That Evening it all changed

He lept back into the window stretching after alleviating himself as he looked around he didn't see his witch he sniffed and began to look for her when there was a loud knock at her door.

"Im coming"

sage says heading to her way to her front door with her book in hand. she opens the door to see who is at her door. The stranger at the door took her aback as nome was just getting to the living room to see what was going on.

The white eared cat man at her door with the fluffy tail looked at her there near equal stature surprising her. Sage was caught of guard as the man spoke. "Sage correct you haven't reported to the familiar association you have chosen a familiar for your awakening?" Sage gives him a look of confusion. "how do you know name and what do you mean by familiar association? is it a cat adoption agency?" She asked him looking at his features thinking he is dressed up for the part.

His tail swished and fluffed as he got flustered with anger and his ears twitched. "What a rude witch your mother taught you nothing. Why familiers are powerful creatures we are to be respected I should...." He drew his palm up his nails like claws as his eyes grew slit when his eyes suddenly darted up his ears folded back his tail wrapped around him and he stepped back suddenly looking above her.

sage looked at him startled and flinched by his sudden hostility to her. then moved her gaze to were he was looking

Looming over her was a tall tan man with black hair and scars on his cheeks he seemed slightly hunched she couldn't see his ears or red eyes at this angle but she did see the clawed hand with claws long and black grab the door frame as his lips parted his razor cat like smile bloomed his accent a little old English as his deep voice echoed. "You are from the administration you should know best what right I have if you lay a paw on my witch." The dark man in black with long messy hair spoke.

Sage look stunned seeing him she felt safe oddly.... safe.. even though she doesnt understand why. she trys to speak but no words form for her to say as shes trying to process what is happening before her, and the fact this strange man was in her home without her knowledge.

"I hate you why of all familiars does it have to be you your the only cat so unruly it's been forever since you had a witch why couldn't you just stay gone Salem!

A low purr escaped the man behind Sage.... "I dont choose my witches they choose me I just make sure they become more powerful what can you say about yours?" The dark clawed man known as Salem stated as he rested a clawed hand on her shoulder. Sending shivers up Sage's spine.

She noted that they dont seem to get along with each other. "sir please come in so we can talk more privatly with what is going on please. Im trying to wrap my head around this" she says speaking up rubbing her face with her free hand.

Before the white haired man could step in a letter was jutted into his face. "Take this and go make your report I won't tolerate another in my witches home." He said as the white cat man snatched the letter and strutted off.

"please tell me what is going on? Why are you in my house!"

Upon turning around she was greeted with a 7ft 1in tall man who was hunched over he'd have his hands in black dress pants.his expression was soft his red eyes sharp he was lean with large fluffy black ears and a long fluffy black tail he was also whereing a black dress shirt that was unbuttoned as his eyes met hers.His gaze was steady yet held a similar twinkle to them...

She looks over his features after a few minutes of staring into his eyes it clicks in her mind "You are the cat that i took in! But how does this happen i have only read stuff like this in fiction books?" she slouches some then states "well at least im off work the next few days due to circumstances at my work"

He tilted his head. "Sage how much do you know about the covenant of witches?"

"not a whole lot just from history books when i was in school and i dont recall my parents ever wanting to talk about it when we had lessons involving it" she admits to him thinking more about it. "but i did feel drawn to things people around me said were weird" He crouched resting his arms on his knees. His tail swishing side to side. "What do you think of me?"

"different but in a good way. i dont feel scared i feel curious about you. defenitly the tallest i have ever met" she said to him hoping her words come out right as she watch him with her eyes full of curiosity.

He smiled softly his cat-like teeth shining white against his tan skin.

"I am Nome, I have been called many names in the past through history and have shaped some of the most powerful witches in history some would know me as Salem others as Gigi or Midnight. To you and now, I am Nome. I could smell a great magical strength in you when we met in the rain that day I was impressed you took me in during this time of great struggle for you." She looked amazed by his words "even if i am struggling i dont want others to go through the same which i guess has left me alone until i met you.... She fiddled her fingers before blurting out and magic is just tricks and stuff right?

Nome smiled wide as he looked at her. "We familiar's have a nose for it, but it's more then what you think." She nods then looks down at her hands "well i hope i can live up to your expectations for one even though i dont know where to start. since i have already made a bad impression already"

Nome reached over and lifted her chin. "I can tell your power isn't awoken yet and I had hoped to keep this all from you till then so I apologize for that. The administration can be fickle."

"okay I trust you Nome. I'm guessing you guys don't always see eye to eye or is that just between you and the familiar from earlier?" She asked him about it. "I prefer to work alone." He said as stood back up his ears twitching. "I see" she says looking up to him. "Is something bothering you nome? Your ears are twitching." She asked as a small yawn escaped her lips shaking her head trying to shake it away.

Nome shook his head. "No your tired and we have lots for you to learn about who you are. We're you adopted by chance? It could explain why your mother didn't teach you anything." As he said this he scooped her up bridal style and began to climb the stairs. Sages cheeks grew dark red.

"It was a suprise for me to find out i was. It left me with more questions then answers. they couldn't tell me much about my parents. so im guessing they dont want to be found or could have passed away" she replies with her eyes drooping some resting her head on his chest to tired to protest.

"We will find out more when we can." Nome said softly. Nome softly smiled. "I live only to serve, rest well I have lots to teach you." He lied her in bed and brushed her hair aside. she tiredly smiled "sounds like fun nome." she curled up more taking in a deep breath with her eyes closing as sleep finally taking hold on her. "just dont leave me behind" she mumbled in her sleep. Nome smiled and as he stepped onto the bed he was once more a large fluffy cat laying against her. sage subconsciously put her hand on him petting him in her sleep. the home was still and peaceful for them both.