A New Day

The sun began to peek over the horizon early that morning. All was quiet through the house as she woke up. Sage gradualy woke up stretching out her body. she sits up rubbing her eyes. Nome lept onto the bed and meowed suddenly as if to remind her she had work.

she julted a little hearing him. then she got up brushing her hair heading over to her outfit she wears to work, after ten minutes she got fully dressed in her witch outfit she then put items in her bag. Nomes eyes seemed to twinkle as he looked at her in her attire he meowed loudly and lept about after her as if to go with her to work. She chuckles at his enthusiasm "alright you can come with me i dont think they'll mind" she says as she slings her bag on her back. she picks him up then heads to her door heading out in the direction of her job. Nome purred periodically lieing in her arms the whole walk. She reaches the circus seeing others discussing new routines and acts to do. She walked through the crowds to her section with a few others with a smile but felt a little worried.

It was starting out to be a slow day and nome was wandering in and out occasionally folks would chase him into her tent and he would leap into her lap. Overall she began to grow bored and lonely before her stage act. She let out a sigh with how slow it is she did crack a smile when nome returned back to her. She fiddled with her deck waiting patiently. "life working here in the circus is hard to make ends meet. so many cuts are being made every one trying harder to keep their job to receive so little in return." sage looked up seeing some of the performers talking with their partners a pain of sadness washes over her. " i wish i could have someone to support me and not feel all alone in this world." she vents not thinking nome could understand her but it still helped her express herself as she flipped through her deck looking at each card in it. Nome lept on to the table and pawed at a tarot card. Sage picked up the tarot card he was pawing at. He bapped another across the table. She collected the card he moved putting it next to the other one "so far I see you have been alone surviving with what you had" she looked up to him reading what she sees to him. He started at the last card he had bapped that she had yet to read. She picked up the last one " companionship can be found when you least expect it" she looks up to nome "your future looks to turning for the better my friend" she smiles at him. He meowed as she was called to the stage. She collected her cards up then heads out to do her performance with smile.

She performed a variety of tricks with accurate predictions on the spot. After her performance she headed to her tent feeling exhausted. Nome was stretching on the table he was a rather large breed of cat and caught lots of attention being all black. Sage straightened up now walking to him with curiosity and concerns for him. He would tilt his head and meow softer at her his thoughts began to tarry about food. She nods to him " I have finished my work for today lets go to the store to get food" she opens her arms for him. He lept into her arms he was shockingly light for such a big cat as he purred rubbing her neck he crawled over her neck and slumped yawning once more he fit like a scarf on her. "such a sweet boy you are nome" she says as she makes her way to a grocery store after picking up her money. He nuzzled her purring. As she walked up the road she got funny looks and as she arrived at the store the sign said no pets allowed. Sage sees the sign "oh fiddle sticks I forgot about that" she sighs rubbing her forehead with her hand. He lept down and sat beside the door licking his paw as if to wait with a strange sense of knowledge. She gently pets his head. " I will be back soon" sage then goes into the store going through the store.

As sage shopped nome sat outside staring at a white cat with blue eyes that sat across the street from him it's demeanor more slender and agile nome knew this cat well as they exchanged a silent conversation before the white cat strutted off he licked his paw when he heard sage's voice and he lept into the grocery basket looking at her with a twinkle in his eyes ready to help in any way. Sage smiles at him " did i take to long?" She asked him shifting alittle to balance out. She continues to to walk home with a smile on her face. She makes it home she opens the door then closes it behind her. Makeing her way to the kitchen putting away the food. He sat on the table of the kitchen. Sniffing the bags of groceries as she put them away. She noticed him sniffing the bags " does anything catch your attention nome?" She asked as she put dried goods away. He sneezed and wiggled his nose before laying on the bags. She chuckles finished putting away the groceries. She starts to cook dinner for the both of them to eat. He mewed happily that he didn't have to eat cat kibble. Sage smiles as she plates the food sets a plate in front of nome pan seared salmon with wild rice. She takes her plate and sits in a stool next to nome.

Nome sat and ate happily he was very pleased with his witch he thought.

Sage softly smiled then began to eat hers in deep thought. Nome would pause bits of rice on his face as he tilted his head to the side curious of her thoughts. She continued to silently eat for a moment then rested her head in her hand. Nome nuzzled her hand then attempting to comfort her rice still stuck to his furry face. She lifts up her head to see him nuzzle her. "Dont worry ill figure something out. I'll probably have to find another job soon on my day off" she reassures him with a weak smile finished eating. She gathered up the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. Nome lept off the table and out the window out to the yard excusing himself without a sound. Sage turned around seeing that he had left "i guess he needed to go do something" she says to herself. She walks over to her dresser changing into her night clothes then grabs a book to read. She curls up in her bed comfortably as she begins to read winding down to relax.