Was it a Dream?

Sage sturred awake after a few minutes she gets up heading down the stairs to get herself something to drink. Nome pranced into the kitchen with a big stretch. "Morning nome sleep well" she spoke aloud hearing his footsteps. He meowed. She chuckles then takes a sip from her glass cup. He lept onto the table and yawned. Pawing the air for her attention. She sets her glass down looking at him "hmm?" She tilted her head to the side "hungery?" she asked him. He meowed louder this time. "Gotcha comming right up" she replies making scrambled eggs with veggies in them. after a few minutes brought him a bowl for him to eat. Nome ate but stopped suddenly as he buried his face in his fur coughing before he took a deep breath. "Nome are you okay?" She asked him with concern. She rushed over to him worried. He sneezed and bleped before leaping off the table and pawing the fridge.

Sage opens the fridge then pulls out some milk pouring it into a bowl for him. He dipped his mouth in and drank deep swallows. "I guess I made it spicy for you" she said watching him as she leaned against the counter. He pawed at the eggs before eating again. "What do you want to do? I don't go to work today" He meowed as he lept from the table and out the window into the yard. She opens the door walking into the yard following nome with curiosity.

Was last night just a dream was She really just following a cat around?

He lept up and in a swish of fur he was hunched over looking out across the back yard. "I enjoy your privacy living out of town is smart for a witch."

"not many people wanted to live here and it was something i can afford" she said to him. Still staring at him and not the view as it started to settle in more this wasn't a dream this was real she had just seen a cat become almost human.

"Why is that?" He asked one ear flopped to the side as he watched a bird."some said not close enough to the city and some of them told me they feel the land here is cursed in some way" she tells him reacounting what people told her.

"Mmm I do love a good curse spell. Well at least you have space to practice without incident."

"fair point. but i dont know any how would i be able to perform them?" she asked him watching birds fly around. He turned to face her his cat like grin flashing. "Why we get magic books for you of course. Don't forget as your familiar I'm also here to serve you meaning you may command me as you wish."

"where do we get the books and ill try to remember to keep that in mind nome" she said looking to him with a smile. "Casper Ally" He said as he stretched out his full height extending out. He seemed daughnting messy but he had his charm. "Sounds fitting umm if we are going somewhere i probably should wear more appropriate clothes instead of pajamas."

"You have witch attire?" He asked curiously.

"I dont know if it counts but my work dress is what i used when working at my job. it probaly doesnt count the more i think about it" she states as she paced thinking about it.

"I'll buy you a gown lets go to town" he tucked his tail in his pants buttoned his shirt retracted his claws His black nails still prominent a gentle top hat over his ears as he slid on white dress gloves the only accent in his all black attire that was as dark as his black hair.

"O-okay" she replied rubbing her arm seemingly shy about it.

she went inside to get dressed in a simple shirt and jeans with sneakers then put her hair up in a bun. after a few minutes she comes back out to him with her bag resting on her shoulder. "im ready nome" He looked her up and down before rolling his eyes at the basic attire and he began to walk down the road with her to the nearest dress shop not boosting sage's confidence in the slightest.

Sage followed him in silence not sure what to say while they make their way to the dress shop.

Nome walked in holding the door for her as they entered nome grabbed a tailor his red eyes and sharp smile making him look sadistic. "Why hello I need your assistance good man I need your finest black gown fitted to my beloved as soon as possible. " he ushered sage to the man. sage walked up to the man with a small smile. the man looks her up and down for a moment then states "im sure we have some that will fit your taste sir" the man signals sage to follow showing her some of the options she has to choose from.

Nome plucked a glass of champagne from a service tray as he plopped down leaning back he looked like he led a Mafia or worse sold illegal cargo.

the man helps sage into the first dress for her to try on. after a few minutes she walks out in front of nome "what do you think on this one sir" the man asked keeping his composure even though he felt a bit intimidated by nomes behavior. sage did a little spin letting the waves in the dress spread out and settle around her. The rose stitch work had light blue and gold hues to them. The gown itself felt like liquid and hugged her skin perfectly accenting her natural pale skin and her hair. The quality and intricate details made it seem more like a princess gown. It was like a dream what happened next though stunned her.

"Ill take it try another on." He said as he looked her up and down before sipping the champagne.

The dress Wes well over 1,000 dollers and he hadn't batted an eye over it.

The man nods leading sage back to the changing room to try another one. Sage returns in the next dress. This dress showed off her body's curve then fan out at mid thigh. The translucent ball gloves reach almost to her shoulders with a purple butterfly on them. The man has the other dress in a box setting it by nome on the couch. This dress was black with purple accents on it and gave her a more mature look. And Sage almost felt like she was going to have a heart attack if something spilled on the gown.

"I'll buy it too. Next gown. You look beautiful lovely he said casually as sage could only wonder how he planned to afford all of this much less if he could why was he out on the rain that day?"

Sage blushed at his compliment as she walks to the changing room with the man. she changed into the third dress while the man get the 2nd dress ready in a box. sage walks out the dress a bell shape with some ruffles. roses are scattered about it with majority of them clustering at the waist. the sashes give a starry appearance with dark long sleeves with a pair of light grey white colored gloves on her hands. her hat softly resting on her head with roses on top with a starry sash to hold it in place giving her a midnight garden vibes. the man set the 2nd dress ontop of the 1st one on the couch.

"You should have started with this I love it box it up try on another I need enough to last awhile" He said getting a fresh glass of champagne and a cookie.

All sage could wonder is how the hell he got a cookie in a dress shop?

The man and sage both nod heading back to the changing room. sage changes into the 4th dress. she walks out to nome. the dress is strapless bell shaped dress with gold colored stiching with a night sky design with a lace black choker and earing. a singal rose sitting on her hip to accent s nice mixture of simple and elegance. the man sets the 3rd dress on the others on the couch. "I'll take it. I want 1 more gown then get her some flexible dressy attire." He said as he dipped from his glass. "yes sir" the man heads to go searching for 2 more items for sage to try. "are you sure i need all of them nome?" sage asked him bashfully as she fiddles with the gloves on her hands. "Yes I expect you to at least have one for each day?" He said partially confused. "Okay that makes sense to have more than one" she said as she looked up to nome with a small smile. She stopped fidgeting and takes a deep breath. Her thoughts still lingering on the subject but for him he was to calm it was to... Normal.

"chin up love your beautiful." Nome said with a smile. She nods "thank you nome. They are very beautiful dresses" she admitted. The man returned " miss i have a dress for you to try" sage followed him to the changing room. She got into the dress then walked out to nome. The dress had wave layers. With blue and black accent colors with blue roses on the dress. Small silver chains are on the dress giving it a sparkle. With a simple black choker.

"Magnificent now the fresh outdoor attire I want 3 sets black bottoms tops can very in color." Nome was strangely specific with this.

sage followed the man back to the changing room and returns in one of the 3 sets of outdoor attire. the top is in a deep purple color she twirled in the heels making the frills in the pants fluff out. she has a black ribbon tied around her neck. "you have a very interesting taste for dresses nome. did your previous friend's have this style or is the type you prefer?" sage compliments him as she puts her hair up into a bun and the man returns with the other outfits in their boxes setting them with the others.

"It's simply attire fitting of you as a witch" He said shrugging.

she smiles to him "they are lovely indeed. what is next on the list after getting the outfits paid for?" she asked curiously while she looks over what she is wearing happy with the new look thats also the part she was concerned about paying for it all.

Nome handed the cashier a wad of cash from his back pocket before hearing the total as he looked at sage. "We go book shopping have you chosen what you want to wear out today?" Sage stained at the bundle of cash there had to be at least 10,000 in the stack of cars he placed on the table. "I have" she shows she is wearing the out going outfit with deep purple shirt with the ribbon chocker and heels. "Very well have these delivered to this address sir." He scribbled down the address and handed it to the cashier. The cashier nodded and said "right away sir have a good day" The man was like a greedy bandit as he eyed the cash hungrily. Then they get the items ready to deliver them. sage stood next to Nome watching the cashier move about. Nome collected his change and escorted sage out.