Forget Me

Jam- Jones helped me into the passenger side of the truck. I buckled myself in lazily while he got in the driver's side. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. I didn't want to look or talk to him.

He ruined my whole night with just his presence alone. Although I can't say that I was even having that much fun anyway, but still. I could hear Jamey shuffle in his seat.

He chuckled lightly, "He's still the same Vanilla they've always been..." I could feel his eyes on me. Did he think I'm asleep? So he is actually pretending not to remember me? This little shit! I felt anger boiling up but I kept my eyes shut. I needed to hear whatever came out of his mouth.

"I'm sorry Vanilla...." He said softly with a sigh, "I'm just not that guy anymore. I just think it's easier if I just forget you...than remember everything else..."

The hell? Does he thinks it's that easy to just forget someone you've known since diapers? Just forget your bestfriend just like that...he really wants to forget me...

I felt the car hit an abrupt stop. He opened the door and got out before coming to "wake me". I opened my eyes slowly and to my suprise here we were, my house. I decided to mess with him a little.

"How'd you know where my house was?" I asked tilting my head as a part of the act. His face turned red. His eyes darted away looking somewhere far off. " Uh-Uhm well Juni gave it to me."He stammered.

I grinned. Jamey had always been bad with excuses. If I was stupid I would've thought that was a valid excuse. I knew the real reason as to why he knows where I live. I had invited him go come over once and sent him my address. It wasn't all that suprising that he never did. I never got an answer from. Not a single text or call, nothing.

I always called or texted. I left little voice-mails here and there. I just missed my bestfriend. At some point I gave up. I'm pretty sure I cried that night because I felt like I lost someone important to me.

I raised my eyebrow at him and just sighed. I got out of the car and walked inside. I showed Jones around the house. He asked questions about the small things laying around the house. The only thing he didn't mention were the pictures of me and him.

I showed him to his rooms and set his bags on the bed. It was bland and looked like most guest bedrooms. Jones gave me a smile and said thanks. He began to ask me questions about myself. I felt myself getting pissed off, so I suggested we watch a movie just to shut him up.

We sat on the couch opposite of eachother. Half way through the movie I noticed Jones fell asleep. I smiled softly to myself. Jamey had always fallen asleep during movies. He could never stay awake during a single one.

I got up from the couch to wake him. "Jones..wake up. Go sleep in your room." I said my voice hushed as I shook him. He shuffled and put a finger to my lips. " make too much noisee" He slurred.

I chuckled lightly and shook my head. I knew what had to be done. I rolled up my sleeves and lifted Jones into my arms. I work out pretty often so I have some muscles built up. He felt the same weight as he did when we were kids...if that makes sense.

I carried him often when we were kids. Jamey always tripped and scraped his knees when he was young. He also did a bunch of stupid shit that at first you'd think it's a good idea and then you'd just get hurt in the end. Ultimately I would always be the one carrying him back to his home.

Don't get me wrong I got hurt too. I just didn't get hurt by doing dumb things or being clumsy. I was a protective friend. Whoever would pick on Jamey I would go and fight them. I got in trouble often. It upset Jamey whenever I was hurt, but I couldn't help it. Jamey was my bestfriend.

I layed Jones in his bed and stood there for a moment. I know it's creepy to watch people sleep but I couldn't help it. My eyes always landed on the scar on his face. I have bitter sweet memories of that scar. It's my fault he has it.

It was like any normal day for any kids playing the park. Jamey and I were just minding our business playing when these adult men showed up. They had candy in their hands and were trying to coax us to come with.

I had remembered those warnings from school warning us about stranger danger. It seemed like Jamey remembered too because he was tugging on my shirt to pull me away from those guys.

I stood in front of Jamey not wanting him to get hurt or worse...taken. I couldn't let them hurt my bestfriend. I remember telling them overs and overs again that I wouldn't go that I refuse to. Jamey tried getting me to stop he said I would only make things worse.

I believe I had made them angry because next thing I know I'm on the ground. My breathing was quick and heavy as I looked at my shoes in front of me. There was blood. My eyes widen. I was horrified that I had gotten hurt but I didn't feel any pain.

I then noticed Jamey in front of me holding his face in his hands. I immediately jumped up and looked at his face. I felt like the worse person ever. I let Jamey get hurt. I should've just stopped and ran away. Luckily for Jamey and I a passerby had witnessed the whole thing and called the police.

Jamey was taken to the hospital and the bastards were taken to the police station. Jamey didn't want to look at his reflection for days. He thought he looked ugly and that no one would ever like him.

This is when I did something kinda stupid...I grabbed a small box cutter and almost right under my eye. It hurt so bad but in my mind I was think of Jamey the entire time. I was scolded by my mom of course. The doctors said I could've lost my eye which would've been stupid on my part. When I visited Jamey at the hospital and show him the cut; He gave me the biggest smile ever. I told him now we'll both look like badasses.

Looking at Jamey's face made me feel guilty but also...loved. I reached out and caressed the scar gently. Brush it lightly with just the tips of my fingertips. He then jolted awake and grabbed my arm.

His grip was tight. His eyes were wide and his breathing heavy. He looked at me and then his eyes softened. He let go and mumbled a small apology. "Sorry...You just startled me.." He said with a light chuckle.

I shook my head, "No its my fault...sorry for touching your scar" I mumbled. Silence filled the room. We stared at eachother for a good minute before I spoke. "How'd you get it?" I asked. I was curious on what he'd say. Would he tell the truth?

Jamey's eyes widen. He cleared his throat and looked away. "These kids were bullying me and pushed me..when I fell I hit my face on a rock." He stammered rubbing the back of his neck.

My heart was hurting. I frowned and glared at him. I hated him and his stupid fake ass story. That wasn't even believable. He looked at me apologetically. I clenched my fists and turned around heading for the door.


"Goodnight, Jones."

I slammed the door and went straight to my bed. I layed in it not even bothering covering myself. I stated at the ceiling feeling myself grow upset. I couldn't sleep.