Chapter 132 - Otto’s Interest

A few days had passed since he met Siegfried. There had no one been disturbing him since and his days had been in relative peace. Until now that is.

Today, Agent or now Angie, informed Adam regarding a conference regarding his defense contract and agreement to the majority of the Asean nations for his today's agenda.

The moment she did, Adam received an ominous future sight. From his private jet being shot down by terrorists to a terrorist attack on the conference which is targeted at him and an assassination attempt on himself. In the final vision he saw himself before Otto and Otto seems to have caused all this in order to probe him for his secret strength.

After all, in Otto's eyes. Adam is just useful because of his intellect to create T-Doll and nothing else. He had kept close control of the Three Houses, Schicksal and almost everything for his grand plan and suddenly Adam turned into an unknown variable that he can't even see through. Based on the way Otto operates, he will destroy the variables that he cannot control and that's exactly what he tried to do.

After the vision ended, Adam rubbed his brow and sighed. "I had been relying too much on The Almighty." He noticed and couldn't help it as the nature of this ability is like that and made it indispensable in his arsenal. The ability to obtain information ahead of any battle is very precious and important.

"Angie, ditch the private jet. But I still schedule the jet to fly and book two tickets for a commercial flight under my name. Also, prepare adequate escort on the summit. We will be needing them for the uninvited guests." Adam said while having Angie help him make his tie.

"Certainly, Master. However, that will put us at least two hours behind schedule." Agent nods without questioning the reason and immediately arranges everything remotely with her digital brain.

"No. Not really. With the speed I can move. I can get both of us to Singapore in under an hour." Adam is hinting towards Hirenkyaku or his Hohō technique which is weaker now because his body is incapable of showing its full potential which allows Adam to circle the globe under a few minutes at full speed.

Agent said no more and agreed with Adam's plan as they set off in another few minutes once she was done helping Adam dressed up properly.


Two hours later, at the summit meeting venue. Adam is still keeping his arrival a secret and moments later, a breaking news shocked everyone as his private jet was shot down by unknown terrorists that somehow have access to missiles and also the commercial plane he booked seats on were hijacked simultaneously and they are looking for him but he was never found as he is already at Singapore, chilling in his hotel room that was secretly booked by Agent under the identity of a random person that she borrowed.

"As you expected, Master. Both terrorist groups can be traced back to Schicksal through the wire transfer from a newly made bank account of a random person. Those terrorists were notorious criminal mercenaries from the Underworld." Agent read the report to Adam who was sipping wine and smoking cigars while watching the news of several alleged terrorists who were arrested after an anonymous tip to the Singaporean law enforcement.

"Well, that is to be expected. He can't exactly use his capable Valkyries for a black ops and revealing the dirty laundry of Schicksal. His only option is definitely expendable tools that he can sacrifice instead considering money was never a problem for him." He shrugs and mocks Otto for these low level tricks he employed.

"Now there's the assassins left. I wonder where the mouse was lurking, hmn?" Adam looks out the curtain of his balcony with a knowing smirk.

On the opposite building, a man sitting behind his sniper rifle and his eyes behind the scope looking at a particular balcony with a rich looking kid in gray suit smoking cigars and drinking wine while flirting with his enviously beautiful maid laying in his arms.

The assassin saw the young man's lips curved up and suddenly his phone rang. He was still staring down his scope and the young man put down his wine and made a hand gesture to him to answer the call.

He looked stunned, the young man definitely knew where he was for sure. Not to mention his burner phone number was identified by his target? He really do wonder who the fuck the messed with as for the first time his his career that he felt fear.


"H-Hello?" The assassin answered and he could hear a mumble but he couldn't pinpoint what his target was talking about.

"Boom" is all his target said before suddenly ending the call

"Hello? He—"

*SNAP!* The sound of a bullet being shot from the distance and then *Splat!* as the bullet cleanly pierced through the assassin's head and later exploded when the bullet exited its head. The headless corpse is now laying flat on the ground with half of its face remaining and engraved with the emotion of shock prior to its death.

On the other side is Adam on the balcony holding his Hornet Sniper Rifle one-handedly with a smokeless barrel because futuristic bullet's propellant is too efficient.

"Well, at least my marksmanship is still on point." Adam commented as he made another two well placed shots to take care of the other hitmen.

Although after dispatching the hitmen, he didn't feel an ounce of relief because the person behind this is still leisurely enjoying the show perhaps.

There's really no other way to blame Otto for these mercs he hired to do terrorist acts. Even if Adam reveals indisputable evidence that Otto is behind these terrorist attacks. Otto with his centuries old foundations remain unshakable like a stable mountain. He can easily deny the claim and counter the allegations against him and Otto with his connection can easily arrange a rigged trial and capture Adam in turns. There's no other way to get back at Otto other than attacking him directly but that would inadvertently reveal Adam's power which is his something he would like to keep hidden later that's why he killed the hitmen with his gun rather than supernatural power.

Exhaling the cigar smoke irritatedly, Adam can only swallow back his desire for revenge bitterly and wait. The personality he obtained from devouring Yhwach made him proud and prideful as an emperor should. He is incapable of tolerating such an insult unpunished. However, that influence for Yhwach was balanced out by Aizen, another major personality inside his soul because he absorbed his Zanpakuto. Aizen is like a great tactician, very cautious and decisive. If he takes action, it's at the right time and place instead of driven by emotions.

Thus, Adam could only wait for the right time where his action bore the most benefits. Like waiting for a fruit to ripen.

Seeing that Adam looks unhappy, Agent could already guess the reason why he looked like that and lean closer to him to comfort him and distract his mind from his negative thoughts.

Adam sensed Agent shifting left and right on his lap while snuggling up to his chest. He chuckled a little at the rare scene. Agent always put on a mask of professionalism in front of others. Eve with Winter and Jalter. However, when it's just the two of them. She shows her real and more affectionate self which is a complete 180 from her usually cold and distant self like the gap moe thing.

"Angie, are you trying to get me into the mood or what?" He questioned with an intrigued expression as she continued to grind her thighs on his crotch.

In reply, she tied her arms around his neck to pull herself closer to his ears before she said, "What do you think, Master?" Before she softly and sensually exhaled some warm air on his left ear.

"Of course, I take it as a yes." Adam answered before he put aside his unfinished cigar and drained the rest of the wine in his glass. Then he kissed Agent to feed her the wine.

For some reason, T-Doll can get drunk from alcohol too. Not caused by their robotic digestive system. But more like a program that emulate drunkenness. He wonders why military androids even require such a function.

As the wine trickled down her throat and swallowed, her face started to turn flushed and her body heated up gradually.

After a few minutes, Adam finally let go of the kiss and licked his lips to clean up the residue of wine.

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(The sudden increase of seggs with Agent is because she is the main girl that follow Mc basically from the beginning yet didn't receive much attention. So, it's time I fix that.)

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