The girl and The Cat

In the begging there lived a bright young lady who worked in a town carnival as a fortune teller our story starts here with this young lady whose name was Sage A. Willow.

You see a young adult 5'5 feet tall with mid back length black with purple hued hair. She is wearing a medieval dress looking like a witch. She walks on her way to a circus making it to the ring leaders tent. "ahhh sage my favorite little witch you made it just in time" the ringleader states cheerfully even though his posture seemed off. Sage looked up at him with a raised eyebrow "good to see you" she replies back. The ringleader clasped his hands together seeming nervous. "is everything alright?" sage inquired the ringleader with curiosity. "don't worry about it for now. Go out and perform miss sage" the ringleader encourages sage as they usher her out of their tent.

Sage heads over to her section of the circus providing tarot readings as well as performing tricks for customers of the circus. After a long day sage cleaned up her section then made her way to the ringleaders tent. The ringleader moved about their tent pacing in deep thought. Sage watches them as she shuffles her tarot deck in her hands then asks them "what is bothering you. Your not cheery as you normally are?" they look to sage putting on a fake smile. "oh, nothing at all my dear" they reply to her. sage looks at them not falling for it. "I know better than that. what is it?" she asked them again holding up the hangman card in reverse. They see the card letting out a defeated sigh. "you are scary accurate with those cards you know that" they say straightening back up.

Sage shrugs in response thinking she's just lucky with the cards. "sage you might have to find an extra job outside of the circus. We are having struggles with making sure things are paid to continue." They tell her in a sad tone. Sage looked at them stunned for a moment losing grip on the card but collects herself catching the card just before it hits the floor. "what do you mean we have been doing okay so far?" sage inquired them further not believing that. "I'm sorry but big man has seen a drop in people coming into the circus. So, either people start losing their jobs fully or will be put as volunteers. Head home for now her is your cut for your work today." They said handing her an envelope with money in it. Sage takes the envelope then heads out of the tent, walking to the outskirts of the circus. She looked up at the sky noticing it would rain soon. She pulled her umbrella and then opened it up while walking down the road.

It started to rain down in the streets she walked on. Some of the people around her scramble for shelter from the rain. The sound of a cat yowling reaches her ears. She then turns to an alley way searching for the owner of the sound. She finds the cat "aww poor thing lets get you out of the rain" she carefully picked up the cat not to frighten it. She then continues on her way to her home. She reached her front door she unlocked the door entering her home sages house wasn't grand it was cozy a simple two story one bedroom home on the outskirts of town she had inherited very young from a sistant uncle who had passed. She closes the door then hangs up her umbrella to let it dry. She walked into her living room she sets the cat on the couch then makes her way to the bathroom to get a towel to help dry off the cat.

The cat would leap off the couch and stretch out by the fireplace to get warm. Sage walks back into the room she didnt see the cat on the couch. she looked around then she spotted them at the fire place. she walked over to them and gently patted their fur to help dry them off while thunder rumbles outside. "well its good i found you when i did" sage states sitting next to the cat. His red eyes twinkled in the firelight as he mewed at her as if wanting something. She hasn't even thought of a name yet. He rubbed against the blankets and when his fur dried he crawled into her lap with a deep rumbling purr.she softly smiles gently petting his back. "you dont look like you have an owner. you can stay with me if you want to" she says while thinking on what i could feed them. She looked down to him "I forgot you don't have a name yet. What name would suit you?" She pondered about it. "How about nome?"

He mewed softly. " alright nome is your name" she says as a yawn escapes her lips. "lets find you some food nome" she stands up holding him as she walked to the kitchen.

He would purrrr rubbing against her chest and shoulders nuzzling up against her chin."Your just adorable" she opens her fridge showing a few leftovers some with rice and slices of chicken in them. She sets nome on the counter then picks up the container of chicken and rice. She puts them in microwave to heat the food up for them. He would sit at the table his tail curling around his feet fluffy like his posture perfect as he sat she could tell his breed now was a maincoon he was just thin and smaller likely from being on the streets.

She pulls out a bowl filled it with chicken and set it next him. "Sorry this is what I have for now. I'll get more food tomorrow." She says to him as she makes herself a bowl of food. He buried his face in the meal once he was sure it was cooled down. Sage smiled at the cats antics. Once he finished eating he stretched before letting out a yawn smacking his chops as he walked across the table and hopped down surprisingly not going for her food next like you would expect from a street cat making her believe maybe he was abandoned. Sage was surprised but thankful that he didn't. She put the dishes in the sink then head to here bedroom. once she got into her bedroom she changed into a comfy pair of pajamas. She then climbed into her bed under the covers. "Its time for bed nome" she states tiredly fully laying her head on her pillow. He lept onto the bed his head tilted slightly to the left as he sat at the end of the bed watching her quietly observing before lieing down beside her. sage drifted off into sleep for the rest of the night remains uneventful...