Not Jones

It started at a party. I was already feeling the alcohol coursing to my brain but it didn't stop me from drinking more punch. Juni had told me it was just a small get together but this...this was definitely not small. There was music blaring throughout the house and blinding bright lights.

Juni and I had become friends because our professor assigned us a project in the beginning of the year. I wanted to work on it by myself but Juni wasn't having that. I would've made an A+ but Juni and his...intelligence landed us at a B.

I stood by the side while everyone dance and couples made out anywhere and legit everywhere. My mind was occupied by thoughts of school and how badly I wanted to leave.

I honestly was just about to when I felt an arm around my shoulder almost tackling me to the ground. I choked on my drink. To not my suprise it was Juni.

"Heyy!"He said. His words slurred. I could practically get drunk on his breath. I squirmed my way out of his grips to get away from his god awful breath.

I sighed and crossed my arms looking at him. "What is it?"I asked knowing he wanted something from me. Juni grinned from ear to ear.

"There is someone I want you to meet!"

Juni then grabbed the arm of some passerbyer and dragged him in front of me. My eyes widen in shock when I saw the strangers face.

"This is Jones" Juni exclaimed excitedly. That wasn't Jones. That is Jamey. I probably wouldn't have recognized him if he had covered up that scar, but that is Jamey. That is my Jamey.

That's my bestfriend that moved away years ago. That's my bestfriend that sobbed his eyes out when he left. I remember that day often. It felt like it was straight out of one of those sappy movies. What would've made it a perfect sob scene would be if he had given me a reason.

He had the best parents. His grades were amazing. He even had a full ride to the same college as me. He had me, and yet he moved. We could've lived on the same old sugar stone; hell we could've been living in the same house. If only he had stayed. I was sad at the time, but now that I am looking at him I'm angry.

He looked so different. His hair wasn't his natural brown but instead purple. He had piercings on both ears. He looked like a punk. He looked different but so familiar.

I stared at him with daggers. I was about to ask him if he remembered me but before I could do so he spoke.

"Who's this?"

Who's this...Who's this?! He's joking right? I know he's lying about not knowing me. I can see it clear as day on his face. I've known Jamey since diapers. I changed just as much as he did. I bleached my hair hell I even grew a few inches, but just like him my face remained the same.

Juni was about to introduce me when I put my hand up and interrupted him. "I'm Vanilla." I said bluntly. My voice was filled with attitude and venom. Jam- Jones smiled at me and extended his hand. I sent a glare to him and scoffed.

Juni then grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away leaving Jones alone. I'll be honest when I say this...but even if I was angry at him I didn't want to leave him. "Heyyy you mind if Jones stays with you for a while." He started,"I would take him in but I don't have any room."

He fidgeted with his hair as he looked at me pleadingly. "And you think I do?" I raised my eyebrow waiting for some grand excuse of how I do have room. I won't lie I have plenty of room.

"Don't you have a spare bedroom?" Juni pointed out. "Besides you'd be doing a good thing because he doesn't know anyone here and is new to the street, pleaseee" He knows me! Jones is just spewing bullshit at this point. He's lived on this damn street for majority of his life!

Juni was practically begging me to let Jones stay. I thought for a moment. Even if I was angry at Jam- Jones I wouldn't let my bestfriend sleep on some rando's couch. "Fine...but just for this month." I muttered.

"Awesome! He'll be coming home with you tonight! He doesn't have that much stuff if anything it's just a bag or two!" Juni exclaimed excitedly. I stared dumbfounded. Tonight? I just reunited with someone who is acting like they don't know me and your telling me he's moving in with me tonight?

I didn't get the chance to protest because Juni patted me on the back and called Jones over. "Hey Jones! Vanilla said you can stay with them for a little bit, isn't that cool?" Juni said with a smile.

Jones nodded his head and smiled. I missed that smile but it made me want to puke...or maybe it's the punch I don't know.

"Yeah it's awesome"

I needed to get away from Jamey before I puke on him or worse. I excused myself and ran off to the bathroom. My throat felt like it was burning and my insides were not cooperating with me. I rushed to the toilet where I puked. I think I'll have to walk home. I'm no way fit to drive in any way.

"Are you alright?...vanilla was it?"

A voice called from the door. I turned from the puke filled toilet to see Jones leaning against the doorway. He came up with the nickname why the hell would he ask me if that was my name?

"Yes. I'm fine. Fuck off" I muttered. I stood up slowly from the floor my legs feeling like jello. I swayed slowly. It felt like I was on a boat. I was dizzy my eyes were spinning.

Jones looked at me with concern. "I should take you home" He offered. I shook my head. I couldn't bare making eye contact with him. I hate his face right now...although at the same time I miss his face so damn much.

I made my way towards the door before tripping on my own foot. Everything happened so quickly one moment I was falling and the next I was in Jamey's arms. Stupid Jamey!

"No way you are driving or walking anywhere..." He said his voice laced with concern and worry. "besides I'm moving in with you tonight anyways so I'll just drive us there." He put my arm around his neck. Goodness I wish I could just put him in a damn choke hold.

Fuck you Jamey and fuck your stupidly strong arms too.

" car is the only red truck keys are in my pocket"