out to capture Adam but his instinct immediately told him to dodge and for a good reason as several blue beams shot past him. Had he still been standing in his previous position, he would have several holes to decorate his body.

"Hm. You don't need to act, Ag– Angie. I have this under control."

"My apology, Master." Agent or Angie bowed and apologized while Adam waved his hand, telling her not to mind it.

Siegfried already retreated a few steps back and saw four gun-like contraptions attached to four mechanical limbs poking out under her skirt. But his eyes soon returned to Adam as he saw a pistol appeared in his hand after a flash of blue light which made him confused if he was simply making it appear or he created the pistol using some sort of power.

"Blut Arterie" Adam spoke softly and Siegfried only able to hear thanks to his superhuman hearing before he vanished.

Siegfried's eyes immediately darted to the left where he saw a shadow flash through and he quickly lifted his arm up to block what turned out to be a kick from Adam that landed with a loud thud and his arm felt numb from that powerful kick. Powering through the numbness of his right arm, he swiftly tried to grab Adam's leg but before he could, a gunshot echoed and he instantly dropped his body and evaded the shot as Adam retreated back from their first exchange victoriously.

Siegfried looks at Adam who is uninjured and then his numbed right arm with an impassive glance.

"Heh. What talentless cripple can fight better than me." Siegfried snickered before turning his eyes to Adam's face once again. He is reluctant to fight for various reasons and the latest one being Adam is no less skilled than him in combat. Perhaps even better and his chance of winning is low unless he is willing to go all out and use his Divine Key which is out of the question against fellow humans. Much less his own biological brother.

"Are you going to continue or get lost?" Adam asked with a bored expression. But seeing Siegfried's determined look, Adam felt like he should give a warning. "For the next attempt, I will not be as forgiving." He added which only made Siegfried's frown deepens.

It boggles Siegfried that Adam managed to stay hidden with such strength no lesser than himself considering how easy Adam defeated him. If Otto knew, he would probably be more willing to negotiate and bring Adam back to Schicksal as S-Ranked combat strength is incredibly sought after by both Schicksal and Anti Entropy considering at the moment Schicksal itself only have one identified S-Rank Valkyrie including him, a non Valkyrie and a few others, theres only two official powerhouse with S-Ranked power rating.

"Then forget about it." Siegfried sighed while scratching his head. Not like he could continue with Adam's strength just came to light and this is not what Siegfried or Otto had expected.

Seeing Siegfried's relaxed stance, Adam dismissed the pistol which dissipated into blue particles which caught Siegfried's attention but he didn't pry the secret.

"Well, if you are here in a friendlier term. I would be eager invite you to sit and talk. But since you are not, I can only ask you to leave me alone."

"Alright." Siegfried nods and left with the people from Schicksal.

"Will it be alright to let them go just like that, Master?" Agent is sure that they will definitely return with more trouble for Adam.

"Not really, but I said today is for our date. I wouldn't want any interruption. The world can burn for all I care." Adam shrugs and snakes his arm into her waist to pull her closer.

"You are getting bolder, Master." Agent smiled and let her head rest on his chest.

"Of course, I can't do it much back then because there are plenty of people who could sense us and also there is mischievous kids." He sighed exasperatedly. "But here, there will be no one interrupting us." He grinned while his hands is eagerly feeling her body.

Artificial her body may be, her reaction and senses had improved so much that her body is no different than a human body if not better.

A healthy pink blush on her pale cheeks while she hold a hand before her mouth to suppress her inappropriate voice from leaking out.

In the gazebo of the empty cliff side park. The two openly getting intimate with one another. With Agent sitting on his lap, he stroke her thighs under her dress, he fondle her soft and supple breast while passionately french kissing her.

Perhaps feeling pent up with his vigor after the unsatisfying battle that ended too soon. Adam could felt he is very eager to have sex and his lil' bro already waken up, popping a tent on the pants which is poking Agent's rear since she is sitting on his lap.

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